Why do faggots have to make everything about them?

Why do faggots have to make everything about them?
Faggot hate threads.
Mods don't delete, LGBT is the most destructive political movement of our age.

Someone needs to steal the christchild for His own safety. Can't having those pedophile poofs raising Him.

You got that right.

>posts a picture of Muhammad


Total blasphemy. These sodomites even insult the holy mother of god, the ever blessed virgin Mary. They must be whipped until they repent.



Because most fags are attention whores.


Deus vult brother

And it makes more sense than Virgin birth


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?

discord gg/ZaGvbs




Why do christians have to make everything about them?


The only cure for the mental disability that is being LGBT is death.

Where is that from? Obviosuly not from jewbook. Deep/Dark Web?

Because their entire identity revolves around their sick perversion. It's literally all they have to contribute to society. "I'm a degenerate freak that takes it up the shitter." Like, that's literally it.

I give it 2 days before it's stolen

If that would be Russia their house would be enirely nuked for blaspheming the holy name of Yeshua Hamashiach bljad


What about Niggertivities?

Mary and a baby. No father around.

Like for reals.
Much love to humanity but this has gone too far.
Living in a society where people defend their sick and vile actions while lying about God loving Men.
This is fucking foul. I have some gay friends and I hope they wake up one day from their sick perversions.
It's a sickness, it's a disease.

It's a fetish, nothing more, but fags make it a lifestyle.

Well, you could give them a bullet to think

based hunny

Joseph and Mary not Joseph and Gary.

Fags are bigger attention whores than women

ok that was a good one


shouldn't the baby be missing? or like replaced with a dildo

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?

discord gg/ZaGvbs

Christianity is founded under Joseph getting cucked by a spirit

The LGBTWTFBBQ agenda is nothing more than a means by which to attack Christianity. That's all it is. Degenerates trying to tear down anything that is not as degenerate as they are.

No sex involved. No cuckolding.



Yes, kids are stupid, which is why you, as a rep for the gay community, prey upon children.

This. Fags have cunt brains.

>use religion as an excuse to fuck with gay people
>be shocked when gay people fuck back

I like this divide and conquer tactic.

>God needed a woman. Lesbians would work but he has no use for gay men.


You know how God deals with your perversion.

Fire and brimstone.

tfw this loser get paid for that lol

I'm more excited by the growing Christian population in places like China.

>in my utopia you don't exist

I do in this plane of existence u nutter

You won't for long.



Yes, as I said, there are more and more fools every day.

They'll grow out of it. Like you should have.

That Shawn guy still has his kik, I just found him

It's because it's funny.
Gays think that other gays are hilarious.
It's not them trying to make it about them, they're fucking having a laugh and you can't take the bant

Honestly this

Yes, blasphemy is funny to sodomites.

Who will laugh last, I wonder.

Where is Donald "grabbin' my daughter by the pussy" Trump?
Where is Roy "fucking 14 yo" Moore?
Where is Wesley "getting sucked by a 18yo boy" Goodman?


what are you talking about faggots are doing everything they can to ban free speech specifically because they CAN'T handle bants

bants is a two-way road, if you can't take it then get the fuck out

>I won't tell anyone!
>tweets it
I know it's fake, but come on.

The fags want normal people to object to the display so they can be victims and harangue those who objected to death. They want a chance to trigger a sodomite pig pile of hatred against good people.

>in my utopia you don't exist

That wouldnt be my utopia, in mine you have the choice to be a part of it, but depending on what you do here decides if you get in or not

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?

discord gg/zamwgsS

go harvest some beans bitch

Because SODOMY is the new religion of the west. It has everything any other religion has, even huge mass processions (fag parades), state support, sacred holidays and sacred symbols (fag pride flag).

Their entire identity is tied up on being transgressive freaks and outsiders. They take great pride in it and get very upset when they feel like nobody's being outraged or shocked by their antics. When Obama legalized gay marriage there were a lot of them crying that they were no longer unique anymore. They like the persecution because it makes them feel like they're unique because they're huge drama queens and attention whores.

Why do you hate other people being free?

>Poll carried out for the BBC

>septum peircing
funny how only mentally ill people get these

These are bad, bad people.

Half of the liberal worldview/political platform revolves around worshipping the fucking of the male anus.

Consider, if you will, for a moment how clown world that is.

why do faggots plead with the mods to not delete?

There is freedom. In your country especially, gays have nothing but absolute freedom. This is not "freedom," this is raw attention whoring and virtue signaling for nothing and for no greater purpose than what's between your legs and where that goes when you get horny. It's base, it's animal.

>Anglin and DS effectively get banned from the Internet
>this stuff and others still exist

Say what you will about Anglin, but this is exactly why I don't give a fuck about net neutrality.

Massive corporations and givernment collectively work together to fuck with right wingers but the feds aren't busting down doors and executing on site for this? Fucking retarded.

>its a fetish

Fags be like

Someone needs to alter HIV to be more resistant to medicine.

Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.

You are stupid and a giant faggot.

Kill yourself.

Lol, thinks god's real.

Get real faggot.

Looks like a self-correcting problem, then.

Not an argument

We don't, atheists do.

This display is the most satanic thing ive ever seen. Athiests and faggots are bigger attention whores than niggers and women

Homosexuality has been a part of European societies and culture for millennia. It's not going away, not something to get worked up about.
Also, homosexuality seems to be a kind of last stand of implicit White identity.

This is awfully disrespectful. Those faggots probably know shit about Jesus.

these are all larps

Homosexual decadence help destroy our nearest historical equivalent, the Roman Empire. Pernicious creeping decadence needs to be nipped in the bud by establishing compulsory military service - draft.

They definitely do know shit!

t. Deep State Humpty Dumpty.

this board is dying. pissed off your dick skin thread got deleted? replaced with fucking jewish tits breads? kill yourselves. you pay wall leeches. you deserve to be "nuked"

Lol Hawaii is confused.

If its this vs Muslims. I choose Muslims.

How is this not attack on christianity?

>be gay
>not self hating at all, desu I like being gay
>not even Christian
>would smash with a hammer if I saw that
So sick of these faggots

Christ has two dads. We all do. God does not have your gross fall of man sex and it could be argued by twisted fucks like you. And it is. That Joseph was a cuck. Just like you are. Just like Adam was. For people who have no clue what theyre talking about and worship pussies

im lucille ball. rumoured to have been a man