The current state of /reddit/

2. Anti Trump Church sign
3. Interracial relationship pedaling AND pushing single white "empowered" women
4. Numale posing with Santa Claus

Other urls found in this thread:

INB4 all of the "go back to plebbit" posters show up - i say your post is fair game OP. reddit now like the 3rd or 4th most trafficked website on the internet. it's horrendous leftyism is a serious issue



You have to go back

Gallowboob is a notorious Karma Whore. I doxxed him and send dildos to his house in UK. He probably enjoys them.


>going to reddit in the first place

I've been here since 06 you halfie


Go the fuck back


Making fun of r*ddit screencaps was a staple here until the redditards showed up

"your family deserved what they got"
i think this still takes the all time cake for me of worst ever reddit bullshit and i've seen a shitload of it

>t. redditor who dislikes it when Sup Forums lampoons his favorite website

"i hope your girlfriend or wife gets mowed down on a bridge somewhere cuz islam is peaceful" lmfao

basically that is what all of these "go back to plebbit" people in threads like these are. plebbitors and lefty's are so fucking manipulative man. they will prey on any tactic they can to try to manipulate you into following their narrative

Anyone who uses reddit nonironically should be sent to the gulag

Sup Forums is surprised there are so many from Reddit coming here when the Sup Forums board is a top 50 most subscribed.


Go back to plebbit
Sage goes in every field

Commies need to be physically removed. Fucking filthy creatures


They really do't understand the semantics and that "remove" isn't a violent action like "bash" or "punch"

lmfao @ this one



Lol a fucking Hue calling anybody elses country shit.

this was after trump got elected i guess

He's right, you know.


something about the "you got a source" thrown in there that really makes me laugh on this one

silicon valley is a beta soyim hivemind that needs to be purged.

t. redditfugee

"hope your assholes rots out" lmfao

trump supporters literally put swastikas on their arms and will shove you into a furnace. this guy doesn't know what an edgy teen is

this has got to be the worst one of all time

the mods and admits will ban / shut down any right-wing rhetoric that can be construed as breaking rules but will let all of the most vicious and vile lefty rhetoric stand upon this website


>we totally have freedom of expression!
>along government approved lines
How do these people think they're revolutionary at all? How do they maintain that level of cognitive dissonance and not implode?


No you are a cancer. You didn't lurk or assimilate into Sup Forums. You came here and made it Reddit 2.0. You're just like the niggers and Muslims immigrants that go into a country and destroy it and they yell and scream that everyone conform to the same rules as the shit hole you just left. Fuck you and every redditor here. You can't even see how much you're not welcome. You fags are the "normies" you think you're so much better than

>physically removed

What we need is a law that allows the round up of commies and their close "associates" and the hanging of them all for treason.

Communists ARE NOT people and they DO NOT have human rights.


DPRK anyone?

This is the way leaddit has always been, where the fuck have you been? It's not once changed; its most popular and exposed boards are. Why would you even c--... You have to go the fuck back, you spineless bitch. How did it ever get this bad?


>Surprised that a lefty site has lefty posts at the top
>"W-we gotta do something guys!"

Go the fuck back, or stop bitching here. Let them have their shitty site.


why they gotta hurt pepe man?

improved version for your memefolder if you want it

You know how much fucking money we could save if we didn't make public school mandatory? Or if we just closed all the ones in cities and just let nigs nig?

so hard. these people and their sexual deviancy

ever wonder why these people seem so immune to reason when you try to talk to them? this is why


This is the best reddit cuckoldry example I have, side by side.
> Black KILLS 5 whites, 4K votes
> White JOKES about killing blacks, 6 gorillion votes

It hasn't always been like this. It was pretty funny pre-gamergate. It went to total shit when fatpeoplehate and coontown got banned. Probably half of tumblr migrated as well.

Total censorship. Completely void of any originality. Ther best memes are 4-5 years old and they keep beating it to death.

Very generous of you, thanks. I'll treasure it. It's definitely an improvement, I wish I could burn that much weight in such a short time, but Geneva banned it.

Nigger I just want to laugh at reddit like the old days, you’re putting words in my mouth. Before the election posters showed up there were still reddit/tumblr/neogaf screencap threads.

imagine hating capitalism THIS much?


That's fucking low, they beat him when he was depressed?

there it is
what's wrong with all of reddit
>muh emotions

Is this post true about the Gulags? It's clear the Nazi concentration camps treated their inmates fairly, gave them free medical care, food, activities like soccer teams and plays to keep spirits high, no worse than US camps housing Japanese or civil war era POW camps. It was only when German infrastructure was destroyed and the camps were bombed that deaths began. Is there any evidence the Gulags were similarly civil?

they're talking about the shooting of congressman steve scalise here

ive never seen any evidence that gulags were "civil" or anything like that. if i were you, IMHO, i would avoid drawing equivalence between "their side and ours" we tend to be open minded people who are interested in whats real, they tend to be manipulative subversives driven by hatred and willing to use any rhetoric or tactics to achieve their ends. the things i'm posting here in this thread should be enough evidence of that

also worth noting that the lefty media and establishment, esp the academics, generally tries hard to minimize the casualties and horrors under lefty systems of government, while maximizing the ones under any government perceived as "right-wing" like hitler (even though im not so sure he was really right wing, it's debatable at best)

"tree ornaments" - merry christmas kids, love communists

pic related is from back in the day when reddit was actually really cool. long long long ago reddit was actually a lot more like Sup Forums is today, before it got totally cucked. and aside from a ton of right-wing and libertarian politics (front page of reddit used to be big ron paul supporters) you used to find weird, sick fucked up stuff like this there

Because every white school shooter is acting in the name of Jesus. Also checked.

>durr attack the road that I drove on myself

It takes dedication to be that retarded.


poor pepe, they really hate him



basically this is what any interesting discussion on reddit turns into


Fuck off cancer ffs, nobody cares what reddit does


Yoi can blame faggot Millenials for the change. I'm sorry for my generation.

We need you faggots to fix this plebbit mess. I'm wasting time bullying you cunts here when that time could be much better invested bullying pajeets.

Srsly.. you can't keep dividing us.

Or you know a separation of systems of government until they inevitably attack us.

Reddit hates Trump so much yhry would rather side with a literal fascist

>at work, need to shit
>i work at construction so the best we got is a porta-potty
>take massive shit, felt like I got raped by an girthy 10 incher
>have the sudden desire to look at my shit, at what I have created
>the turd is in the water already, but clearly visible
>reach down and pick it up
>get out of washroom with my turd and go back to work
>show it to my friends and colleagues
>they are all amazed at the quality of my shit

That is what is going on in this thread

The leftyism is why no one goes there anymore

>Sup Forums
Choose one.

Protip: You won't.

This is angering. "Why did the bitch get raped? She didn't wanna get up that ass"

That is one of the few leftie memes I have seen that is funny.

Repost from elsewhere for oldfags who hate reddit:

Anyone else notice this past week an influx of reddit related threads and obvious refugees? I went to source and lurked Sup Forums to see what's going on, and after that NN and CBTS bots spam, along with the shutting down of Sup Forums related subreddits, people there are either admitting they lurk reddit, migrated from there the past year or two, and even think this is a positive development. To make matters worse, there's already been an entire guild wars general on /vg/ consisting of nothing by bots replying to each other with creepy gibberish and /got/ generals after season 6 finale painted the entire catalog with confirmed reddit shitposting.

One thing is clear though: Sup Forums isn't a containment board. It's a spawning pool for a cross between the zerg swarm and Majin Buu. Are you willing to post or even stay on this site anymore, if it means talking with bots and redditors and god knows else inevitably starts spilling out that board?

what does this even mean? what do you mean "why no one goes there anymore", news flash their traffic has increased almost exponentially since they've been pandering to lefties, that's the unfortunate reality

Reddit is a fucking lolcow, people on here bitching about it getting milked don’t really know what Sup Forums is all about

Yeah. They still keep recycling that meme along with others from those ancient times because all the interesting people left.Pic related is another one.

It was really similar to Sup Forums back then. Not quite Sup Forums or Sup Forums but more like Sup Forums, /fit/, Sup Forums

that's like the vagina bacon story too.
if you're sick enough to actually want to know what "/u/nigabitch" is actually talking about, here are the fucking gross pics


another one gross

Sure ya did big man

I used to post some BTR shit, but I think most people from there already know they aren't wanted, so it's just a waste of time.

This desu senpai

Laughing at reddit retardation is fair game, the only ones that think otherwise are reddit shits

you all get so mad at reddit but do nothing about it

Sup Forums's traffic is huge and could easily send posts to the front page on leddit

I will not apologize for my Sennheisers.

Because raids and doxing are banned nowadays. Why is everything so cucked in current year internet?

I envy you. You don't know the first thing about that shithole. I don't even go very often anymore because the Trump bubble has gotten so huge I can't enjoy any fucking sub without them getting upset about Trump.

The admins are clinton cronies who prevent any conservative subs from making it to the front page. t_d is one of the biggest subs. basically the entire front page was t_d until the mods filtered it.