Congratulations on your new Miss Minnesota, USA xD

Congratulations on your new Miss Minnesota, USA xD
What's on the next level of PC insanity?

Give her a break. She's a sweet person. What the fuck is wrong with some people?


USA is fucking nuts nowadays, I dunno why would anybody want to live there... PC overdose, anti-white propaganda at every corner, a very hostile environment.

we know you'd hit it

you misspelled potato


They are lil channers. They will grow more sensitive as they grow older

>as they grow older
Nope, most of them will die before hitting 40 because of their superior genes.

lmao, knew she would win. Everything has to be derailed, degenerated and deformed into victim-hood / oppression olympics in eternal jew-land.


America is a nuthouse, always was

She looks like the average American woman

you mean "him" and "he's"

>He fell for the makeup meme

What if we help NK increase the range on its rockets? But Cali first, Kim.

That's one hot potato.

Now she looks like the average British woman

Haha! It is funny because it is true.


I’d fuck her tho

You would fuck anything that moves. Just admit it.

Why would I if I can just hop over the border and fuck perfect blonde Polish whores for 100 zlotys?

potatoes are considered smart in blue states

>implying Europe isn't facing the exact same heterogeneous problems that America is facing
Nobody is offended by the memes, some of them are funny. It's just cringy when eurofags act as if they aren't being overrun by minorities too.

She loves it when you whisper "Bratkartoffeln" in her ear.

>Le 56% brain

Because this is an award-winning potato we're talking about.

You have to understand that nobody cares what some Pollack thinks about anything

Is it wrong to objectify people with disabilities to exploit the for cash and popularity? I say no and you should sexulize them as well for good measure

dont cry amerimutt dont cry

>implying she should be bred with
They do want us as mong tier slaves

Hahaha! Kek

Come on now. She's at least 88%

Anyone pushing divide and conquer "youre not white" is either trying for retarded laughs, is retarded, or shilling.

No more brother wars

Is it a sweet potatoe contest? Thought it was a beauty contest

that's one hot potato

Yeah. Hot. Is it?


we have reached normalization

It's her without makeup you mong.

you do know shes half Polish

I always wondered what happened to Dan Quayle

Oh, hell. They are a financial drain. Best case scenario: They are provided with real useful employment which their mental functioning can handle. Otherwise, exploit them to pay off the debt they create or euthanize.

Is it illegal to fuck adult retarded people? Just curious. Seems like it's probably illegal. How hard is it to have a retarded person placed in your home? Just curious. I hear you can get gibs for taking care of retards.

if you put a bag over her head, and probably some mittens on those meaty hands you could probably hit and not notice the difference

>meaty hands

kek handlet detected

I'm older, cynical and disillusioned. when does it get better?

>elects miss princess PC-potato

their Swedish blood is strong

>when does it get better?


There, there now Juan. At least we don't mix with them.

I thinks its teh finnish blood if it was swedish blood miss minnesota would be a black male


Still not PC enough. Next up is a retard trans-man winning Ms Minnesota.
> mfw im a normal qt just tryin to win the god damn tiara

Terve, and i think you might be on to something..

>converted to islam
>currently addicted to Opiates because of the dilation pain felt by his patchwork vagina
>convicted sex offender

>Christcuck culture



it's a small but powerful minority pushing this crap. the media and entertainment industry. normal people reject them, that's why Trump won.

lmaoing at the peach fuzz

found her

Reminder that miss contests are a jewish normalization event

I would fuck her from the back as to not see her face, anal so no retard babies

on the bright side, 4th place is probably a closet racist now

then shut up already


Whats wrong with this the nigress is 10 times hotter

>t. fennoswede


fake and gay. 4th place doesn't even look 18


I voted for the nigress i want to seed her with my fingol seed

Why would user lie? Whats in it for him?

pleaaaaase STOPPPPP

56% mutt
44% degeneracy

you must be a new fag yourself. listen senpai it only gets worse the longer you lurk. kys or lurk moar


Technically all down's syndrome people look eerily similiar so how can you be racist?

Hello ESL-kun, why are you taking his bait?



At least she's white.

Honestly if I was drunk I'd probably fuck that potato.

>tfw you thought it was a fart but it was shit again

What does it say about our country as a whole. A potato can stay in shape yet we have an obesity epidemic. I can't stop laughing at this shit.

Beauty contests are a scam.

Middle : Miss Canada
Left : Miss Jamaica that was picked over Miss Canada and went as far as top 3 supposedly hottest girl ever
Right : Winner

she has better teeth than me, but then she probably has people that take care of her. i live alone and eat tv dinners

That is one ugly gutter pig

the best part is that you can't get it pregnant

+30% of downs syndrome females are fertile and capable of carrying a fetus to term, biologically speaking

>What does it say about our country as a whole. A potato can stay in shape yet we have an obesity epidemic. I can't stop laughing at this shit.

It's easy when you have the power to just lock them in a room and starve them thin.
