What are black people #1 in?
What are black people #1 in?
affirmative action hires and fatherless households
beeing degenerates and primitive at the same time
talking loudly
Melanin content of skin
Violent crime
Cultural Appropriation. Don't even get me started on the pentatonic scale.
Sup Forums hot topics
incarceration rates
Spreading STD's
Murder, prison population, abortions, drug use, blacks are apparently quite talented at being subhuman
doin' nuffin'
not being able to stand in line successfully
sickle cell anemia
Robbing Liquor stores
Theft / Murder / Rape / Being single mothers / Creating single mothers
>Don't even get me started on the pentatonic scale.
Uh, what? The pentatonic scale isn't "white" if that's what you think.
I've been to Hot Topics...no blacks
So many things, user!
OK, it's not "white" by Scandinavian standards, but it is by Celtic standards. Here's a modern version of the scale that was shared by Scots to fellow slaves in the US South during the 1800s.
If you are unfamiliar with Waulking, then you are unfamiliar with pentatonic scales origin. Have fun spending the rest of the day realizing "black" music is really just bastardized Celtic music.
Now, add a lute, and you get blues.
Add a banjo, and you get Bluegrass.
Add a horn, and you get jazz.
You're welcome.
>blacks are 13% of the american population
>well over half of all violent crime is committed by blacks
>over 90% of the violent crime committed by blacks is committed by black males
>so it turns out that 6.5% of the population commits over half of all violent crime
>wait, some of that 6.5% are still young children or are too old to do too much
>so you be sayin' that about 3.5% of the population commits over half of all violent crime in a country of over 300 million?
>so you be sayin' that about 3.5% of the population commits over half of all violent crime in a country of over 300 million?
Yes, that's correct. A significant number of all slaves in the US were white. My grandmother was (essentially, by bank standards) an indentured servant in the US South until ~1947 when her family was kicked of the land they worked for the farmer that couldn't pay his mortgage on the farm he never owned.
All that "black music culture" you enjoy today was started centuries before in Scotland/Ireland.
ego issues
So then explain asian traditional music. The pentatonic scale shows up there too, in fact they hardly ever use any other scale than the pentatonic.
The pentatonic shows up everywhere in old traditional music because it's basic as fuck. And yeah, big shock, black music in America was hugely influenced by white music. It goes the other way, too.
Pic related
OK, in all fairness let's consider 2 possibilities:
1. Your (and to an extent, my) ancestors absorbed some cultural influence from Mongols trading with them, and eventually the vikings enriched Scotland/Ireland as they raped/razed across to North America 500 years before any other Europeans (so, Asians had it first).
2. Pentatonic scale, much like the theory of Human Biodiversity (HBD), was a cultural "achievement" independent/irrespective of creed/ethnicity.
Regardless, the "black people invented blues/jazz" meme is complete horse shit. The groups of people that came over from Africa were exposed to settlers/slaves from Ireland/Scotland, then were shown a few things (lutes, scales, etc.), then they --appropriated-- this new found way of doing music, integrated with some tribal stuff, and "invented" something.
At the very least, most music genres in the US are a half white and black co-creation, and a significant number of music "hits" today are nothing more than poorly thought out and unoriginal remakes of those classics from about the 1920s - 1960s.
But that was the original point of the post. They are #1 in cultural appropriation.
Offensive body odour
I don't know, what?
entertaining white people
Making degenerate music
the jewish producers make the "music," the nogs just mumble over the music and then the producers autotune the voice
Actually the rappers get turnt out in order to get a fat contract, the Jews take them to clubs and get them to do gay shit in the VIP section as a sort of intiation
>At the very least, most music genres in the US are a half white and black co-creation,
Sounds like an argument against the concept of "appropriation" to me, instead you embrace it and turn it around on the blacks.
And no, the vikings didn't get any musical influence from the mongols. The viking age was over long before the mongols started moving about. The asians definitely did not "have" the pentatonic scale first, that's completely ridiculous.
Pleasing white women.
Sports(handegg/ shooty hoops)
Being the main reason why countries fail
And human regression
Killing each other
>What are black people #1 in?
In dibs...
All pictures are from porn lol
Also forgot to say
Victim points
>Offers disagreement
>Doesn't offer any explanation
If I taught you the Pythagorean Theorem and told you the various uses it could provide you, then you turn around and build a triangle box that becomes world renown for storing jewelry, and had the audacity to claim you "invented" it, then I'd be a bit pissed about not getting the least amount of credit for the baseline for your "invention".
You've tried to argue by turning over the board, but that sort of shit doesn't work here.
Rapes and murders
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...
Sorry, meant to post this link with it also:
It's literally the major scale with two steps removed. To think that any stupid fuck couldn't come up with it and that it didn't spring up independently throughout the world due to its basic nature is going against the entire subject of ethnomusicology. You should write a paper on it and revolutionize the whole field if you are so sure. All of music can be traced back to the mongols, wonderful thesis.
oh shit i know that music video!
Sports most definitely, especially basketball and football.
gibsmedat gibs
good god that even was on fucking youtube
pretending to be white on pol
dicks and running
>What are black people #1 in?
Killing other black people.
hmm thats only 9 niggers sweetie
Child abandonment.
being niggers
The highest number of royalty
OK, I'm wasting my time here, but go ahead and RE-READ this post where you just got that idea from me. Appropriation; #1. For a Nord, you sure do argue like a Jew.