Why do People Believe Mediterraneans Created Civilization

It baffles me how people can take a look at Nordics, take a look at meds, and honestly assume that meds were the ones who created philosophy, who build the Roman empire, who were behind the renassiance. If the link I provide you doesn't convince you this picture should.


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true ancient meds didn't have noses like htat

very faggy


The "hook nose" is actually a feature of the Nordic race


we believe it because meds DID build ancient civilizations you mental burger
>using some ugly man as an argument
go home to mcdonalds

We crrated civilization and you use our letters.

I'd just like to interject for a moment.

No they didn't. Meds didn't build shit besides modern-day Naples

I've toyed around with this hypothesis that Meds degenerated under the dysgenic effects of early civilization(relaxed pressures) and intermixing with non-jewish Semites.

How else can you explain why southern Europe is such an irrelevant borderline second-world real?

The most prosperous place is Northern-Italy which is actually a hybrid population of Alpines, Dinarics, Meds and Nords.

Btw just about all of my great grandparents were born in Spain, before I see any deflecting "lol 56%" maymays

Southern Europe is much better than Israel you retarded shabos goy.

Actually WE did, not you.

The guy on the left is probably of Nordic stock, one of the last remaining Nords in Mediterreanian

>I've toyed around with this hypothesis that Meds degenerated under the dysgenic effects of early civilization
you may be onto something but the reality is that all civilizations have that effect
just look at modern """Vikings"""

Except for the Greek and Roman empires? Nords will literal be illiterate if not for the Romans and this is an objective fact.

What are you trying to say?

That you would never choose to live in Israel vs any southern european country.

I don't disagree. Viking society was cucked by later justice systems(executions), and literal cuckolding by soy boys when the warriors/noblemen went on expeditions.

Meds are ancient Romans and modern Germans. A bunch of degenerates that went sailing around raping people did not create civilization.

Israel is a special recent case. It's 20% Arab, drained by defense and illegal immigration; and has a glut of managerial cretins. Jews aren't diverse enough to run a country.

>we wuz vikangz and shit
Show flag

That wasn't the point

Explain more on this. How did "executions" cuck the society?

Romans were Nords so....

What does 20% peasants mean to a country?

They created it, we perfected it

Meds before the Turks raped them did it. Now they're stupid and lazy.

Alexander the Great had blue eyes and blond, curly hair. The modern Greeks are not descended from the ancient Greeks.

Ancient Romans and modern Germans are/were both Nords

I'm American but that's irrelevant. All 100% of my ancestors were of pure Nordic and Celtic Stock.

Civilization belongs to Egypt, Then to Babylon. Then the Persians. Then the Greeks. Then the Romans.

Of course China should absolutely belong in there somewhere, but were they ever really 'civilized' by western standards? Are they even today?

Civilization was created by the ancients greeks especially philosophy, mathematics and other intellectual aspects of our society. Look at bronze age greece up until the reign of alexander retard. Then the romans just copied the greeks, this whole time the nords were just being barbarians. Useless race desu should be gunned down.


Nah, we created it

They are descended from the Ancient Greeks though....

As well as the Turks, Moors, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Arabic pirates, and Persians. LOL

>Explain more on this. How did "executions" cuck the society?

Executions self-evidently gradually induce genetic pacification.

Google "genetic pacification" for a great evo-psych essay on the matter.

It was Central Asians who moved to the Mediterranean.

European Mediterraneans were technically Anatolian, Central Asian.

African Mediterraneans are mostly descendants of Natufians in the Maghreb and Eurasians who mixed with Natufian women towards Egypt and later got overrun by Nubians/Horners.

The elites of all those civilization were Nords. Look at this, Chinese mummy with 2000 clay bodyguards built in his honour was blond


I can’t believe snowniggers destroyed Rome and 2000 years later they have the nerve to LARP as Romans.

Civilization began in Sumer, a non semitic population genetically distinct with language isolate from semites who lived in mecca and levant.

I get it now. You’re the same person who baits on /his with these links.


Was North-western china important at some point?

But the Ancient Greeks were Nords. Look at pic related, Helene of Troy.

kike thread

do not feed kike shill threads

How can you be destroyed by something you're supposedly "superior" to?

>le 56% thinks he's "aryan" again
>cuck flag

I know it's b8, but still hilarious how you embarass yourself that bad
Back to plebbit with (you)

But that's wrong. Scientists agree that acient Romans were meds, as are modern Italians. And Hitler classified meds as Aryan.

Indeed. This guy gets it

I'll look into it

Except he really was his ancestor and the Romans were not brown haired.

Yeah when it had Nords running it.

consider the god tier Celtics

>Yeah when it had Nords running it.

Care to elaborate?

now I get why the quality of the shitposts is so abysmal

Literally gypsies, celtics.

I could prove this wrong so easily but instead of writing everything I know I'll do it in a simple fact

>1920: Establishment controlled by whites: Only Nords are considered white

2017: Establishment run by Jews: Everyone and their dog is considered white

Jews want as many people as possible considered white

My ancestors were of pure Nordic stock, i know you're trolling but still.

((scientists)). alex Jones made a video debunking that and said the Greeks and Romans were blond hair blue eyed

>hitler classified meds as Aryan
Yeah for political reasons. He said Madison Grants book "passing of a great race" was "his bible" which stated that meds were an inferior mongrel race


So Babylon then. Thanks for proving my fucking point.


I posted a link earlier in the thread. Just do "ctrl f "myster" to get it. It stated that the mummies of some of these Ancient Chinese emperors that are still highly respected in Chinese customs were blond hair blue eyed.

But Finns aren't white.

Lol, yeah, the water filter salesman who admitted to being an actor is totally more legit than scientists. Because we all know that all scientists around the world are just involved I'm a giant conspiracy.

Celts are good people but they don't have the Nordic Spark of genius

Sumerians were Nordic

Some are. Rurik was

Jews want meds to be considered white dingus.

How did he prove your point retard?



Yeah sure buddy, him saying he was an actor so his child wasn't taken away from him totally makes everything he says false. And PIC RELATED is sooooo much more intelligent

I actually am a pure Nordic man. I don't care about anyone else.

We're honorary whites, bruh.

Never ceases to amaze

me on the left

daily reminder that non-meds are unironical savages that are WILLINGLY GOING EXTINCT
natural selection is wiping them out because they're so subhuman

they're probably just mad because they won't exist in 20 years
oh well

Babylon is the logical extension of Sumer. You really might want to read something .on paper sometime. It's an ancient skill.

You didn't read Mein Kampf did you.

Not am argument.

A peasant cuckshed isn't representative of viking architecture.

It's evolving

borgund church was built in 1200AD
thanks for proving my point that snowniggers are subhumans

All those were created by Nords except the sandcastle

You realize that there are pure Nords born today that are probably going to live to 120 right? Even if every Nord from now on mixed Nords would still survive for at least 120 years

I know Babylon is the logical extension of Sumer, what was your fucking point? Read a fucking book and try to stay on topic

NoordNiggers were painting themselves and grunting while Virgil wrote poetry

That was built by Nords.

because true stupid fucks believe that the Greeks and Italians of today are the same as they were prior to 1000AD when the Muslims had invaded and conquered South-Southwestern Europe.

Virgil was Nordic.

err, the picture for Africa was built by the French in Timbuktu like 100 years ago, right?

it has already evolved

When i was in italy, i walked tall among these little pirates.
The women glared i felt like they were about to rape me.
And your building culture is shameful.

correct, 80-150 years not sure. Most people don't know it though so the meme works

Mediterranean who created civilization =/= today's Mediterranean inhabitants

Imagine pic related trying to build an empire

>proud g*rmanoid

lul, no such thing

g*rmanics are scum of the earth, they ruined europe by starting the dark age after invading the roman empire and mixing with its inhabitants, creatings disgusting med-nord mongrel subhumans.

I am a PURE MEDITERRANEAN sardinian, with thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of pure unadulterated mediterranean blood.

Sardinians are the purest people in europe and the most superhuman of europeans, we are not shitalians or g*rmanic scum.

Fuck, I hate using english, it is such a disgusting g*rmanic-frankish (also g*rmanic) language that I hate that I have to use.



I thought Mansu Musa built it?


Except we really were Semites. We actually descend from the ten lost tribes

How tall you? I'm 5'10 but even i felt giant in Italy.

Does this statue look Nordic to you?


>mixing with its inhabitdants
Nords were the Romans

No such thing, a Med is someone with Nordic, Turkish, Celtic, Arabic, and Black ancestry

>Fuck, I hate using english, it is such a disgusting g*rmanic-frankish (also g*rmanic)
You said Germanic twice idiot, and Franks are Germanics.

>The women glared i felt like they were about to rape me.
I understand how a Swede would be surprised by that

>Most people are illiterate, lazy, uninterested.
>Nordic Culture precedes anything else on the planet.
>Quote: "Available calibrations and independent controls using other methods indicate that the flutes from Hohle Fels predate 35,000 calendar years ago."
>Pic related.
Source 1: phys.org/news/2009-06-prehistoric-flute-germany-oldest.html
Source 2: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19553935

Wtf man, i visited sardinia.
Your airport was built by whom exactly?
And all these nigger salesmen shitting all over mariapia beach jeez, did the mafia invite them or wtf?
Food was nice tho.

It was made of clay, it disappeared in the 700 years since that dude was around. The French colonial officials built many Neo-Sudanese style structures throughout their west African properties.


I don't think meds looked like this then, I did read somewhere Spartans had red hair and very tall, what you see in meds now is the end product of cultural "diversity" all short fat ugly and stupid.

Im 190 cm tall

germans are subhumans

good thing they won't exist in 20 years :)

nature literally taking the trash out herself

So is there any decent African structures built by blacks.

>190 cm tall
Oh well then you'd be tall anywhere

White children is still being born, you cannot destroy the neaderthal mastur race