"Know thy enemy"

Hey Sup Forums are you actually redpilled or do you only pretend to be?

This is Greg Lansky, do you know who he is and what he does without having to google him right now?

is there a reason you ignore him and allow him to continue what he does without any resistance?

Other urls found in this thread:


judgment day is coming

some random shithead isn't worth ruining my life in the meantime. the world is full of them these days..

>judgment day is coming
great excuse to live in ignorance and do nothing about anything

Its the BLACKED kike, everyone who is not a nu-fag knows him

Literally who? Explain because I'm too lazy to google this fag.

Greg Lansky.... feel like I've heard that shit before. I'm guessing porn director/producer?

He's the pornographer the "liberal elite" kiss the arse of.

Ahhh yep, this, that's right.

Mia has a pretty face. Porn was always degenerate Jewish filth though.

I knew he was a pornographer, but I had to google what sites he runs.

I only watch shemale porn if I watch porn at all, so I doubt I've seen his work.

What's wrong with BLACKED? Their videos are excellent.

Owner/CEO or something like that, of at least Blacked. Probably does more porn than that. A heeb. ''Know your enemy'' should also be understood in the psychological sense, you need to know how our enemies think. Books on power and strategy are must-read to understand how the most powerful people see the world.

Here's a participation trophy for still bluepilled newfags: who is this?

He's a kike. That's all you need to know.

That's how you stand your ground against men in the real world you go girl!

>I only watch shemale porn if I watch porn at all, so I doubt I've seen his work.

I keked

>Who is this?

Literally who?

he's probably clapped some of the fattest booties on the world.

im jelly as fuck tbqh

>mia malkova blacked

>who is this?
everyone and their mother, including all newfags and redditdispora know george soros.

economically, things will have to get a lot worse before anyone besides lone terrorists decide to change anything in this world
consumerism is the true opiate of the masses

Curious that the porn industry has never experienced terrorism. Like religious people hate porn and shit but they have never attacked the elites of that industry.

Muslims or christians haven't ever attacked them. Isnt that kind of suspicious?

They have attacked abortion clinics and public civillians which are great for electoral politics, but never something like porn industry which would have a far reaching political impact on society.

That is so weird?




She has the soulless eyes of a whore. No loss.

>he thinks jihadis will ever go after jews instead of going after Iranians
you have much to learn



Found the rabbi

I'm not sure pls tell me super smart 1337 user deep state insider
Gib me the knowledge plos
So smart :3

Where the fuck would his penis even be?
Also chek'd

Are you serio...
Of course

Greg Lansky? Is he by any chance related to the mobster Meyer Lansky?

I've been coming here for over a year. Honestly, I don't belong on /pol. I'm more of a liberal-moderate and I'm half-jewish but I find Sup Forums fascinating. I never shill. I just observe. Sometimes I'll crack a one liner. Sometimes I'll kek along to the funnier threads. Sometimes I'll make posts asking honest questions about certain topics to get a better idea of people's beliefs around them. Surprisingly, people are usually pretty cool about it.

I think it's important to understand what the other side believes and how they think even if you completely disagree.

>Here's a participation trophy
Lrn2read nignogs

Bataclan was a Jewish club though. So they did.

she did her first porn with her mom too lol

she is cute but we shouldn't forget this is the same woman who sucked and fucked a guy on camera in front of her mom

These are the questions that keep me awake at night.

*brap* *brap* *brap*


Christ that's disgusting. Not surprising though.

((((Google)))) is in bed with Manwin. They assign Manwin websites "authority" status, which makes the sites rank above all other adult sites (hey are ranked #1 for virtually every porn keyword).

Yeah, yeah. Le German cuck.

Spoiler: I didn't know wtf cuck means before I came here. I hadn't even heared the word, let alone could I imagine people actually fapping to this shit

nice fleg

Just DDoS the shit via IoT devices already.

right after the jews sold it of course

I saw that, it's nothing out of the ordinary for american moms.

Georgy Hugarian Khazarar Schwartz

>I never shill
You're shilling right now, you kike mutt

that ass is fake!!! how much them butt checks cost?

Goy goy goy goy goy goy

>Spoiler: I didn't know wtf cuck means before I came here. I hadn't even heared the word, let alone could I imagine people actually fapping to this shit
I doubt thats possible unless you've NEVER been on a porn site in your life. They are fucking saturated with this shit.

Though any decent man should give up porn desu.


What's up with the Swoboda business btw? Are they legit? I heared they were controlled opposition by literal Rabbis.

Run them through makeapp


Stop watching porn.

>The world won't collapse on these wonky morals alone despite those morals destroying the system slowly.

Probably. Most people don't know this but, the "Italian" and "Russian" mob in the us was compromised mostly of Jews.

Never ever won anything before
Thx user



literally built for bbc

James Caan?



just fucking spit it out, toothpaste
that actually made sense

>56% flag
>loves kike filth

Not surprised

He ate his shekels.

Always blaming the Jews.

The Jewish intellectual would have no power if none of the goyim listened to them or followed them.

This Jewish guy would have no shekels if no one watched this Blacked shit. Most of the people who pay for Blacked.com porn are probably ugly niggers with fantasies of landing a pretty white girl or non-whites who want to see white bois cucked by the lowest form of life.

Found the faggots

Worthless degenerate

Are these people why /gif/ is constantly flooded with gay shit like trap and BBC threads?

You're falling for the jew's pornography trap and then asking if someone else is redpilled?

Absolutely degenerate.

Greg Lansky....My Man !!! White girls are such cunts Lol. Unbelievable what they willing to do for money. You will never see a jewish girls do this shit.

>tfw I've fapped to those noodz in the past


Fake ass

Literally the most boring and generic porn you can find. They blew all their subversion bucks on getting "big name" talent but the fucking niggers they hire are limp dick fags and look like somalians.

Funny as fuck, but pretty rage inducing considering how hyped this horseshit is. Porn is dying, even amateur shit makes me want to puke. Imagining all those degenerates spreading aids and super gonorrhea.

Would much rather fuck my girlfriend without a condom

Jesus Harold Christ this is so fucking hot.

I know Lansky (Lánský here) is usually a kike name, what he does is kikery par excellence, but do we have a direct confirmation he is actually a kike?

I can't find anything and I would love to share the shit out of it in Czech nationalist circles.

Nobody is safe

that ass is fake right?

Anglo countries are the most degenerate but yuropoors dont have computers so they cant watch blacked

abella danger and Naomi Russell have both done that

>has done tushy and vixen but not blacked

Is she /ourgirl/?

Isn't he the Jew owner of Blacked porn? Fucking scum deserves to be gassed

Using Stolen graffiti valor to get laid by 40 year old hipsters with fake ass daddy paid for doesnt bother me.

>Faggot flag representing beta cucks that chant latin slogans to sound tough
>Probably watches cuckhold porn with ball gag in mouth

Not surprised.

she is getting blacked right now lol

Jews jewing Jews.

I still don't get this? I skimmed through the thread and saw it's porn related. So what?

Svoboda are redpilled AF, but they are vastly outnumbered.

Pretty much everyone else is a kike or a kike puppet.

Nice slam poetry my black friend.

> Most of the people who pay for Blacked.com porn are probably ugly niggers with fantasies of landing a pretty white girl or non-whites who want to see white bois cucked by the lowest form of life.
>I-I-I-I'm not one of these faggots. I swear

I was merely replying to him sarcasticly.

>ameritard in charge of understanding sarcasm

There's nothing wrong with blacked.

They released a new series called blacked: raw, where it's more amateur styled porn. Blacked raw is even better than blacked.

No they are not in Germany. But I did switch on a burger proxy to test and see what you guys get recommended. And indeed it was full of cuck shit. Singaporean, dutch and french proxies had none of it. Only yours.

>Makes ya think

It has increased over the last months, I think, since everything from Murica creeps over here sooner or later. But I can't really tell, because I have indeed almost completely stopped watching porn.

Oh shit, didn't even notice it was her in the OP, she looks different now.. less attractive

Porn is degenerate shit.

idk just a bunch of faggot white boys insecure about their imaginary girlfriends getting cucked.