Friendly Reminder

You are not American if:
>You are Catholic
>You are Muslim
>You are Jewish
>You are Southern European
>You are Eastern European
>You are German
>You are Hispanic

America is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant nation. Everyone else has to go


Hispanic's not a race

Finally, an user gets it

Hispanic in America means youre a non-white, Indio/Mulatto shitskin. Dont play dumb you stupid faggot.

USA is literally British-german

You have to go back paco

Germans are continental barbarians who are inferior to the cultured anglos.

Friendly reminder that The Know Nothings were founded by Charles Levin, a Jew D/Cing per usual, much like OP

Lewis Levin founded an anti-catholic secret organization.

The secret organization then turned into the WASP political party that wanted to save the racial and religious purity of America

I'm a WASP Catholic. I converted but I still identify as a WASP.

You still have to go back. No papists allowed in America

*goes back to New England*

Who wants to be a fat idiot anyways

How about going back to old England?

Get rid of that meme flag. We all know you are a limp wristed leaf or European faggot


It’s annoying how Germans take credit for the achievements of the “white race.” In reality these achievements belong to an island with a much smaller population than germany

Anglo-Saxon superiority is real

Can I be Danish lutheran

Danes, Irish and Anglos are very genetically similar. As long as you are fully anglicized you welcome in america

That's ok, my state has a viable secession movement

California or Texas? Either way I hope you leave to get all your mexicans out of the union

Wrong. America is a Polish nation.


I posted my 23 and me. America will never be white again without drastic action

Your right, America is, at it's core a product of the Anglo Saxon race. And that is exactly why it is toxic and vile.

>Posting a picture of a Jew while whining about Jews
Also Maryland was a Catholic colony. Are you saying they were never American?

Irish people are almost all Catholics, asshat.

Yeah. Irish Catholics aren’t welcome but Northern Irish Protestants are. Is it that hard to understand?

They shouldn’t be american

Even british royals are german

You do realise that that would mean the American population pretty much being like 20 million or 10 million right? I mean yeah you're not wrong. But jesus, i'd understand the ancestral homelands of American Europeans wanting to keep European countries homogeneous but I don't think having an America where Europeans mix is necessarily a bad idea.

I agree. Anglos > Barbarians

You realize White "Catholics" in America are Protestants who pretend to worship the Pope? Why do you think the Vatican supports illegal immigration so hard? Also no one here is a pure WASP unless they're fresh off the plane or in the middle of nowhere

Fuck off, mutt. You have to go back

I am not american tho

You need non anglo genes for the girls though otherwise it's just like ugh

>You are not American if
If you weren't born here and have not achieved citizenship.

>America is a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant nation

Fuck off with your preferred bastardization of Christianity. It's shit like this that (((we))) got onto leaky ass boats to escape such drivel.

Lel, those aren't even actual Irish people, just Scottish people that overstayed their welcome.

Most of White America is German numbnuts

eat a bag of dicks

>you are Catholic
Alright I guess Maryland isn’t a state then

>Practice a bastardized form of Catholicism that's more akin to Anglicanism
>Family fought in Civil War
>Mixed with Anglo-Saxon Colonials
>Never been to Ireland
>Irish names are commonplace in the US
>Some autist claims you're not American because you're not Anglo enough

Most Whites are descended at least in part from Colonial Anglo-Americans

>be Pacific Islander

I am American now

Honorary if you're from Hawaii, Guam, FSM, Marshall, Amero-Samoa, or Northern Marianas

Holy shit, you must be inbred as fuck.

>>You are German

Nice try faggot. German is the majority nationality of 3/4s of the states that elected Trump.

>Anglo-Saxon superiority is real

Tell that to this alpha-male Norman who took out his cock and slapped the Anglo-Saxons with it in 1066.


Catholic here. Friendly reminder to sage these threads

>you are German

Thank you for not branding all Irish as Catholic Fenians.

>that feeling when your a catholic white conservative spic and you see a bunch bitter WASP
Maybe you shouldn’t had let those Marxist Jews brainwash your youth in mass cultural suicide.

>Northern Irish Protestants

You're allowing the porridge wog savages in? Well fuck that.

I wish Americans would learn that the only civilised Anglicans in Ireland inhabit the south of the island.

>implying civilized, white people would want to go to burgerland

we were here first gringo

God, I would tear her holes up.

Well the retards perspective is clear.

>You are German

Fucking yanks and their baseless arrogance

From Northern Germany, the German-Americans were mostly from Southern Germany.

German is the largest demographic in the US. English pretty much confined to New England.

Finally, an American who gets it. Stay strong, fellow Anglo. By hook or by crook, we WILL reclaim what is rightfully ours.

america and the uk need to divide up the globe and reconstitute global Anglo imperium

America was never meant to be a nation of german or Mexican immigrants. Ben Franklin even said that Norwegians weren’t white enough to live in America. The only way America could be saved is to revert back to our old voting methods. If only white land owning men could vote this country would be saved in a generation

>Mexican or Cockroach
Caught me off guard, kek

Fuck off faggot. All free white people of good character can live here.

One of the signs of civilisational decline is when said civilisation starts dreaming about restoring the old glory days. Anglo Empire will come and go like all empires before it. And sooner than the others.

It’s funny how Brits call themselves “anglo” when the angle tribe was crushed by the Normans and Vikings hundreds of years ago. Every drop of noble blood in England is German, Nordic, or Norman.

anarcho-user is right, what's the use in having the most powerful military of all time and a gazillion nuclear bombs if chronologically you're just gonna be a small footnote in the annales of world history?

endurance beats peak power every time.

What if I am a German Russian Cherokee Scotsman?