Shokugeki no Soma

And two weeks later.

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What's going on?


So this is what looked up to, what presumably what Soumom destroyed with the power of love?

Yes saiba submit yourself to the kabal

No wonder Gin knew what might happen to Akira, it happened to his best bud.

This is what happens when Jouichirou stops giving a shit about the love and thought behind each meal.

Fuckers should not have pissed him off by disregarding the time and effort he put into all his dishes and ask for the next dish every single time.

is this manga worth reading?

Chapter without Erina = bad chapter.

Meanwhile, Azami thinks this shit is the coolest.

Truly a goddess

Soumom when?

>more flashback shit
I just want more Hisako.

>This chapter
Further proof that Tsukuda is a fucking hack, not even Tosh can save this manga at this point.

No wonder there was no Shokugeki thread this week

>not even Tosh can save this manga at this point.

That's cause he toned down on the ecchi and his art has changed quite a bit. Some of it's for the better, but some is worse off and once you lose the fan service (besides fujoshit of course) you're obviously gonna lose the core market.

This tbqh

>many readers were waiting for Jou flashback
>it's fucking nothing
Really, Tsukuda. Just make it romcom already. You can't into plot.

In all honesty it only makes him more of a joke to me.

>he toned down on the ecchi

You mean good chapter, or are you just pretending to have shit taste?

Jou and Akira are the natural talents.
Gin and Souma are the obstinate ones.

So, if it is good, why aren't you discussing it?

>People don't like this arc so I better stretch everything out as much as possible!

Stop wasting everyone's time and show Souma's mother already what the fuck.

>Jouchirou appears
>Jou flashback
>Show Soumom already
You guys are never happy.



>he toned down on the ecchi
That's what makes me mad the most.

Explain how he get disillusion?






The Butcher

Might be due to him being married now. Just compare the bust size of chapter 1-2 Erina with current Erina. Even naked comparisons, old Erina was more curvier.

Old SnS girls were more hentai ecchi style that leaned towards TLR, new SnS girls are more WSJ fan service, slightly short of Fairy Tail I guess.

yeah, when they talk about the competition, they mention young chefs gathering from all over, Paris, NY, Milan, etc.

I'd honestly be surprised if this little detail isn't setup for a future arc.

What? No. Did you see the Souma vs Hayama match?

Also, for that user who was asking why some students were challenging Jou's selection, it's because at this point he's already acquired a reputation for fooling around and making gross recipes, instead of being serious like the rest of them.

So now that we are at the hight of Jou's edgyness does that mean Soumom soon?

She might even make her debut in the competition Jou's entering and beat him.

>dad has brown-ish hair
>Souma has red hair
In the name of everything that's good and holy in the world, please make Souma's mom a hot red hair

Will we finally see mama Soma?

This is the story of why Jou left Tootsuki (though it's expanding on both Doujima and Azami's characters as well). It's doubtful that he met her until after he left.

"Have you even imagined how hard it is for me to keep on clearing the path ahead? You just ignore that and call it "genius". Must be easy for you, huh!"
"Don't do such a half-assed job and cry that you're "cooking with your all" you piece of shit. Ok? Ok?"
"If you have no intention to bring out a dish, then quit."


Korean scans.

It's totally a setup for a future arc, along with the Grand Prix

His edgyness was born from Tootsuki's culture changing him, he might be healed and left because he thought it wasn't doing him any favors staying there.

That would actually be kind of neat, Jou's edge getting cooked out of him by soumom (who of course will be a female Souma)

Given what Fumio has said, he didn't change to a kind man while he was still there.

That's the dumbest acronym I've ever seen

It's terrible, but I can say I've seen worse in animu.

So basically all the weird stuff he fed to people since the last chapter are the failed experiments for the cutting-edge cuisine that he was making. After realising that no one even tried to see the amount of effort put into his dishes and just called him a genius every single time, he changed his approach from keeping it all to himself to letting everyone see what he was doing to get to those "masterpieces".

But the people around him didn't get the memo and laughed it off, calling it a genius' silly antics, which basically made him snap and destroy everyone who called him a genius without taking into account his effort.

Best revenge ever, but I think he's going to get expelled with all these assholes he put down forming a union to get him kicked out.

Didn't Doujima say that the name "Yukihira" sounded familiar when he first hear about Souma?
I think Doujima met Soumom at some point.

It's more likely he heard it from Jou when Jou was going to name his store ages ago and tells him to visit.

Something like this I imagine, since Doujima was so fuzzy about it. I doubt Jou even invited his bud to the wedding.


>tfw Edgimura messes up a perfectly ok flashback

Exquisite. Erina's dad ain't edgy, he's just emulating his idol!

It's kinda funny, as badass as this was, I can't help but feel Souma would have been kinda pissed off by the whole display. Really interested to meet his mom now.

>tfw I wanted flashback but now I rather seen the remaining rebels training.

Only thing this flashback is getting is making me feel really bad for Gin.

So if this doesn't get axed before this arc is over I guess we have The Blue for the next big arc.

Soumom soon.

Also this whole team battle would likely be the last of this series.

>spends half of the chapter basically saying he doesn't want to be called a genius
>blurb at the end says "the genius awakened"
Well played, editor-kun

I'm ready for smug frenchs.

Gundam seed and seed destiny had worse

Who does edge better?


Did you not see the Grand Prix in the last chapter?

Or Soma participating in the blue?

Whats Soumas mom going to look like?

wtf I hate Jouchiro now.

Chapter without Erina muh dad= good chapter
Soumadad is from a rich family?
Soumom is from a poor family?

Nothing happens: The chapter

>people automatically assuming Jouichirou was "cured" by Souma's mom
They still have to explain the nature of the relationship/friendship between him and grandpa Nakiri, you know.
For all we know he may have been the one to "cure" him and then he met the mother when he was traveling abroad as a hobo

yeah so? She still looks like a goddess. What is it with people wanting compeltely rediculous figures? Do you honestly want tits the size of a car?

We mostly saw her in the family picture. She kind of looks like Hisako.

>tfw soumom is actually a beautiful, caring, red-haired food tester

Wait Jouichirou and Dojima are second years here and Azami is first year? But we saw before they were first and second seats in their third year while Azami was 3rd seat in first year.

That's right. What makes you think Azami is a first year here?

Azami was a third year middle schooler here.

>Soumadad is from a rich family?
maybe yes
>But there are around 50 students that accuse Saiba of having bribed the officials from "THE BLUE" and that's the only reason why he is allowed to participate

I think so because others believed that he had influenced With money
or He has an influential family

Anyone notice how young Jou acts like Rindou?

Switching rapidly from "DUDE I'M SO WACKY" to Edgelord?

Maybe, we also know Jou never took Souma to meet his grandparents from that flashback with Souma bringing food to that old woman in his neighborhood.

In the extra Rindou also sort of let Tsukuba take the first seat and voluntarily remain in the second seat.

Pretty similar to Jou-Gin thingy. Really my gut told me Rindou will be the extra boss.

You act like people haven't been up front with the fact they're only reading this for tits.

According to Doujima it wasn't sudden but a gradual thing that they didn't pick up on. The reason for it is pretty understandable too. He just got sick of the pussies who weren't willing to do what it took to measure up.

this desu

this. I dunno why people suddenly hate jou because I can understand why he was so mad at people who can easily give up just because they were facing a 'genius' while in reality he had carved his path with hard work

So Soumamom literally fucked the edge out of young Soumadad, is that where the story's going?

> The edgier Jou is, The higher the chance Soumom is going to be best girl to be able to cure Jou
Cant wait to see Soumom.

>This whole chapter
It was great though

So he is just a massive narcissist

> Jou wanted everyone to try hard against him using their own style and creativity
> Azami is doing the same thing now but no own style and creativity
How can Soumom cure his edge?