Potus soon to disclose Secret Space Program (Solar Warden)



Other urls found in this thread:


>huffingtonpost co uk/darren-perks/solar-warden-the-secret-space-program_b_1659192.html

That larper is still tweeting?

You have to go back.

And we've gone completely around in a circle now.

Also soft disclosure through suggestions to create space corp by d.j.t. ?


>Solar Warden
>Wardenclyffe tower


"Trump is totally going to tell the world about the AYYYYYY LMAOWWWS"

*Put me in the screen cap Q user!!"

its happening boys , its official now .


that "larp" started in october, I fail to see what that tweet brings to the table

god you're so embarrassing

>victory of the larp sending emails to himself claiming they're leaks
100 bucks thats the q larper aswell

I fail to see what VOTL has to do with any serious discussion of anything.

Name one thing that fuck has said that has come true. It's fucking David Seaman. He has built a LARP empire.

>Barbara Marciniak, longtime channeler of Pleiadians

solar warden ''rebranded'' as ''space corps'' or in other words - disclosure

The SOC began Formation back in 1974 in what is called the Original Historical Timeline or OT. Four Nations founded the SOC and over the course of the years swelled to 12 Nations. What is now called the United States of America, (a result of 5 Major Historical Timeline Changes from "Resets" in an attempt to correct and bring the Changing Timelines back to the OT), had built and Launched its one and only Independent Main Fleet Ship called a "Cruiser" back on May 12, 1981. Of the 12 Nations that formed the SOC, 8 of them had 1 or 2 Independent Cruisers and most had several smaller 3 man Fighter Crafts. In 1993, it was decided that to avoid some of the Conflicts seen on Earth among many different Nations, including some in the SOC, that the SOC would become it's OWN entity. It has since been run Independently of any Nations and of old Loyalties to those Nations The Government is run much like the World Government in the OT with a President who presides over the entire SOC which consists of 4 Fleets of Ships. The 4 Fleets are run much like Individual Nations under the SOC with Governors, Chancellors, and Endermen.

The Fleet Ships all use an Electro-Magnetic Shielding (EMS) that not only Deflects Projectile and Energy Based Weapons, it also has the ability to Phase or Cloak whatever object it is Shielding. The basic theory and production of the EMS is the direct result of many Scientists throughout history but the largest contributions were from a little known Scientist who has had the majority of his work "Scrubbed" from History, the notorious Capt. Jack Sparrow. He along with some other Scientists were able to discover and prove the theoretical formulas behind Electro-Magnetic and Gravity. One of the biggest breakthroughs for the EMS and the Propulsion and Power Supplies used in the Ships as well as the ability to "Fold" Space and Time enabling the ability to cross long distances of Space (Interstellar Space Travel) in very short periods of time.

>Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC)

Focused mainly on development and aquisition of technology by any means. Develop and Produce Technology for Commerce with Earth and Off World Groups in a Barter System and left nothing off the table that they were willing to trade. Very powerful, very classified, and Always had all of the latest technology and “Toys” at their disposal.

They hoard most of the highly advanced tech. It is a huge industry with a huge infrastructure in space that produces extremely high technology for Human Breakaway Civilizations and civilizations from other star systems. There is also a huge barter system in which human trafficking/trading happens in order to acquire new technologies to engineer and produce for our breakaway civilizations and to trade under treaties with other civilizations. They can also receive biological materials in exchange. Even “missing” artwork has been traded off for this purpose.

They recruit new talent by giving false promises of a utopian-like living conditions. They are made to feel very special. They are “saving the human race and their families” by moving to a colony on Mars or elsewhere. Security then recruits each family to a 8x10 room. They are then given their “assigned work duties.” Children there are set up in arranged marriages. At this point, they become slave labor and prisoners. These people are used in human trafficking.

When these colonies were first established, they were done so in a fascist way to prevent a repeat of the “13 Colonies Rebellion.”

sounds like blue chicken cuck to me

thank you sir

fuck off with your lrarper, idiot