Was it right?
Was it right?
I'm really tired of seeing all the media coverage this nigress is getting. There is nothing to corroborate her child sex slavery story. Here's what we do know:
>she got in the victim's car willingly
>she shot him in the back of the head while he was lying in bed
>earlier in the process she said she "executed" him
more than likely she was just some gang whore who wanted to rob a dumb john.
Brock turner never killed anyone and he might have been falsely accused of his crimes
He fingered her for 10 seconds.
absolutely right. Two wrongs don't make a right so the little girl should have just run away instead of actually killing a person. The white guy was obviously finger banging a chick that was down for it and some white knights saw it and thought something else was happening. Classic regret from the female for letting herself get caught being human.
Was she actually willing or was she complying under duress?
can't be proven either way
Yes Brock Turner did nothing wrong. He was falsely accused by a drunken whore and a few cuck swedes who have been conditioned to believe that White male = rapist.
Also niggers belong in prison.
I don't get what this image is telling me I need to do.
Brock turner fingered some whore who was out cheating on her boyfriend then accused him of rape to save face. Whether or not she was conscious doesn't change the fact that she wanted it.
it's almost as if different cases can have different standards of evidence and thus result in different outcomes for the accused
Brock dindu nuffin.
Well that would clear up whether or not she acted in self defense and if the court cant disprove circumstances which would warrant self defense then how can they justly imprison someone? The burden of proof is on the court as we are innocent until proven guilty.
The picture implies white prople get special treatment in court,. One had a good lawyer the other a shit teir court appointed lawyer
She shot him in the back while he was lying in bed user.
Neither did anything wrong.
>Well that would clear up whether or not she acted in self defense and if the court cant disprove circumstances which would warrant self defense then how can they justly imprison someone?
No sane jury is going to look at her WILLINGLY getting into the victim's car and a gunshot wound in the back of the head as "self defense." She would need an actual and reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily harm for self defense to stick. .
I'm guessing the pedophile was a Jew?
More like fingerblasting a drunk whore while he was also drunk
>she murdered someone in cold blood
>he was falsely accused of rape
hmmmmm really makes me think
>leftists suddenly love gun rights
Different sentences for fingering than for murder. Crazy.
Ironic too, most based right wingers probably believe that rapists and murderers should both get the death penalty, along with gang members, etc. Without the leftists holding us back we could make their sentences more equal.
left killed a powerful cia nigger, right didnt, go figure
Actual leftists have always been pro-gun
why traffick something as ugly as that?
Was she 15 when she did this?
barely raped her lmao fucking morons. Didn't asault her either and he was shitfaced drunk moron
At worst she was trafficked by a pimp, and the dude she killed as just a typical john.
that guy DID got special treatment, he drag his victim to a dumpster, raped her, then two swedish guys riding bikes saw him, he tried t oescape but got tackled and when they got him he was laughing.
Then his defense said he was sorry and felt empathy for the victim (clear bullshit, he was laughing at the scene) and the judge gave him 6 months to not ruin his promising olympic swimming career.
That's special treatment 101. The fact that the olympic swimming federation then banned him for life afterwards proofs that the judge's consideration was based on his own views regarding rape as practically boys being boys.
>Was she 15 when she did this?
How is that relevant?
The circumstances of self defense require her to be in immediate danger under the law. She shot him with his own gun while he was asleep in his bed. The cherry on top of the whole thing is that it was in the back of the head.
The prosecution proved this in a court of law, if she doens't like it her attorneys can appeal it.
It's obvious that the victim was forced to get into the pedophiles car because he was white and in this day and age people of color can be murdered and the killer not charged cause the victim is black therefore must of been the bad person in all this. I have personally donated 10,000 euros to help her legal team get her out of this mess. I wish America was more tolerant like Europe is. It's no won see Europe has far less crime and jails
I believe the jury knew better.
Hell yeah. Free market bitch.
Fuck pedophiles and fuck all the ones in this thread
Perfectly nothing wrong with killing them
A jury of whites is not a jury, it's an execution squad
Maybe he was laughing when they tackled him because he wasn't an idiot and knew the farse he would have to endure in the near future and the absurdity of it made him laugh?
He didn't drag her out to the alley, they went out together and she was not passed out. She went on record saying she was at the club to hook up and was in a relationship at the time and her bf was not at the club with her. She got caught being adulterous and did what any woman would do in her situation: lie thru her teeth to save her own imagined self worth.
The media tried to make it out as something it wasn't. They purposefully misreported the events of the evening, then dropped the story when the trial started in earnest and all the testimony was out in the open and it contradicted their narrative at almost every turn. It was a hitjob.
this too, hang them in the square like the old days to make an example of 'em
Could you make it anymore unreadable faggot
It make a huge difference because you cant expect a 15 year old girl to think rationally in a situation like that. Her actions insured her escape. Also why did the pedo have a gun?
>leftists suddenly love gun rights
I'm going to assume being held against your own in a kidnapper's home would constitute immediate danger
Sorry it wasn't in pidgen or somali, but the general formatting is as good as it possibly could get. Its the entire article in a screenshot so you don't have to even do any work.
Now THAT'S what I call edgy
let me guess, the things written under the black girl is her version of the story and the things written under the white faggot is the version of the person accusing him, right?
Get off your mobile you stupid phone fag
The guy was convicted in California. Maybe California isn't right.
rape /=/ murder
She shot him before stealing his wallet, what's your excuses leftists???
Of course not considering Brock Turner never raped anyone.
This isn't even edgy, this is the actual truth, all those white knights on social media saying they would kill him and they hope he gets raped need to be put in an oven.
Cyntoia Brown is proven to be a murderer. Brock Turner is alleged to be a rapist. I guess the need for evidence to conduct a fair trial is racist.
Well, you could download the court transcript. I;ve posted the appellate court's ruling, one that affirmed the lower court's first-degree murder conviction.
>she said he asked for sex
>she said she asked for $200
>she said he counter offered $100
>she said they agreed to $150
>she said off they drive to his house.
>she said...
There were no witnesses. It's all she said.
BTW, the claimed pimp wasn't even around. He was in the hotel room they shared. She went out into the night on her own, bringing her own gun with her. We can't corroborate anything she said.
Turner was innocent.
You know an actual pimp hands out ass whoopins on a regular basis so of course she is going to go out on her own and make money.
>She shot him with his own gun
>She shot him with her gun, one she said she put in her own purse before leaving the hotel room which shared with the alleged pimp. Later, she said, she removed the gun and shot the fella.
She said she then stole some of the vicim's own guns to give to her boyfriend who she said was also her pimp.
What evidence do we have we was a pimp other than... she said?
...he, not we
>the things written under the black girl is her version of the story
that plus the massaging of the narrative by her activist allies. To make it more heart tugging.
>yeah she killed a man but also she was an enterprising whore
Brock Turner did nothing wrong. He tried to feel up some roastie slut who can't handle alcohol when two Swedes (cucks) were walking by and decided he was raping her.
I don't even know whether or not she was a whore. She claims she was one. Based on her blood work we know she abused drugs. She claimed she used cocaine and other hard drugs with her boyfriend who she claimed pimped her out. The toxicology report confirms hard drugs. But that night she says he didn't join her and she went out on her own after putting her gun in her purse. The boyfriend never testified because he was murdered a few weeks after this murder.
>I think much of the claims about sex work were fabricated to give her an out. She's a clever girl. The psychologists who evaluated her tested her IQ at 134. This is in the testimony too.
How about a chaste girl or a girl that have had sex only one man. I personally know two of the first kind (Both cute) and many of the latter (two of them still in their 20s). Are your charts applicable to them?
And btw you condemn Muslims because they rape our women and yet when one of them is raped by a western man you end up using the same rationale they use: "Sluts deserve to be raped". Ain't that a bit hypocritical?
Murder is always worse than rape, no matter the circumstances. Drinking to the point of unconsciousness is not rape. You willingly subject yourself to such intocication, just as those who commit suicide. Whether you regret it or not, you chose to do it, and you will see the consequences of your actions. Those who kill themselves cannot take it back, those who have sex while intoxicated cannot take it back. Both are direct results from direct actions.
Not to mention both were equally intoxicated. Neither had any knowledge of what happened nor any faculty during. It would make as much sense to jail the woman, if we were genderblind.
Spot on.
Didn't he get leaves and dirt in her cunt? I can well believe he fingered her after she passed out. If she hadn't passed out it would have been consensual. But if she was unconscious he should have chalked it up as a fail and that's it.
Whatever you think of slaggy women, he is a creep and should have stopped.
She's 28/29 now
Murder is a bad thing.
>15 year old with breasts and hips
Do words mean whatever we want them to?
>Rape is worse than murder
How could anyone believe this?
Yeah and if you get robbed whilst intoxicated you're an idiot but I'd still want the thief prosecuted. It's not black and white.
Murder is worse then rape. Fuck off.
>Brock: Whore wanted to be raped
>Nigress: her Jon didn't want to die.
Seems pretty open and shut to me boys, lock her up!
but murdering a pedophile isn't murder?
being robbed while intoxicated is a loss of lawful material possession in a unlawful mannor, having sex while drunk is not. If you managed to go through the process of transferring ownership of a vehicle in a method that is acceptable to transfer your car to the thief, then the thief is now the lawful owner of the car. It may be possible to retrieve the vehicle, but it will not be as easy as throw the thief in jail because you said so.
>One glorious quote
>"How he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school
This is how it works in western society. Most women who get "raped" are simply sluts. Of course there are cases of normal girls getting brutally raped by psychos but they are relatively rare.
If you're so intoxicated that you can't say no wtf are you doing with your life