Why is there not more of this yet??
What the fuck do I watch now to fill this void.
Fuck this.
Why is there not more of this yet??
What the fuck do I watch now to fill this void.
Fuck this.
You read the secondary source like everyone else. Murata>Madhouse>ONE
naisu baitu desu
It's not that good, user. You'll get over it.
>What the fuck do I watch now to fill this void.
Some anime that's actually good.
Here's your reply.
No seriously- It has really been a while since I enjoyed watching something this much. I fear that everything will be downhill for me now for quite some time now...
All I want is them to do a OVA series like hellsing got. None of this 3 books 12 ish ep bs
Mob Psycho 100. It's pretty much the same except the MC isnt a running gag for being ridiculously overpowered.
Reminder to take it easy when criticizing One Punch Man. One punch defenders are exceptionally voracious.
They've allowed their personal self-esteem get wrapped up in the show. They believe themselves clever for decoding symbolism on their own for the first time, and they are unable to realize that every one else understands it.
When you attack the show for being simplistic, they perceive it as an attack on them, because they genuinely thought more of themselves for understanding a "deep" show.
So, it's probably just better to let them be, since they won't allow themselves to believe any critique.
btw, this is a rec thread
Why do you keep copypasting this everywhere faggot
Insicurity issues. Everyone has to justify themselves somehow. This is his way.
See what I mean? Tread carefully around one punch man fans, for they are delicate indeed.
He came back!
I recommend you explore the manga and the doujins spawned by it, like the surprisingly good DBZ crossover doujin.
OP here, dude I just thoroughly enjoyed the show. Take it easy, big fellow
>They believe themselves clever for decoding symbolism on their own for the first time
>EVA pic attached
expert use of irony *gilds*
>What the fuck do I watch now
Something good.
>surprisingly good DBZ crossover doujin.
I'm assuming by this you mean it doesn't immediately devolve into "*PUNCHes Goku* Heh, nothing personnel, kid" or "SAITAMA CAN'T BREATH IN SPACE, IF HE MISSED THE MOON, HE'D DIE" crap like every other time DBZ and OPM are mentioned in the same sentence.
>When you attack the show for being simplistic
That's part of it's charm. It goes down easy, like a summer lager. Someone getting mad that OPM was a simple anime is like someone getting mad because they heard AC/DC is only 3-chord rock.
That's kind of the point.
Look up the actual material instead of making assumptions.
I found OPM to be one of the most insufferable shows in a while. Easily some of the most bland and boring directing I have ever seen outside of the fights. Speaking of which, I only remember the first and last that happened, I can't recall a single thing that happened in between except the incredible struggle to stay awake.
>tfw we spent years enduring this shitty filler Murata arc
>tfw S2 will consist of nothing but this shitty filler arc and well have to wait even longer for S3 to get actual good material
>tfw ONE hasnt touched the webcomic in months
No matter how you look at it OPM isnt in a good place right now
Everything is being written by ONE.
Doesnt stop it from feeling like filler.
Every single chapter its been "here comes this disposable villain to pad time for S2" and there hasn't been anything truly interesting since the Metal Bat fight.
Maybe ONE wants to wrap OPM up so he slows down so Murata can catch up and end it around the same time.
ONE is wrapping up Mob Psycho so if anything hes going to dedicate more time to OPM soon.
Here's your reply. Again.
Shiki still wrecks Saitama
Mob psycho 100?
He's still pretty OP though.