Why can't any of you faggots get along?

I would at least expect Saberfags and Rinfags to get along, what with those two eating each other out on the weekends and all.

Why did you even bother including wormslut? This is a debate between Saber and Rin, don't drag that trash into this.

Saber is old and busted. Pic related is new hotness.

I'm not the problem, I am a calm, respectable human.

Now if the FUCKING Rinfags would just act the same then we could all get along, but they refuse.

Sakuraclones > Sakura



Considering how often Sakurafags post clone picks when trying to talk about her you're probably right.

except Jeanne Alter is old and busted as well.

Alterfags are disgusting
So are you. Arturia is awful no matter what form she takes. Only true Arthur is Proto

Yeah, with Rin also being a Saberfag herself and Saber's master in the good ending.

>Jeanne Alter is old and busted

She is in the top three most popular new Servants introduced with Scathach and Shuten user.

The real question is, which clone stands above the rest?

I still don't see the appeal.

>tfw I don't even play the game and I have a folder for her, the regular one, and the loli


>Aoi Yuuki

She has some great way to attract people.

>Liking a fuckboi

I want Sensei to teach me.

She's going to make dinner and no one can stop her.

rocket science

I love all Fate girls

Except Sakura, she's merely "okay"

>Sabers the only one they hate on for no reason

Mostly enjoyable just to se her be the most chunni edgey character in Fate.

Bryn is what happens when she want's a harem.

I love Saber and Rin. Sakura I just have rape/whiteknight fantasies with but I still dislike her.

>Sakura, Saber and Rinfags just can't ever get along.
>Favorite is Medea and can live in peace.
I just want a quiet life.

It used to be just >FUCK WORMSLUT back before 2012. Fate fanbase has only become more cancerous over time.

Luvia best girl
Evil Illya also best
Fuck everyone else
Saber is cool though

Oh ok, he can summon her to his side without using up a command seal. Then what the fuck was the big deal about summoning her? Faggot knew she was always sitting around worried about if he was dead when he was hours late, just call her to your side and be like: Yeah, I'm fine.

Nigga what? Summoning a servant from afar requires a command seal.

People calling Sakura wormslut have always been the most cancerous.

come to 31day

I just wish Caren gets any spotlight other than baby Caren from Gatcha servants.

I'm an Illyafag, personally.
But Rin is also pretty great.
Saber is good.
I'm pretty much indifferent towards Sakura, but her being the heroine of the best route and being the best waifu for Shirou specifically (IN MY OPINION, to be fucking clear) surely gets her quite a few points as well.

I love she

Smug Spear Man has evolved to Smug Staff Man.

I don't think anyone can even argue against Medea being literally the perfect waifu t b h.

Have you met the other guys? They're douchebags.

Any who do are fools.

Well at the very least thats the only one that takes from the novel. Rin's forced Memes are just shitposting for the sake of it.

The man transformed himself newly.

>the worst thing you can say about Saber is that she is shit

Admit it

She won this the moment she entered.

I'll give you her panties.

>thats the only one that takes from the novel. Rin's forced Memes are just shitposting for the sake of it.

Because they don't like and thus best girl Rider.

Kek has spoken

Loli Medea is nice as well. Though dissapointed we are Getting a Lily figure before a new F/SN one.

>literal Sup Forumsfag
Every fucking time.

Much derivation was made for Saber too much.

Ishtar > Rin


>knows how to please a man

The shitposting is quite low by comparison, but it's still there.

But I like the Tohsaka sisters, and Saber is tolerable when she's not the love interest.

Fuck off Kuzuki.

A rider increased, too. I hesitate about who is best.

Good taste.

Swap Rin and Illya in that list and that's pretty much my opinions as well.

Damn you showed me. That's a good find.

Sakura is good the problem is that she is always compared to girls that are in a completely other spectrum. Maybe she would of had a better Fate if the heroines were as broken and controversial as her.

I love my Greek Dom wife.

She's good in the sense that if you removed her from Fate then she'd probably be a good person. Within the context of the story she ends up betraying everyone who is trying to save her. Meanwhile, Saber, Shirou and Rin are all written as selfless characters.

>Meanwhile, Saber, Shirou and Rin are all written as selfless characters.
I'm not quite sure if that would hold for Rin.
I'd like to think she'd use her gem to save any student that got caught up in Grail War and died and not just Shirou, but I'm not 100% sure.
She definitely isn't like her father in terms of moral choices though, which is a good thing.

Ma nigga.

Oh boy, here we go again.

All of them are shit!

Pretty much this. HF and Sakura harken back to Nasu's older works like Tsukihime which didn't shy away from moral ambiguity and complex characterization, while the other heroines and routes of F/SN are much more generic and casualized to appeal to a more mainstream audience. You have to read HF carefully to understand Sakura, unlike Saber or Rin who neatly fit into shounen action heroine archetypes.

I think Gilgamesh would disagree.

Edgy =/= Deep

Sakura was not deeper than Saber or Rin.

You are right. Rin is not completely selfless, but she plenty selfless already so its fine.

To be fair, I think even Rin had a deeper characterization in HF.
I certainly liked her far better there than in the other routes.

The problem is that Sakura is a lot harder to tolerate than the other "broken heroine" - Kohaku, who despite being a worse person, is a more interesting character that did shit. Even in her route, Sakura had no active presence until she finally snapped and absorbed the mud, and that's 80% of the route. The rest is yada yada I want to kill myself but I can't, blah blah I want to be happy but I can't.

This desu

Clearly too deep for you, at least.

Why is Rin such a lesbian?

She is not, but her life is.

That one scene doesn't make Rin selfless obviously. She may or may not have done it for any random student You have to look at the entire novel and the actions of the characters throughout to come to a conclusion. The 3 mentioned constantly put their lives on the line for each other and random strangers and acquaintances. That's why they're selfless. Rin specifically isn't as idealist as Shirou obviously.

I'm a Rinfag, but the old men meme is just hilarious.

I guess that'd be a side effect for having all 3 routes to develop Saber and Rin, but having to cram all of Sakura's character in one route.
Might also be why so many complain about the cooking in HF.
That said, I wouldn't change anything on HF, considering what we've got in the end.

Yeah I don't get why some fans get triggered by dumb memes. The memes now serve as filler or bumps for threads since this fanbase has barely anything to discuss now.

That reminds me, how's FHA's voice patch going?

It's going to be too late since I already just read it.

Beast Lair's doing it, expect 2020 earliest.

And by then, Mahoyo will still be on chapter 6 ;.;

>Why can't any of you faggots get along?
Where do you think you are?


That HF movie can't come soon enough.

I'm waiting because I really can't see myself reading that thing twice.

>2020 earliest
2025 it is then.

>he doesn't know about the word filter

It's the fact that you're using cancerspeak so bad it got officially filtered that's the issue.

Holy grail war, fucker.


So disgusting not even Gil wants

Why did Mahoyo flop so hard? I thought people liked Aoko and Touko if they're into the Nasuverse

I miss the old times.

> No voices
> Small
> Not even a complete story


>no voices
It's a legit complaint, but most Type-Moon VN's had no voices in the first place and only got added in later versions.

It's a kinetic novel, so it has no branching paths or dead ends, but above all I think people forget the production value of Mahoyo tho', it's better looking and animated than any of their previous works.

>Not even a complete story
It does resolve its first arch though. It's not quite a cliffhanger but more of a "to be continued".

Rhino is a canon whore.
Saber is good all-around.
Sakura is the canon wife.

Aoko already activated the fifth and had a fight with Touko. They basically blew the best parts such a story could have already.

All 3 are great. But Rider is greatest.

>no voices
Wait, what? Mahoyo didn't have voices?

Mahoyo didn't do particularly well in Nip land. The major complaints were that it was too short (relative to the price), no voice acting in the current year, and a lack of ero.

>wanting Shinji's used goods

Its like 20 hours long approximately, doesn't run well on shit computers, not voiced, and not porn