This show is surprisingly good. Is it a contender for AOTY Sup Forums?
New Game
For those who wholeheartedly enjoy the moe genre.
The rest of us normal share different taste.
It was decent but nothing special. Would have been better with a smaller main cast that had more development put in; girls like Yun and Hajime were all but useless.
Dogakobo making anime great again
What's so good about it?
Not a contender for AOTY, although it was very enjoyable.
Yun is cutest girl. No debate.
Not even top 3 summer anime.
it didn't make any sense with its subject matter and none of the girls had a personality
literally what did the not-gun brown girl even ever do? forgettable af. so was the cat owner lady. and the lesbian.
>I have the attention span of a goldfish and can't into subtlety so I'll blame the show instead
It probably is a contender in a year that didn't really have any great shows. At least it looked fantastic even though the content wasn't anything special.
what subtlety?
the boss who's soooo dedicated but shy, look at her panties?
the totally ditzy nene who can't do anything right but she has a heaaart of gold?
the raging homosexuality? the boob envy? the super refined tea girl? god we're really building something special here.
subtly replied to the wrong person btw
Her body drives me insane with lust.
It's my aoty
You sound like you expected a heavy vidya drama and upset you didn't get what you want, so now you're bitching about it.
>who can't do anything right
Take that back, faggot.
She discovered a lot of bags
It's by far the show that made me the happiest
>he didn't watch Amanchu
Id watch it if it wasnt so goddamn boring.
>All the girls were cute and personable
>Funny and heartwarming
Yeah, it's definitely on my top ten list for the year.
Not him, but autism melodrama made me roll my eyes rather than happy
It's not my AOTY, but it's sure my favorite CGDCT this year
It would have been if Nene didn't completely ruin the second half of the show. She should have stayed an unimportant character who only called Aoba at the end of the episode.
Nene improved the show.
Unironically this.
Almost as useless as the tea girl.
Why not Aoba?
Which New Game would you fuck?
I enjoyed the show, dont think its AOTY but might be Moeblob of the year
The setting and "story" were better, but I liked NG characters more.
Why is Nenecchi so great? She saved the whole series
All except the gray-haired old hag.
>ywn get drunk with Hifumin
Literally the worst character
weak b8
New Game was my runner up for AOTY anyway.
She's a strong drinker.
You will never have drunk sex with her. Try Run or Rin instead.
It'd be lots of fun. She can hold her sake and everything.
>tfw drunk with 3 beers
If anything they'd be the ones carrying me home.
I want to hajimes Hajime's hajimes.
That's a bad fanart
I liked Stella no Mahou better.
AOTY for sure.
2007: Lucky Star! / Hidamari Sketch
2008: Hidamari Sketch x 365
2009: K-On!
2010: K-On!!
2011: Yuru Yuri
2012: Yuru Yuri
2013: Yuyushiki / Non Non Biyori
2014: Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
2015: Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka??
2016: New Game
I'm surprised you've managed to be unable to grow up for so long.
who said he watched them all as they were airing?
I wanna marry Nenecchi!
It was officially AOTS.
Hibike is trash
Nenecchi is already married to me though
Get the fuck out.
Ecchi with Nenecchi
Shut up, Ahagon, you already have the director.
Autismo Ltd.
Nenecchi is for cuddles, not for sexual.
Only underageb& don't exclusively watch CGDCT.
Damn, Sup Forums has great taste.
This might have been the first moeblob i watched where I liked the MC the most
Good enough to be AOTS.
I'm so happy I got this artbook.
Trips tell the truth. CGDCT is the final destination of the ride.
She's old enough for sexual anyway.
I want to nene her nenes
i agree
How can Aoba make her aobas as big as Nene's nenes?
Reminder that these two are old enough to be mothers.
The show looked great but it's wasted on uninspired material. Not even Dogakobo could save it.
>first period starts at the age of 12 on average
Even the Prisma Illya girls could already be "old enough" to become mothers.
I'm most of the way through ep 1. Is MC supposed to have a crush on her manager?
2015 is NNBR and 2016 is Stella Mahou, silly user.
How did you get such a strange idea?
They are all gay.
It supposed to be admiration.
I thought aoba was a boy name
>None of these will get another season
Is there a reason I shouldn't kill myself in 2017?
>two of the GOAT SoL shows aired in 2013
It's pretty cute but no
No, it was just another seasonal CGDCT, nothing too special about it
That said, Hajime was the best girl
No, the fact that it wasn't about schoolgirls but set in a working environment alone makes it stand out.
Best ass of any non-ecchi anime this year
Not really. Especially not since they still acted like schoolgirls.
what were they supposed to do to act otherwise
They acted like cute girls are supposed to act in shows like this.
But fine, in the end it comes down to subjective taste. There are probably no two persons in the world who have the same pattern of likes and dislikes regarding these shows anyway.
Why would she want to?
Okay, but it still doesn't have much to make it stand out from other shows of the same type.
Breast envy. All girls get it.
Necchi got the card, she knows how to network
Can you give an example of a show that you think does stand out and why?
Anime. Don't worth it, except if you are a dog.
>LWA TV being a split cour
>urara meirochou also next season
this boy is cute