Here's a gif of 4 Mexicans easily climbing a 15 foot wall
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The wall's going to be 30 feet dumbass
>gets to the other side
>steps on landmine
>The wall's going to be 30 feet dumbass
So they only need 8 Mexicans to climb it?
Fool-proof plan right there.
You'll need more than 8 to distribute the weight. Also this only works for the person at the top. After everybody works to get the 1 person over, they have to drop 30 feet without breaking any bones.
Stop being a faggot.
you think beaners all work in a circus?
boy you're retarded.
also, the wall is set back from the existing fence. as soon as they hop the existing fence, border patrol is on them. no chance to even try to pull off a human pyramid.
>as soon as they hop the existing fence, border patrol is on them
Then why do you need a wall in the first place?
>spending $120 bn on something that isn't needed
lmao why are amerimutts so dumb
>need 8 mexicans to hop the wall
>gather together 8 mexicans
>instead of working together to get one mexican over the wall so he can land on the otherside and break his fucking legs they begin arguing over who gets to break their legs on american soil
>eventually the group breaks down and they begin chimping out and beating the shit out of each other
really activates the enchiladas
>we need the wall because that way they can't come over because otherwise nothing is there to stop them
>if they come over then we have another wall that stops them from coming over
>this makes perfect sense in their mind
This is how you spot Russian shills, push them back just a bit on logic and since their orders are to destabilize through being a sycophant for Trump, they will back themselves into the dumbest fucking corners
>who will win, one 30 foot wall or 8 mexicans with cutting edge technology called a ladder or tying steps on a rope
>M-muh Russian shills
back to facebook with you
Yeah a bunch of abuelitas and 3 year olds are definitely gonna be able to pull that off.
>leave my safe space
The answer is no, KEK.
Mexicant's are pretty dumb. So I'd say the wall.
probably the 30' wall.
I live in las vegas. i have a lot of experience with mexicans. they are 90 IQ knuckle dragging fucking retards. dont expect them to every be crafty or remotely intelligent
sorry acrobat lobby you are not strong enough to fight being undercut by these mexicans.
everyone else, rest easy.
>only able bodied young men to impregnate white american women will pass the wall
I don't think the mexican guys mind, KEK
>presented with video evidence towards the contrary
>dumb poopoo peepee mouth
That's one hell of an Amerimongrel argument, bet you were the captain of your debate club in high school, KEK.
See, the point is that hoards of pregnant women won't be able to manage that.
Also, we can't let Israel have a better wall. I demand machine guns on top.
>Presented with video evidence to the contrary
>I can be an expert in everything on the internet, i know things
I have personally met every mexican that has ever existed as I am an immortal omnipresent being and I can testify with 100% certainty that your mom can legally donate her spit to a sperm bank in mexico
let's see pregnant women, old people and babies do that
50 of them at a time
without the border guards and the cameras noticing
good luck
But it's true Achmed!
>he point is that hoards of pregnant women won't be able to manage that.
So the point of the wall is to prevent women from entering your country illegally for the short time frame of 9 months?
Money well spent.
>only able bodied young men will get to drill the fuck out of white women, how will they cope with this
Let me tell you which countries are white, KEK.
Can you blame him? He bought all the Russian propaganda and it turned him into a sycophant, he doesn't have the foresight beyond his next 4chinns post
easy peasy
>Just because you have data showing the national average IQ is 88 doesn't mean they are stupid!
>You have to judge every single individual person on an individual basis, absolutely nothing can be inferred from trends!
you must be a civnat cuck.
Welp, some mexicans climbed over a 15 foot wall. Better let them all in, they're totally unstoppable!
Nothing wrong with a wall
King Obongo has a wall surrounding his house.
>preventing a child that will leach millions of tax payer dollars over the course of their lifetime, with parents that will likely contribute to violent crime
yeah, pretty worth it desu
you do realize the wall only needs to stop them long enough for the border patrol to get there, right?
our border wall is a chicken fence practically and it stops rapefugees
>you must be a peepee poopoo if you don't believe that any retard on 4chin is qualified to interpret socioeconomics and statistics
>why would you put a woman in charge at X Corp?! don't you know that you should look for qualifications instead of just picking people all willy nilly for the job?
Amerimongrel breath smells like sperm drunk off russian vodka, KEK. Really, get your shit together, Ameribros. I want to see it before you are kicked off the internet by your orange faggot, lmao
It's clear that you half-niggers have never stood atop a thirty foot wall.
It's higher than you think, and I'll wait to see this portable 30' ladder you Tyrones keep talking about.
Let's see it, faggots
>a country the size of hungary has the same border size as the united states of america has with mexico
go to your village shaman to get your head checked
>tying some knots on a rope beats a multi billion dollar amerimongrel super structure
you will need to pass assault rope legislation, fucking KEK
It really not that hard to carry a rope, you know. Once a guy gets to the top the people on the other side hold the rope. Once he gets down to the ground he holds the rope for another to come other. Then they both hold the rope for it to be easier. Not fucking hard to figure out, buddy. Still. They'd need time for all that. BUILD WALL.
show me the video showing 8 mexicans climbing one side of a 30 foot wall and not breaking bones on impact with the ground on the other side or don't claim you have video evidence you lying fucking shifty subhuman. You've spent to much time flooding your country with monkeys to be able to formulate a proper response
Ever tried to cimb a 30' rope?
That's rhetorical, Achmed, we know you haven't.
See the things on the top? That means you can't pull yourself over.
You've never climbed ten feet up a rope, and you never will. You're all full of bullshit.
I was climbing at least 20 foot ropes in PE all the way to the top of my gym back in third grade. Weren't even any knots that I remember but regardless once one is on the other side he can be used as an anchor.
>implying there wont be mexican hunting licenses issued
>Pregnant Mexicans give a shit about a baby when it comes to crossing the border
>American Education
Pick None.
Good for you, you've climbed ten feet higher than the rest of these fags ever will. You've never been 30' up a rope, like the rest of 'em, unless you're a climber or mountaineer.
In all my years of climbing, I haven't seen too many Pacos on belay.
A 30' wall is a great deterent. Some taco niggers may be able to climb it, but most will not.
That's great. And the raptor pits on either side of the wall? How do you propose they navigate those? Keep in mind the raptors will be systematically probing for weaknesses; they remember. Automated ball turrets notwithstanding.
>implying the cartels won't mortar the ground on the other side to ashes and i won't laugh about it on Sup Forums while you are blocked from the internet by your McISP (TM) installed by the orange faggot in the Mongrel House
I see libshits still don't get the point of the wall
The point isn't to prevent illegal immigration entirely, because that's obviously important.
The point is to reduce it to a trickle that the remaining system, ICE and border agents can deal with efficiently, it's part of a multi layered approach, designed to filter the broad masses.
Of course a dedicated person will make it past the wall. The wall isn't for them. The wall is for the 85% of regular fucks that literally just walk across the border right now.
How bout that 150ft exclusion zone tho.
Wall will work just fine, because even if they get over it they need to cross no-man's land and over another fence.
You do realize that all you have to do is loop the rope wrap your legs around a rope when climbing straight up, right? It is not that hard. It just takes time. They wouldn't even do that though. Just use the wall as footing unless like says there is too big a gap between the wall and rope. Fuck you, anyways. I'm for the wall. I'm just pointing out it's not 100% surefire.
>implying that the wall won't be taken apart systematically, creating a permanent syphon on th amerimongrel budget that is way more expensive than just simply having those people legalized to pay taxes
>b-but they are a net drain anyways with their low paying jobs, the budget can't handle their social welfare with these losses
then raise taxes on the oligar-...ahem... "job creators"
It is already almost exactly this, the real immigration problem consists of people flying into the US and overstaying their VISA. The money would be much better spent hiring ICE agents to look into VISA over-stays and paying off the national debt.
Whiter than you, Muhammed.
>You do realize that all you have to do is loop the rope wrap your legs around a rope when climbing straight up
Wew I butchered that. Wrap your legs around the rope. If you can't support your weight with both fucking legs on a decently thick piece of rope you must be pregnant or fatter than all hell.
i would not call that easy, still cool tho
>that is way more expensive than just simply having those people legalized to pay taxes
Yes goy, piss away your culture.
Fuck off traitor.
1. you're subhuman
2. learn how walls work, for instance, the berlin wall
you fucking faggot meme fail nigger
Holy shit they're evolving!!
aight we need a fucking ban on krautposting
you fucking evil jew kike nigger nazi commie faggots
fuck off and die
square-cube law, mate
What I'm smellin is that all of these dorks have no fucking clue what thirty feet looks like from the top of a skinny wall.
Just like that asshole at a party that says he's been 60mph on a mountain bike- he's full of shit and has no idea what that number feels like.
I maintain that a 30' wall is a great fucking deterrent. All these queers saying it's easy to defeat have no perspective.
>Yes capitalist pig, destabilize your Western country so that Russia can invade easier
Fuck off traitor.
Invasion by shitskins and spics _IS_ the destabilization.
fuck off kike
>Federation for American Immigration Reform
Now there's an unbiased source
>4 athletic men climb a wall, which is an impressive feat.
>OP tries to apply this logic to the 30 foot high border wall.
>He forgot that it'll be malnourished Mexicans attempting the same feat, who may or may not be in the physical shape to due so, along with women and children who don't have the muscle to do this.
Do you remember the rope diameter it takes to climb 20 feet up with no knots?
That rope is $$$$ and heavy as fuck, there is a ZERO % chance of Paco carrying it, let alone throwing one end 30 feet up with a grappling hook.
All of you fuckers' understanding of practical problems chaps my balls. You dumb fucks couldn't fix a flat tire
>graph with no numbers explained, referencing nothing
This was the easiest post to detect a retard, hiding all posts from ancap flags is a top tier 4chinns option KEK
Why are Republicans so bad for the economy?
When I was a kid I'd climb pretty damn high in pecan trees. Not going to say 30 feet but it was around there sometimes. The perspective of height won't change (much) with age. Sitting on a pecan branch high up when you're four feet tall hardly looks scarier than when you're 6 feet tall.
Are you actually dumb enough to believe that people spending a billion dollars on a border wall wouldn't think about things like ladder and tunnels?
Or are you actually dumb enough not to know that Mexico has their own border wall that covers their entire southern border.
Now here's the part where you try and say that you were only pretending to be retarded, because honestly you look like a total fucking idiot.
I think they can go in legally with less determination.
>immigration is the same thing as an invasion like Normandy
Hmm perfectly balanced person with no problems of delusion I see, KEK
Is Putin aware of this low quality shilling by you? Better work for your pay now
There’s a design the has literal spikes extending about 5ft from the wall at about a 30degree angle. I love all the expert parkour fuckers on here though
make it 100 ft tall
if they can still manage to get pass that then they deserve to be in the country
How else will they have an anchor baby?
>All of you fuckers' understanding of practical problems chaps my balls
>Shitposting about practical problems
>Doesn't understand that its smuggling rings and cartels that arrange most of the current crossings and they extract large sums from families on both sides to facilitate the crossings using things like tunnels
A M E R I C A N - E D U C A T I O N
Can any ameribros here start shooting down their own wall? I need to see this to see the salt on
Nigger I clearly said it needed to be decent rope. It was quite thick for sure. Obviously I wouldn't try to climb like that on a thin rope. But weaving ropes together is a thing, buddy.
> During the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, social media pages, along with mainstream media sources ran erroneous stories stating that Mexico had built a continuous, fortified wall on the Guatemala–Mexico border. The border has many natural barriers making extremely hard to pass through such as rivers and rain forests. There is however a wall that spans easily traveled through areas.
Still has a wall you russian retard
Colombia average is 84... is this a superpower? Or meh?
If that wall is 15 feet and three of these men stacked up together can't totally reach the top then these men have to be under 5 feet tall.
Manlets EXPOSED, no wonder they can do gymnastic shit like teen girl cheerleaders.
>Mexican intellectuals
>doing this entire operation in any amount of time without getting impaled, spotted by security cameras, or falling to their death struggling to do all of this
This should pan out well, when is the last time you’ve gone 30ft up a rope? These guys will probably get winded around 15 ft, if that, and god forbid they slip and get rope burn to the bone. Live outside of pencil and paper once in awhile
We need not only the wall but enforcement of current laws. Who is cracking down on expired visas?
Shut up, nigger. You've never built anything, and you've never climbed anything.
i never understood this
if you're looking at party politics from a purely economic perspective, surely this adds even more weight to their anti-socialist stance?
mexicans feud like crazy. thats why cops dont shoot illegals on sight
>peepee poopoo head tier response
why are there so many spics niggers in red states
I said in an earlier post that it isn't that viable due to the amount of time it would take. But saying it's impossible is just blatantly false. I also mentioned in an earlier post the last time I really climbed a rope. About 15 years ago in the third grade. I'd say it was about 20 feet in length as the gym was one of those fuckhuge ones with a point at the tip (where the rope was tied to.) Why bother replying if you don't even bother reading?
I am intimating the fact to you that when it comes to a Pregnant Mexican female and having her anchor baby: That wall is a joke, she won't give two fucks.
>Nigger Nigger Nigger
Yeah, I've never built anything. But, my engineering degree makes sure that I'm the one designing them instead.
Let me help you back of the class numbnuts.
An 1 1/2" rope (can be easily climbed with no knots or ascenders/ prusiks) weighs about 1/2 lb per foot.
Tell me more about how you're going to get that hooked to the top of the wall with no help from the US side.
Oh fuck it, never mind. You guys are dumber than the spics
I already said how and it was completely in the the context of assuming spics managed to actually lift one of their own to the top of the wall. Once at the top he climbs down the other side with people holding on to it. After that he holds on to the other side and another climbs it. Then that person helps the guy on the US side to hold the rope. Again. This is ASSUMING they manage to get to the top of the wall at all and have plenty of time to spare. That and a 70ft rope with at least half of it being decent quality and thickness which would be on the Mexican side.
I'm an African Engineer, AKA nigger-rigger, and I build custom houses. I've stood on top of 30' walls running a chainsaw, unlike you fantasy world pricks.
None of you leppy can't-cunts can climb a 30' wall, even if you had help from Royal Robbins and a $1000 worth of Petzl gear.
I bet you could if there was some free pussy on the other side though
It's possible, yes. Mexicans are good at teamwork too.
It's harder than you think, though. 'Specially if they choose that wall with the big diameter tube at the top.
I agree. It's all about how the top of the wall is going to be.
Honestly, sometimes i also wonder wtf burgers are thinking, but in this case you are the idiot!!!
>Then why do you need a wall in the first place?
Coming from a German who's country is literally overrun by niggers and other shitskinlers.
You are either a leftist shill or a shitskinler yourself.