Finally. It took longer than expected, but I'm done. There's a line missing, but it's timed...

Finally. It took longer than expected, but I'm done. There's a line missing, but it's timed. If you can figure out what Stone River is saying there, be my guest and add it.

Of course, if anyone wants to mux and upload it to nyaa, feel free to do that too.

Also, sorry for the translation of the ending. I could probably do better, but it's almost 6 AM here, and I can't figure it out.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh fuck.

>what Stone River is saying there
Timing of the scene?

1:00:53. It's near the end, and his voice is distorted.

Is Milky back? Did #milkysuicide succeed?

How could it not? It was a masterplan fitting for this masterpiece.

Dang, sorry, I can't tell what's going on either.

At least you tried. It's probably just a silly pun anyway. Someone will figure it out eventually. I hope.

Wow, did we actually get subs?
Thank you so much, subber user.

He's saying something around the lines of "To think that her of all people would call me a pervert", it seems.

It sounded vaguely like 'tried to protect the chastity (清純) of a girl and got called a pervert instead'

Now that you mention it, it certainly sounds like that. I can certainly hear 守勢. 清純可憐なお嬢, 返信 and 変態, so that would make sense. Thank you guys.

Can you put it up on nyaa, user? I doubt everyone who wants subs will see this thread.

Holy shit user, thanks.

>not having the super cute loli design from the first two series
Anyways thanks for your work

Christmas is saved!

You're a real american hero

user saved christmas!

>Teekyuu just ended.
Talk about great timing.

Thanks OP

Sure. Let's hope I did it right.

Pour one out for all the Anons that gave their lives so that we could make it to this day.

Thanks, OP.

Niiiice. Thank you. If no one will mux mkv then I'll make it somewhere tomorrow.

Now, if we could get S2 of retarded dragons...

user, dammit, don't make me sad.

Oh fuck, I'm still 5 episodes into TD. At least it's fun and silly unlike Futari wa.



Thank you!

>kokoro winning a fight
as expected of the one with an iq of 190,000,000,000,000,000

thank you thank you thank you

you are a real human bane

Based anons, thank you so much for the early Christmas present!

I love you, user.

So what did we learn?
>Rum raisin is a girl
>we will never see arty's toys
>Kokoro caused every instance of Milky holmes losing their powers.

Their ghosts are probably still here browsing a spooky version of Sup Forums.

Weren't they farmers?

Source? Google and iqdb just say "comics"

I use KCP, for some reason when I manually upload subs into a video like in this case, when I take a screenshot I'm never able to take one with the subs on. Is there any way to fix this?

use vlc

looks like zettai bouei leviathan

looks like learning moon runes paid off

stop using kcp and use

the 64 bit version of this. kcp is no longer updated

Not him but KCP just works.


Is this real Milky Holmes or post-S3 Milky Holmes?

You're right, thanks. Unfortunately it seems like it's not getting translated much; all I could find was this

I missed this shit so much.

It's shit guys.

Time to move on.

What are you talking about? This is S3.


Can I watch it if I only watched S1 and 2?

Yes, the no fun lolis barely show up.

Elly can't stop being a slut for one episode.

I've missed these faces.


Why does Cordelia make that face when she sees Twenty naked?

Why does Cordelia make that face when she sees Twenty naked?

She's been corrupted by lewd girl.



Is this more like S1/S2? I see that Cordelia got her hearth-mouth back

>when I take a screenshot I'm never able to take one with the subs on. Is there any way to fix this?
Fucking print screen button, for god's sake.

You're even more dame dame than him.

>She struck them with a lighting to turn them into dame dames

The hero we needed

Fuck Yeah.

The fact this is off centered, pure black and doesn't flash still annoyes me

The arstyle isn't soft and fluffy like s1 and s2, but overall it's still the closest thing we got to that masterpiece.
Elly is a slut, Nero is a bitch, Sheryl is a retard and Cordelia is batshit insane.
Even Mory Arty is back.

Alright, which font should I use for the default sub style so it doesn't look like ass?

Would you a Twenty disguised as Cordelia?

Whatever KiteSeekers used for s1 and s2

Thank you good user. That's literally the best xmas present one could give.

>Alright, which font should I use for the default sub style so it doesn't look like ass?


What a masterpiece of our times.

That part just screamed Teekyuu to me.

My daughter Sherl-chan is so smart.

Yeah. No scans of the magazine ever. No tanks ever. So it's impossible to translate. Believe me I tried. You can always watch the anime and the shorts though.

What does Saku's scouter say!?

Thank you, based user!


What is this feeling? Is this the feeling of fun & damedame? I haven't felt it in so long.

>mfw this piece of shit franchise is so dead no one even talks about it anymore

So guys, we'll meet again for the next season, right?

Earlier than that. The new OVA is almost out.

We're in a dream, in fact a milky suicider failed and went in coma, this thread and the good movie is all in his mind

Wake me up.

might be an aneurysm


What a wonderful time to be undead!



Thanks user your bringing back fan subing from the dead.

I don't know how to open .ass files

>I don't know how to open ass

Lewd Ellyposter.

A Christmas Miracle

Just drag it onto your video player while the movie is playing. Hopefully your using MPC or MPV.

There's so many nods to the first two seasons, I'm happy.

Truly back to form.


is this a dame or feather milky

>Teekyuu just ended
Until the next season. Right?

dame as fuck.