>Watch Code Geass
>It's generic paint by numbers schlock where the protag is a High School student with magic powers and is a genius with a harem of girls fawning over him while he single handedly destroys a worldwide spanning empire
You people actually like this shit? It's fucking garbage
Watch Code Geass
Alright, OP, what do you consider some better shows?
It's not.
K-ON!, Yuru Yuri, Himouto, Umaru-san, Non Non Biyori, Working!
Literally none of those are better than CG.
>It's schlock
It's so bad it's good.
I hope no one watches anime for thought-provoking narratives.
So you actually enjoy transparent wish fulfilment anime where the MC is a gary stu with super powers, genius level intellect who has every woman he meets fall in love with him while he takes on an entire empire?
Shit taste. It's not compelling at all.
People enjoyed it because it was an entertaining, board-altering experience, not because it was 'good'.
Lurk for at least 2 years before posting.
Then you agree with OP, geass is fucking garbage and was liked only for the meme value
Not him but I watched it on my own completely and loved the shit out of it.
>he is too new to have watched it with Sup Forums
It's summer somewhere in the world.
All of them are better. Way better. Code Gears is fun but dumb show.
its logh light you can easily understand
why people liked it if you can to any regard
understand why people liked logh its meme logh
The threads were fun because it was bad
I watched Cross Ange and Mayoiga with Sup Forums.Both are bad show like CG so what's the point?
Nah logh was actually good. Gay as fuck, but good. It's because the characters were actually adults and weren't fulfilling the high school fetish, and none of them had magic powers.
Code Geass is logh if you strip the soul of it and design it by committee to hit as many anime tropes as possible
>Watches nothing but moe SoL shows
>Doesn't like and action/thriller with mecha
What a surprise.
I like Gundam and Macross but hated CG.
>Nah logh was actually good. Gay as fuck, but good. It's because the characters were actually adults and weren't fulfilling the high school fetish, and none of them had magic powers.
I agree with your last sentence but I think its fine to do a generic show with magical powers if it's done well and the highschool shit while upsetting didn't seem to be the focus of the show more like an overused backdrop that was barely worth paying attention to. but yeah its fair
but can you see why highschool fags and other kids would enjoy it as if they could understand and actually sit through logh
Look I think planetes is one of the best shows I have ever seen but I'd be deluding myself If I could show it to the average normie and convince them that it's good and worth while
such is life
You had to be a teen in the 00's to understand. It hit that sweet spot. Now you can watch it in all its corniness.
>single handedly destroys a word spanning empire
You'll have to define "single-handledly" for me, cuz I'm not seeing it.
Harem aspect killed the show
>when SoLfags call something "generic"
It's like you want to be told that it's right up your alley
idk, I thought it was a healthy dose of harem.
>comparing hot garbage to a board defining show like Geass
But it is generic
CG is hot garbage too
Right, and OP likes generic shows so...
I was a teenager too. Not every teen like wish fulfilment harem in supposedly serious anime.
How are you this retarded?
If you'd been here for more than a year you'd know that CG was mainly liked due to reasons already stated in this thread.
It was a board-spanning, over the top, cheesy shitstorm which entertained everyone nearly a decade ago.
Half the threads were reactions at retarded plot twists, not a praise of any 'serious' elements.
Fuck off, and lurk moar.
>implying it wasn't the most fun you had watching an anime
SAO, Shingeki no Kyojin, Re:Zero, BnHA, Fate/Stay Night.
If you consider any of those better than CG maybe you should reconsider life.
>Half the threads were reactions at retarded plot twists, not a praise of any 'serious' elements.
Hahaha, what utter bullshit. Maybe you've convinced yourself this is the case because you're so embarrassed you liked a shitty anime 10 years ago?
This thread convinced me to rewatch it after all these years because I don't remember a harem. It wouldn't surprise me if turned out to be true given those high school episodes, but at the same time I can't help but smell buzzwords.
I guess op prefers boku no pico, school days and the likes ey ?
it wasn't a harem tho, they fell for him, big deal its not like they wanted to fall for him + the show focused on him on his quest for justice in his world anyway and it didn't focus on the romance at all. although Shirley is a motivation for him and Rolo fuck that gay dude
>Supposedly serious
Not the same thing
>he fell for the geass meme
I bet you watched Toradora too, faggot
How many girls does it take for a harem? Because Kallen, Shirley, C.C and Nunnally all have the hots for Lelouch
R2 ep 12 shows the harem aspect of the show. But then, I think the dosage of harem in the show overall is pretty healthy, and shouldn't really ruin any viewer's experience at all.
Next time watch the fucking show before you post about it.
as a flaw I only dislike CG for the fact that when he was about to confront his primary goal, the conflict of his dad killing his mother, It was then revealed that his mother actually coerced with his father and not only that they have a good case to fight as well. and I was like, dude, what is lelouch fighing for now that all he was doing wasn't actually necessary. the story followed a stoic motivation thereafter
She likes Suzaku.
>CC,Kallen,Shirley,Milly,Kaguya,his whole school,Rolo.
Not harem
>supposedly serious
I'm so sorry.
How the fuck is Nunnally part of his harem.
Incest fags
Pioneer of VR themed anime, so popular it inspired companies to produce VR gadgets.
A great psychologial, dark themed anime, with a new approach on 'zombie apocalypse' theme.
Deconstruction of oversaturated isekai genre.
The successor of the previous 'Big Three'. It surpassed even One Piece in the recent chapters, let alone the now-shit Naruto and Bleach.
>Fate/Stay Night
The biggest anime/novel/game franchise in the world.
Tatami galaxy, nge, kino, ping pong, utena, SSY
so you're saying you're either 13 or have asburgers?
Can't tolerate people's complain?
I thought that the actual primary goal Lelouch wanted to achieve was to create a warm world for Nunnally.
dafuq ye talking about the best anime in the world is doraemon
I am saying Madoka is better than Chode Gayass
well madoka is a twisted maho shoujo nice to see something new for a change
Why are you even trying to act like you have any idea what happened here 9 years before you arrived?
Most people grow out of their 'serious anime elitist' phase very quickly.
There's nothing to be embarassed about.
Fuck off, Sup Forumsermin.
Anyone can play that game:
>Code Geass
A theatrical and emotional roller coaster, seamlessly combining all the things that defined anime in the early-mid 2000's and playing with them in a way that grips the viewer and never lets go. Suzaku is clearly a critique on Kira Yamato-like characters and Lelouch a homage to the likes of Char Aznable (failures, flaws and all), with the twist being that he is the main character this time around, driving the series through his determination and anger at the world. Code Geass was a sensation that marked a certain point in anime history, not because of it's objective quality or originality, but because it hit all the right spots at the right times.
You have to baiting.
But I thought for most of the show they handled those three well in a non-haremy way
Shirley was like a piece of his old life before he led a rebellion. She died anyway.
Kallen fell in love with Zero first.
CC I felt hardly counted because she was a morally ambiguous mentor of sorts for much of it and I remember the dynamic of their relationship was hotly debated even by the end. You're really not seeing her as a clear cut option until a good way into R2.
They were like different facets of his life.
>contrarian newfag arrives a decade late and attempts to shit a board favorite he was too young to experience
Love these threads.
>You're really not seeing her as a clear cut option until a good way into R2
I'm only halfway into the first season and it's already really obvious she likes him.
You are fucking trolling
>Posts that an anime is shit
>"omg u r troll!"
Retard. Fuck off
I remember all of season 1 was her very slowly moving on from using him as a vague pawn. No real romance angle there. She has always put her own interests above all else but this was especially clear in the first season.
No, you got called out on a particular detail. You're just going to make him look right if you generalize both posts.
He saves her from Lancelot and she tells him to say her name as if he loves her
Best boy.
An Orange is okay too.
SnK is a rip off of Muv luv. The writer pretty much admitted it.
>Rolo wanted Lelouch's dick
You fail at trolling, user
He obviously did.
Why do you think he killed Shirley?
newfag pls go
That was before he geassed her
More like her saving Lelouch. How does making him say her name looks like romance to you? She wasnt even blushing or anything.
What's up nerds?
Bismarck called, he wants his fuccboi back
To protect Lelouch's identity?
It doesnt contradict with the goal that I mentioned. What Nunnally was trying to do was almost identical to what Lelouch was trying to do. (To direct all the world's hatred towards them so that the world unifies and becomes peaceful) Lelouch recognised that doing that to her essentially just helps her complete her goal as well, but instead of her taking the world's hatred, he would take it instead. This way, he could create a warm world for Nunnally. But then I do think that he ultimately failed to create a warm world for Nunnally in the end, since he heavily underestimated the importance of his life in Nunnally's life.
you know that he loses right?
Code Geass was for memes. Obviously you're too new to know.
If you rewatch the scene in R2 ep 13, its pretty obvious that he didn't kill Shirley to protect Lelouch's identity. (It was only his excuse) But then of course he didnt do that to suck Lelouch's dick and Roro is obvious as fuck not part Lelouch's harem.
No, I'm about 13 episodes into Season 1
I think you'll like the show a lot more once you get to the "twists".
I'd argue that he won in the end.
I like Fate/Stay Night a whole lot. But let's not make it bigger than it is.
Lelouch was Nunnally's world. I think he wanted to create HIS world. Sure Nunnally was a part of that, but it was never fully about her, which tied into his other motivations like revenge.
By the end, he was creating a better world for everyone including Nunnally, everyone but himself. Poor Nunnally's desires got denied until the end but it's okay. It's not the ending Lelouch originally wanted either. Can't always get what you want but you get what you need.
>troll thread
>turns into discussion about the show
Nice work Sup Forums.
>exiled prince rebels against his fathers empire using the forces of the oppressed nation he's been sent to and the powers bestowed upon him by a witch
>but it has high school and a few girls sprinkled in so I'm gonna call it generic even tho there's nothing else like it
There's people like you, then there's people who go ''it was bad but fun''. No, it wasn't a trainwreck or schlock either, you're just too fucking stupid to realize the good far outweighed the bad and the myriad of things people love about the show.
I was like 14, it's shits itself towards the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2 but it has a solid finale and one of the most satisfying endings as far as anime go.
Fucking this, I love the show unironically and I wont deny that just to fit in
The PV is tomorrow, right? Boy, I cannot wait to see that shit.
>You people actually like this shit?
We like it ironically.
>I love the show unironically and I wont deny that just to fit in
My brother.
The "so bad but fun" crew confuse me more than shitters like OP. Code Geass is no masterpiece and is clearly heavily flawed at points but calling it outright bad? What even makes a good series with this sort of judgement?
16 hours to go, can't wait
>not fitting in