Did everybody forget about Debbie and the Awans?

Day of the Rope when?

Other urls found in this thread:


The DOJ sure did


probably ded

Nope. The legal process is slow by design.

All the focus is on the sex stuff now so Congress can quietly pass FISA 502 which is critical for national security. After it passes we'll see more about the Awans and the way Obama abused power and weaponized the intel community for political purposes. FISA lead to Seth Rich being exposed as the leaker. Awans involved in his death. Public would never allow 502 to pass if they knew how it was being abused so we won't hear about all this stuff until after it's approved.

we need more people like you making threads. these people need to go down.


>these people need to go down

They will. Just wait.

SKIP TO 2:40
anyone remember this gem?

Wonderful Debbie. She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

>somebody actually paying attention to the real politics
reeeeeeee go away shill

in order for some action to occur, whatever it may be...
requires you pol shits to leave the computer, and we all know that won't happen.
so your fantasies of justice, purge, war will never happen. ever.
because you pol shits are the epitome of cowards.

Awan is being passed this week fisa is later but theres seven others going like the health and mental health of cops

notice she first tries to use diversity as a slidethread, a smokescreen and a semi-violent way to make him feel uncomfortable
i bet he knows a bit of what she's guilty of, but can't do shit right now

No one talks about serious issues here. It's just sweden yes and amerimutt memes. Go to 8ch if you actually want to talk about current events.

>i bet he knows a bit of what she's guilty of, but can't do shit right now
this probably sums up most of DC law enforcement and the oversight committees in general

It's better for the shit to hit the fan closer to mid-term elections.

Obviously you've never been on the receiving end of criminal charges

>go to cripple chan
>filter catalog by bump order
>make intelligent comment in popular thread
>four hours later not a single post has been added to the thread
>filter catalog by post date
>every thread is old af
>two days later a cripple fag (You)s my post
>says "polite sage"
>uses a spoiler box

kek. Yeah I don't post there but when you're in the mood to learn something their investigation threads and Awan scandal threads and all that beat the shit out of this place

Her face is burned into my head. You really can't forget something horrendous like that.

I didn't forget.

>this is how I dress for eating babies.


1. Imran Awan stole thousands of $ in IT equipment
2. Did IT work for dems in fuckin' Pakistan for MONTHS at a time!!
3. Made 7 million from reps, somehow had the power to get relative's employed by HOR while doing nothing and being paid thousands
4. Dozens of federal crimes via lying on forms, which house Dems refused to prosecute (spent hundreds on a stapler, lied about employment etc...)
5. Proved The DNC emails were downloaded locally, literally impossible for Russians to have done so given speed of download
6. TERRABYTE OF DATA SIPHONED OFF AND DOWNLOADED- They genuinely talked about the democrats being blackmailed, or having confidential information accessed through their offices being given to terrorists
7. Awan sent dozens of ipads, phones, laptops and other equipment to Pakistan

I genuinely can't ducking believe that the media control over info is so strong that nobody knows this. Even normies would know how huge if they ever heard this

>Did everybody forget about Debbie and the Awans?

Nope. And nothing will come of it. Not since the investigating prosecutor was her fucking brother.




God bless that autist

holy shit I didn't realize it was this bad. no wonder the shills are always on high alert
