Redpill me on EU Sup Forums

What's so wrong with EU anons?

Are you against a united Europe?

>What's so wrong with EU
It exists

Why exactly is it neccessary to import millions of third world foreigners to have a united europe again?

I appreciate the fact that our countries are somehow connected desu

The highest court of my country is in a foreign country.

My country has to subsidise foreigners by virtue of foreign law.

My country has to let in foreigners by virtue of foreign law.

My country is part of a foreign alliance that has its own national anthem that takes precedence over my own country's national anthem.

My country has to follow laws proposed by an unelected body in a foreign country and enforced by another unelected body in a foreign country.

My country has watched as European identity has been intentionally distorted in meaning to equate to being member of an artificial political union that does not celebrate the heritage of a thousand years of its own history, but glorifies in fiscal slavery and destroying the working classes of its own members in the name of GDP growth.

That is just 3% of what it wrong with the EU.

It's calm and quiet but that's just because people are kind of oppressed. They worship the state and quietly submit to all their demands. Slowly EU was beginning to thug on their strings a bit too much and now everyone starting to get a little pissed because the outside presence has made itself known. Obviously major cities have heroin junkies and homeless people. Growing problems. Growing immigration. Growing Crime! Dying Christianity! Growing Islam! That's the EU!

> did you mean G-many?


It's anti european.

>What's so wrong with EU anons?
>Are you against a united Europe?

> live in a cuntry fucked by G-mans in WW2
> join a union so war will never happen again
> as a kid learn about war crimes, atrocities, public shootings
> visit camps, read stories
> suddenly they take over your country
> you are again a subhuman

wat do?

What's right with it?

>What's so wrong with EU anons?
everything basically


pay debts

how about you pay your debnts too?

To be honest i'm all for a united Europe. We can serve our own interests much better than 'best allies' can. We don't need Washington, we don't need Moscow, we don't need Beijing. We can leave the door open, but if we're united, they have to oblige by our terms, as we're the biggest economical block on the planet.

Imagine the possibilities if Europe fully cooperated in the economic, cultural and military field. It would be unstoppable.

We're against socialist EU ran by filthy kikes.

Don't worry, we'll be an unstoppable Caliphate soon.

Remnants of soviet union, litteral dinosaurs subverted a trade deal into a government form and litterally every country under it accepts it because they are sleeping and shall be kept so.



Literally nothing. Sup Forums is against it because it was conditioned by kremlin bots.

You're right. Both conservative Americans and the Kremlin fear a united Europe.

Deliberately bombing civillians to make refugees come to Europe, and at the same time using the refugees to divide Europe using shills.

>Deliberately bombing civillians to make refugees come to Europe
Then why are african refugees who aren't getting bombed joining the fun? are you getting paid to defend the soviet european union?

>are you getting paid to defend the soviet european union
Is that a possibility? I would.

What else could i expect you to say germany?

>What's so wrong with EU anons?
it exists
>Are you against a united Europe?

So is that all?
Just a stupid plan which might not even be true?