You have been transformed into a tomboyish teenage girl. What do you do?
You have been transformed into a tomboyish teenage girl. What do you do?
> Tomboy
But that requires having masculine traits to begin with.
jog around and then smell my armpits
Do my friends know that it is me?
If yes i tease the fuck out of them after of course
Not going to lie, probably find random guys to have sweaty tomboy sex with.
Shitpost on the internet
Please old men for money
[Spoiler]and then remember I'm an ftm tranny[/spoiler]
They can keep their money.
But I already am a tomboyish teenage girl.
You sluts. You guys are still reserved fags so you would continue the same behaviour but be a lot more consious of how you look. Considering we usually don't get noticed, you would probably google for at least a couple hours, buy some unattractive clothing and be the same neet. No way could you go from zero to getting dick just like that. Remember same knowledge in head so you lack any femininity.
Lose the MCbowl
Kill yourself.
Only if they're fat old men
>pic related
But I'm not a NEET, but I guess I'm not a normalfag either
>needing feminity
>not just bending over and hiking up your skirt in front of some drunk strangers
First then again. After I get tired from masturbating, try to become more girly and less tomboyish.
You'd a Makoto if she offered and you know it.
Jokes on you, I'm a very feminine little girl inside the body of a 20 something hairy man.
Why would you do that before becoming less girly?
I have sex with my best friend.
Try to get raped.
>becoming less girly
You mean more girly, right? Anyway, fingernails.
>Sup Forums talking about their waifus
"muh purity"
>Sup Forums talking about being the little girl
You know, I never quite got that.
Not even the best tomboy named Makoto.
Most of Sup Forums are hypocrites, shitposters, or simply too sex deprived to properly function as reasonable human beings
Find a nice and stable guy and live a good, normal life with him.
Also lots of sex with that guy and raising the next generation of tomboys, of course.
Also masturbate.
Not really. I'm pretty sure I'd remain pure if I became a cute girl.
Masturbating doesn't make me non-pure, right?
suck bbc
Find a way to exploit my 10 extra years of knowledge to make a living for myself before I'm 18 again, see if I can be one of those dumb stream whores on twitch or a pro seagull in the meantime
Enjoy being shorter
Hate having menstrual cycles and a snotty hole where my balls used to be
Get a cute girlfriend (male)
This is the picture I use for my roleplaying profile
So I guess I just go and live that
Sell my virginity to the highest bidder.
>Get a cute girlfriend (male)
This. Also masturbate.
grope myself, and then save the whole city from a comet, and then try to find the girl that transformed into me