Should women be able/forced to serve in the military?

Should women be able/forced to serve in the military?

Should they be completely banned?
Should they be discouraged?
Should they be encouraged?
Should they not be able to serve at all?

Why/Why not?

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The first born daughter of every family should be drafted for the final crusade. I will not rest until this becomes reality.

Women can totally serve in the military. You don't need to be a big muscle guy to control a drone, or to do repairs.

The army is much more than field combat. You need engineers, mechanics, medics, etc, etc.

If they want to and meet requirements why not?

lmao women are not made for fighting. this came painfully obvious to me when i had to work with female """"soldiers"""" in the army.

is this a 1pbop?

Should women be able/forced to serve in the military?
sure if they want to die for a country that doesnt give shit about their citizens go ahead... the world doesnt need idiots

Should they be completely banned?

Should they be discouraged?
only if the country is an ethno-state

Should they be encouraged?

Should they not be able to serve at all?
only in an ethno-state

Women should be forced to sign up for the draft if they're going to vote.

Comfort women are a necessity in all future conflicts as they have been in those prior.
So yes.

Women should not be in the military; not only are they less physically capable, the female mindset does not conform with that required for military operations, and most importantly, the addition of females to a predominantly male environment completely changes the social dynamics and not in a good way.

Women should most certainly be allowed to join military auxiliaries, but must be kept far away from the operations side of things.

women are bad on the battle ground

Everyone should have to do minimum 2 years. But that would never happen because if it did, no democrat would ever get elected again.

They should be able to receive some military training related to self-defense, survival and military ethics (hahaha).

I can think of a few reasons.

Women are more prone to submission and have a more feeling-driven mind.

Women serving in the front can endanger men by making them do stupid things in order to protect the female (which is in a man's biology to do)

If a lot of women die there will be less child bearing women to repopulate the state. One man can have ten children with ten wives in a year but a woman can only have one about every 2 years so repopulating will be more difficult. Men are to some extent expendable, whilst women are not.


YO MORTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Johnny Jihad doesn't get his virgins if killed by a woman, or so I hear. So I'm all for it.

And I have a fetish for tough as nails women (albeit ones that are still hot. No lesbos, trannies, or butches). A strong woman should challenge a man's manhood, to help him become more of a man.

Also, imagine a group of 10 men being held hostage by the enemy

Now imagine 10 women being held hostage by the enemy.

Should women be able/forced to serve in the military? absolutely not

Should they be completely banned? yes
Should they be discouraged? yes
Should they be encouraged? no
Should they not be able to serve at all? yes, total ban.

If they want to serve a combat role they should be drafted into female companies like the Sovietis had so they don't distrust the social hierarchy that's been established in the military like someone above said. They should serve backup roles, because I don't see a woman carrying 15kg of equipment in a battle scenario that last a long period of time.

Would you elaborate as to why?

>Women serving in the front can endanger men by making them do stupid things in order to protect the female (which is in a man's biology to do)
eh, i was in the military as a medic for awhile and honestly I would be less prone to helping a female over a male if both were injured. Saving a male over a female is just a better management of resources.

My main concern with women is if they get captured and they have intel they would sing like a canary if captured.

because it's bad for the cohesion of the group
they are forbidden in the legion for this reason

They can operate remote combat systems like UAVs or modern fighter planes.
I guess artillery is fine as well, though the shells are kinda heavy to reload.
Infantry though, hell no. Only if they fight female-only infantry, otherwise they will get destroyed and will only drag their unit down as both team cohesion and squad performance would drop in mixed units

>all things that men are better at

seeand to add, women do not have the temperament nor the mental aptitude to handle the stress of a wartime environment.


No, but they should be forced to either do civil service or spend 6-12 months to undergo Lotta Svärd trainingärd

i also dont think females should be permitted to be pilots. If they get shot down they would be a liability.

If you want voting rights you have to fight for them, its pretty easy.

Logistics, medical related task, food, none should see the front lines.

>appealing to a vidya game
Get out of the gene pool and go sit in the corner.

exactly, so they should be stripped of citizenship.

If they wanna vote, yes.

Isn't there nowadays like ten mooks at the rear for every soldier that actually participates in combat? Even if one considers women too weak to fight surely they could perform these auxiliary duties. I say draft them.

they should be allowed to serve in any role that doesn't require combat, intelligence, technical skill, or something that would lead to soldiers dying because of a mistake being made by them

The place of women is between the fist and the kitchen.

Most vets I talk to are fine with it, primarily because of how they're hired in. MRAs are under the misconception that they have lower physical standards. They don't, rather they have lower "fitness standards." There's a fitness test before they send you to basic training, and there are separate scales for men and women. That is, to be considered "fit" for training, a woman doesn't have to run as quickly as a man, or have the same bmi or what have you. A fit woman is a different creature from a fit man, but not necessarily less able to carry out a given task. You pass the fitness test, get trained, and then you're actually tested for combat readiness using an obstacle course of some sort. There are no separate scales for this. You can either do it or you cannot. But, the thing is that a woman who can pass the fitness test on the women's scale is as likely to pass the combat readiness test as a man who passes the fitness test on the men's scale. A man who passes on the woman's scale but fails on the man's scale tends to yield poor results in training.

This is how America does it, and America's military is simply sublime in its efficiency. Other military forces in the world adopt cute little recruitment mission statements about diversity and accessibility. That's cute. The American military's mission statement is "Victory through overwhelming strength."

Men are biologically wired to protect women. It's like how people have such strong reactions to baby's crying, whether a desire to console the baby, a hatred of the sound and an urge to shut it up, or anything in between, this is because the sound of a human baby crying is highlighted by our brain, and it's the same for women. Their fearful shreaking in combat will make men panic and confused, and the sight of wounded females will kill morale. To a man, it's literally like watching a small child fight, competency aside.

There should be a standard of fitness and capability not based on gender. If you can make the standard, you're in. If you can't make the standard, you're in remedial training until you make it or wash out. Less women will make it in, but the ones fit to be in a battle will be allowed in. Same with men. Also, men and women will be segregated.

MRAs are all beta soyboys who never enlisted.

Women should breed. Kids should fly drones and shit instead of gaming. The men are on the ground keeping up technlogy and moving in the big pieces and colonizes the adversaries women.

All women disallowed in military and police force.

>Victory through overwhelming strength."

Yes just find as many low IQ retards who would be completely destitute without the gubment monies


>Should they be completely banned?
then who will the troops make love with each other?

thats gay so I'm all for militarized hookers

This. If the workplace functions better without them, keep them out. If it functions well with both sexes, let them work. Just keep them off the god damn battlefield.

dude, the standards for the military are shit. Women have to do less than 15 pushups for example. It's laughable pathetic, and honestly the only cunts that join the military are of the same mindset of SJW's. They want to be able to virtue signal to their cunt friends, which is why all they do is take selfies in their uniforms.

What are you talking about? What vidya game?

t: differentfag

>first muslim female army ranger
>transport hits IED
>insurgent ambush
>can't see because your burqa is in the way
>drop your weapon and assume prayer stance, hope allah forgives you for this transgression
>remove burqa
>civilians approach you in arabic
>"hey im a tolerant muslim"
>get raped because youre out alone without a man/burqa

I'm not an MRA but I am definitely sexist and I served.

It's funny that one of the biggest milatary powers of the acient world (byzantium) recomended the soldiers to have romantic relationships with each other to improve their fighting skills and they were unstopable. (Not saying that fags should be let to the milatary).

They should not be allowed to fight because they're not good at fighting. In combat, hand to hand, I could snap a woman's neck in seconds. Our enemies could do the same to our women.

They belong at the house, making babies, cooking food and keeping the home.

that was greece. Athens particularly.

i could smash your mommys cunt with my pinky finger

Men are better at everything so why would you let women go out there and do things slower and worse for the sake of "equality"?

Funny you'd say that. Most vets I know are relatively intelligent men. It'd be hard to gather even that much from them otherwise.
You shouldn't assume that someone who hasn't been through higher education is stupid, particularly if they decided to refine other aspects about themselves instead (ie. their body). They might not be mathematician material (and someone like that would probably make a terrible soldier anyway), but they might be able to do more than a lot of people on here.
I think you're a tad confused about something. I've never heard of anything like what you're talking about.
"That" actually something is vets have a problem with. The military has lately been making uniform exceptions for things like Sikhs. It's a laughably small portion of their combat force anyway, but it kicks morale in the dick and makes for hilarious (and rather gross) situations.
You probably aren't going to see a burqa in the military, but you might see some brown fucks with camo-turbans and absolutely rancid beards. You might also see them gasping on the floor because they took too long trying to negotiate said beards into a gas mask.

It was taken by Byzantium later it isn't mainstream knowledge but they did that at Alexander the greats time.

the jew knows

Yes they should be, but both of us know that will never happen so im okay with they serving as cannon fodder.

Women should go through military training but they should be limited to reserves or Auxiliaries forces.

IMHO, all women should be completely banned from serving in military. Not only they're physically incapable of being good warriors, but they also are pretty useless in every other field of work. I could provide some examples from my military service, but I'm lazy as fuck, so no.