How much are you enjoying Doug Jones's collapse? Multiple new polls showing him behind outside the margin of error, and Moore's back ahead in the RCP average.
How much are you enjoying Doug Jones's collapse? Multiple new polls showing him behind outside the margin of error...
>pic posted unironically
>Mfw a Republican, who is basically a centrist, ran for President against a Democrat with the entire media behind her and still won
>Mfw a Republican who slammed a reporter to the ground won a against a Democrat who had the media demonize him for days before the election
>Mfw a Republican beat a carpetbagger who had millions behind him
>Mfw a Republican is going to win against a Democrat after all the false accusations left and right
Everything is going so right right now, hopefully we can use this to our advantage for some immigration reform
>Mfw a republican slammed a reporter to the ground
This never happened and you know it
Nevermind I thought we were talking about Corey lewandowski for a minute. Too much shit has happened
Those are actually some really worrying numbers. Chance of winning is not polling percentage. Alabama is supposed to be a red state and still we have a significant chance of our guy losing
It's weird how this race is attracting so much national attention too. At the end of the day, Moore is just going to be one guy among a hundred. There are some like him in Congress already, and just like he will, they have little power to do anything in the face of the establishment. 2018 is what's going to be truly significant.
Greg Gianforte was accused of doing it.
Wrong thread.
You dun goofed and consequences will never be the same.
Do anons actually care about polls now? Thought, Sup Forums stopped caring about them ever since Trump in 2016.
Hahaha leftist smear machine completely btfo! MAGA!
Polls are generally pretty accurate. There is, of course, always a slight bias in favor of the left, but Trump's victory was within the margin of error. The
>he has a 99% chance of losing!
shit was just a result of the liberal media assuming all the swing states would go blue and that Trump wouldn't crack the blue wall even though all of those were well within the realm of possibility.
it's an incredibly important seat for the senate with the current numbers
Dems threw it by not getting rid of Frankin and Conyers. Now it doesn't matter if Moore did or didn't because they defend their own of the same crimes.
Since his accuser has been confirmed to have multiple cases of fraud yeah that spiked his support. She was probably paid by the Democrats.
I look forward to the coming shitlib mental breakdown
Pretty funny that inbreds would rather vote a pedophile than a democrat.
If he was guilty there would be some form of proof besides muh feelings. If the yearbook was real it would've been confirmed by now. Yet we have heard nothing. That's why he's still polling well.
What does that say about the state of the Democrat party?
they are unpopular in Alabama
alleged pedophile vs proven anti-white exterminationist party
Says their platform is very unpopular, pretty much everywhere. People are sick to death of all the anti-white rhetoric coming from the left
Strange indeed
I'd still vote for him even if it was confirmed true, provided that he double down and boast about it. I don't care what he did 40 years ago, but I do care about whether or not he cracks under pressure. The latter is far more important given the job he's trying to get.
And the Republican party for that matter.
Alabama is hardly a representation of everywhere. Only state worse is Mississippi
I remember now. I still just thinking about the time lewandowski accidentally nudged a reporter and she made a huge fuss for an entire month
They must have polled the black belt to get such a high number for jones. Nobody believes the shit on tv. I didn't have any intentions on voting before this but now I'm going just because fuck the dems
Doug Jones is pro-gun control and pro-abortion. He's radically pro-abortion too, like supporting it for a mother who's nine months pregnant.
Problem is, few people in Alabama have been made aware of this. The media only talks about Roy Moore "scandals" and the NRSC, who'd usually be tasked with informing the electorate of this via television, radio and prints ads, pulled out because of the accusations.
The shilling going on here is unbelievable. I actually saw a professionally produced "GOP for Jones" sign near the middle of a busy intersection the other day.
It's the future user. Don't be surprised when you hear talks of Britbong imperialism and the krauts finding a kaiser in the gutter.
Lol now he went from expected loser to "well i guess im worse than an accused pedo".
Jones btfo
Doug Jones is running in the wrong state. He's to the left of coastal Democrats. Bernie Sanders is more conservative than this guy.
He should be running in California and Massachusetts. What's he still doing in Alabama?
The fake accusations against Moore have died down and now it is back to the issues. Jones is 100% moonbat lefty.
Democrats couldn't find some fucker that's less liberal on fucking gun control? Seriously?
Bernie Sanders won't support some shit Jones does and he's from VERMONT.
That's called campaigning.
Democrats are dropping $250,000 a day now on Doug Jones.
>The imbalance is stunning, with just two weeks to go in the campaign: Jones has aired more than 10,000 spots on broadcast TV in Alabama since the primaries, while Moore, the GOP candidate, has run just over 1,000, according to figures compiled by Advertising Analytics.
>“I saw probably 40 to 50 Doug Jones ads, and I saw one Roy Moore ad” over the Thanksgiving break, said Daniel Deriso, an aide to Democratic Birmingham Mayor-elect Randall Woodfin.
Let them waste their money.
Campaigning is typically not trying to convince people that belong to another party that you represent their values when you blatantly don't.
Dougie Jones
Strange 2017. MAKE Alabama GREAT AGAIN!
It's amazing how little they've learned. Strange outspent Moore 10 to 1 and got BTFO, and now they're trying the same thing with Jones.
How can you look at that and not question your dumbass leftist ideas? If throwing more money at your campaign doesn't make you poll higher, how does throwing more money into government programs fix society's problems? These people have no sense of nuance.
Idiot Dems played their hand too soon
If their character assassination of Moore worked, it would become the new norm every election. Twice now they've tried the "He sexually assaulted" me angle, (with a splash of pedo sauce on this one), to turn an election and failed.
It didn't but the people who voted for him thought it had and they liked the idea
There are many trials and tribulations in this life that can break a man's spirit, but this is not one of them. Not today.
Better than playing it too late like we did with the Macron leaks during the French elections, but pretty dumb all the same.
Holy shit, I've been away past couple of weeks. What did Jones do to collapse?
That was the same story with Trump vs Clinton though and guess what people get tired of seeing the same shit everywhere and focus on the things that they don't see very often, like pro Moore ads
The Media fudges polls in the favor of libs. Never anyone else.
Anybody but a democrap. Funny, everyone thought Alabama would get suckered into voting blue.
Not much of a surprise for Republicans support and vote for a pedophile just because he is on their side. So much for the party of religious morals.
Reminder that Moore is a shit candidate and wanting him just means you wanna "trigger le libtardsss" without understanding it dooms the Rs for future elections.
What a time to be alive lads!
I’m enjoying it a lot, actually
We’re talking Alabama here, it doesn’t doom anything
Alabama will age just like the rest of the country. The youth will be more liberal and the cities will grow and out-pace the countryside as the religious influence wanes.
"Arizona will never go blue!" - Now battleground state
We elected Arpio so much that the liberals organized and are able to take districts back. Great shit...
assuming that the polls have been close to reality, let's examine what we can learn from them.
1. People believed the Moore accusations (and maybe they still do) and switched to Jones.
2. The people that switched looked closer at Jones' positions.
3. Moore is now back ahead.
to me, this says more about Jones than Moore. but the uniparty is too hard headed. they will just sit back and wait for demographics to be on their side, and then they will have a century of rule and descent into communism. meanwhile, they will do ANYTHING to prevent reversal of the demographic changes. they are cornered rats. they are desperate, and they will make mistakes and it is our job to exploit their mistakes as much as possible.
>So much for the party of religious morals
Going all churchy was fucking stupid for the R's.
They can rob, rape and pedo all they want as long as they leave me alone and stay out of my wallet.
Same goes for the D's. Leave me the hell alone and keep your grubby hands off my shit and you've got my vote. Rape kids all day long if you want. Fuck it.
Pizzagate BTFO. The pedo elite is winning. They don't even have to hide it anymore.
>Everything always tends toward cosmopolitcal leftyism
Except all the times it doesn't and goes the opposite direction. If you think this isn't the beginning of the pendulum swinging back, you're awfully mistaken.
"muh pendulum"
Alright dude. Glad you got to vote in your first election recently...
Prove he's a pedophile.
A pedo that rapes and eats babies in their crib, is still morally superior to a generic dim.
I hear Moore will literally wipe his ass with the aids flag, the day he takes office. And there's nothing you progcucks can do about it.
Irrelevant Imo.
A Dem=closer to crying Chuck grabbing control. Even if Roy is a dims.
>Thinks the general trend throughout human history is gonna be different this time
>Cites arizona as a battleground state
>Doesn't site all the changeups of swing states
>Seems to have forgotten Trump was an upset victory
Boy howdy, you wouldn't be trying to gaslight people by cherry picking information, would ya now? That'd be mighty unneighborly.
it's like running an anti-gun/pro-murder Democrat in Alabama was a bad idea
>Doesn't site all the changeups of swing states
The dim gov of West Virginia literally changed parties during a rally.
The libs are so fucked in 2018.
Not irrelevant to the point. I want the proof that he's a pedophile. If the evidence that proves Moore is a pedophile cannot be furnished, then it's all smoke anyway.
>thinks the trend hasn't been towards liberalism globally
>thinks Arizona isn't a battleground state due to population shifts and ASU / UoA / NAU drawing in massive liberal crowds
>thinks trump victory wasn't because Clinton would've lost to a wet piece of cardboard
>ignores the entire shifting demographic of the US
Boy howdy! You wouldn't be an 18 year old bitch boy that gets his political "know-how" off Sup Forums would ya now?
Think again
Arizona is going blue simply as a function of all the Mexicans settling there. It has nothing to do with how palatable GOP candidates are although I will shit on you guys endlessly for being represented by McCain and Flake.
Why are the leftists in the US so angry? Republicans are essentially centrists by now, but they don't seem to be happy about it.
For Jeff sessions seat...that he held for 700 years.
>Let's run a pro-baby killing, anti 2nd amd, pro open borders lib to replace him!
^dim logic folks
let's run Bill Clinton's US Attorney and have him take all the credit for a conviction that he really had nothing to do with
>Clinton would've lost to a wet piece of cardboard
>won the popular vote
>economic system
>only factor in votes
>single yougov poll
McCain has been baller his whole career. Actual Republican. Actual man. And lol, the fact you just go "hurrr you haz mexicans" is pathetic. The white demographic is shifting liberal plenty quick. Take a trip to Flagstaff, faggot.
There's no proof bro. We all know that.
The key to a good smear, is making "proof" unnecessary.
Roy prolly banged teens back in the day. Not a pedo.
Roy Moore will be the best victory out of all.
I hope you're paying attention to your own states, though.
>thinks popular vote matters
>thinks rust belt would have ever voted for Clinton
Some more
Jeb will win.
Leftists are never happy unless you give them the pimp hand they all say they don't want but wish they had.
The trend has only been going toward "liberalism" (I use that term VERY loosely) for a couple decades or so. Before that was the conservative moral panics and such. We are not due for the dems to win anything, because people have been dealing with them for a while and are sick of them.
The dems will need a significant reincarnation process before they hold the power they've had for years now. They're waning and considering how fucking fake they are, I'm glad.
Favorability to communism /=/ liberal.... Do you really think that?
guac me up
Alrighty then. Have a great second election, bud.
The lefties can fuck off and non lefties can tell them to do so as well. Tired of the assumption that anyoen has to be nice to liars.
Kill yourself tankie faggot
Moore's eventual win shows when is comes to Pedophilia that Conservatives are just bitch-ass liars and hypocrites.
Conservatives have made themselves believe that Liberals will be angry if Moore wins, when they EXPECT Alabama to vote a dumbfuck, Trumpcuck pedo.
It's Alabama, and no Liberal ever thought for a second a shit hole like that would be a Blue state at every level. Moore winning is a Dem victory.
You too.
Awwww baby realized communism /=/ liberalism?
>Moore getting hit with anti-Trump tier political assassination and still pressing on with high chance of success
Holy shit; in terms of political hitpoints, this guy's a fucking tank.
Being this new. Go back to your Gop hug box on plebbit. We are crashing this election with no survivors.
Was Trump winning also a Dem victory? Because this whole shitshow is the sequel to last year's presidential election. The exact same shit is happening. All we're missing is a Bernie figure to get interrupted by BLM
Interestingly enough, Dems =/= Liberal either. In fact, I think a Rand Paul is probably the closest you'll get to actual liberalism in congress.
Thank you to Al Franken, John Conyers and the demorats defense of them for muddying up the watets