Will anyone be unbroken by the time Trump gets done?
Pelosi complains about Trump's "empty chair" stunt
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Here's Trump and the empty chairs.
It's your job to show up to work, cunt
You don't get to dodge your duties because of a tweet
She deleted this tweet? The link is dead.
Here it is again...
I love how Trump's enemies are copying his vocabulary lmao. He's literally driving them mad with obsession
Not sure what happened. This link works: twitter.com
Trump has a reliable 35-40 base whereas Pelosi has so little and tepid support that she's probably our greatest advantage going into 2018. At the end of the day, this tweet is just material for the coastal lib circle jerk.
Proud to be an American for once.
35-40% of the electorate I mean
>Pelosi using Trump's bullshit "Sad!" meme
Make it stop
>all those replies
Is Twitter really this much of a lib infested shithole or does Twitter manipulate which replies show up?
>35-40% of the electorate I mean
That's really not a lot of people and most aren't going to vote in 2018 cause Trump cucked you for the kikes on wallstreet.
>also lefties: *immediately copy trumpian rhetorical style*
inb4 every shitlib salon-tier media outlet write a yassss girl, slaaaay article
Lol classic trump
So many layers of pettiness.
>Nancy try’s to make a power move
>As always it backfires and dems look childish
>Nancy cries and blames trump for her mistake
this is what shills actually believe
It's that bad. Conservatives are actually working and don't have time to shitpost on Twitter from the local Starbucks.
But that's a fact.
Trump stunt.
We talk like Trump to mock how fucking stupid he is.
That makes sense....
>we are just pretending to be retarded
>Criticizes Donald for stupid behavior
They didn't show up.
>Pretending to be retarded
So you admit he's retarded then.
Pelosi BTFO
Trump trolled the shit out of them
It seems you're having trouble with some cognitive dissonance. Want some help?
Kek, if you're going to bait at least try harder
Also... which Democrats are expected to have a 35-40% base in 2020? Name one.
This is fantastic. The perfect way to treat these pieces of shit. The only thing better will be watching them hung in a public square after being convicted of treason.
He is a troll that knows more about human psychology than most. He is baiting the msm and their low iq viewers, and it WORKS EVERY FUCKING TIME.
Pelosi is senile, and they really need to get rid of her. It's even worse with her than geriatrics Hillary and McLiar at this point.
No he's admitting that you are retarded by your own definition, you fuckin retard
>pulls a "stunt" by not showing up over a tweet
>tells us trump is only interested in said "stunts"
makes ya think
Kind of funny that it says minority leader
The thing is that they've recognized Trump's in your face take no prisoners approach actually worked. That it allowed him to get elected without the "election consultant" industry and media infrastructure that cost's billions. Democrats are always harping about "campaign fiance reform" and the money involved in politics, but Trump has shown the way to get around that by speaking directly to the public through social media in carefully crafted sound bites that convey both the core of a position or argument and the emotion it its intended to invoke. Pelosi is the first to try it out. She won't be the last. The fact is that after the wailing an knashing of teeth is done and Trump Derangement Syndrome fades into memory his biggest legacy may be a sea change in the way politics are done in this country.
Check..you're the actual retard.
She has a point about Trump's nicknames and insults. They're not as effective as they once were and if he keeps it up for 4 full years, he'll have no chance in 2020 because people will become numb to them unlike in 2016
Are you just pretending to be retarded too?
They just keep taking the bait
min neger
Shouldn't NBC be taking shit for spelling Schumer incorrectly?
twitteraudit.com says 330,012 of her followers are bots.
In 2020, he will run on the economy.
lol wow surely now McConnel and Ryan will turn against Trump. Pelosi is a master of pscyhological manipulation.
Kek. You guys really do live in a fantasy world
I wonder if the shills actually believe the shit theyre paid to post
Trips of ironic truth
trump will run if he knows he can win
I'd vote for the guy again
I think it's pretty effective propaganda desu.
Expect to see Trump and the Empty Chairs often in 2018.
>Wow omg all trump does is call people names like a child
>Yea! He's such an orange, fat, cheeto, xeniphobic, man child. Stupid Drumpf!
Mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery
Lmao, Look how butthurt this guy is
this. and it's working! Drumpf is going down any day now when the mocking will be unbearable for his tiny (orange) hands XD.
>Trump's memes are so powerful his enemies have to copy them.
>poor Ryan and Mcconnel
Are you FUCKING kidding me!
>Trump and the empty chairs
That'd be an awesome band name.
>Democrats and media are literally advertising that Democrats aren't doing their job.
Gee, how will they ever lose another election?
>Ha none of trumps tactics work he's such an idiot.
>Haha yea let's copy all of his tactics that'l show everyone how dumb Drumpf is for sure! Haha r-right guys?
Why are Democrats acting like EU parliament? Where's the professionalism
its a beautiful meme
It's very much both. Liberals are jobless cunts that spend as much time shitposting on Twitter as some of us do shitposting here. Except on top of that the kikes boost a few celebrity blue-check faggots to top replies. Add in some Soros bux for paid promotion, and you have the liberal shithive that is even worse than Reddit on most days.
(((they))) have been caught many times manipulating, and faking "trending topics" as well. Bury conservative ones to push some forced libtard meme hashtag. every time.
"Good optics" as they say.
>first idiocracy
it was pretty obvious for years, he changed how politics works, since the political establishment has to turn into celebrities or they're lose to celebrities. it's no longer something boring and alien but something normies will control be controlled by from their smartphones.
they're even worse than Chief Lizzy Warren
Living in their heads, and on the front page of their newspapers RENT FREE
i think being a celebrity could definitely advantageous but it's not a necessary condition to succeed, if bernie didn't restrain himself so much and just walked around as a ZFG disruptor with a mission that could be distilled into a single soundbite, he would have obliterated hillary and maybe would have even been president now.
I love him.
Yes twitter is that much of a liberal septic tank, and yes they do manipulate posts for some twittards, like Pelosi. Welcome to net neutrality.
And Obama supporters believed that it would be all rainbows, and unicorns coming from him. All that mindless yes we can BS, but you learned it was yes we can't. Also after 8 years of Obama all you got was a crappier health care plan. The man was literally the destroyer of worlds.
Yes but the San Fagsiscoites love her, they will keep her in like the Detroiters who still vote Conyers in even though he is one of the Walking Dead cast members.
They do for the first couple months. Then it becomes ironic for the rest of their tenure.
Well unless he gets even more vulgar like calling Nancy Cuntlosi, and the such. Then he will get every last male tired of women's BS.
Professionalism is just one part of the white supremacist meritocracy that progressives are trying so hard to destroy.
280 characters was a mistake. Also, this stupid whore is trump posting lmao. sad!
Well and they are both really ducks, and snowflakes at heart. I am still amazed that people think there is a difference between the two DC parties. There isn't.
This is a new level of "taking the bait." They literally did exactly what Trump expected and now they are the ones putting tweets before their jobs. He even made sure to put their seats right next to him to make the photo-op work.
I can't even say they got played, since anyone with a brain knew that Trump was expecting this.
He's doing that thing where he comfort grabs himself again, what a fucking shivering mess.
And the stupid bitch actually promoting it by her tweets.
>San Fagsiscoites love her
Let me learn you a little something about the SF voter base that may activate your almonds. There are only two demographics that matter in Pelosi's district. The Diocese of St. Ignatious, and Chinese immigrants. All other demographics are statistically irrelevant in San Francisco to the point of non-existence.
Or maybe they should've gone to work today instead of not show up and ignore the missile NK just fired.
They spelled sitting wrong.
he literally won the election with that number you ape
>NBC spelled Schumer wrong
>Politico spelled sitting wrong
Top notch journalism. And I'm sure both have mocked Trump for covfefe
>We are pretending to be retarded
Oh my God the left can't meme because they are a meme
I love you guise. This is what is keeping me up, not the redpills or the Good Fight eventhough they help.
It´s the laffs
is he going to fire all of congress and become the dictator the liberals said he was?
please say yes
wait I don't get it
Empty chairs? Wtf does this even mean?
>tfw too brainlet to understand the propaganda