On the front line of the war, there's a little girl. Blond hair, blue eyes and porcelain white skin...

>On the front line of the war, there's a little girl. Blond hair, blue eyes and porcelain white skin, she commands the army with lisping voice. Her name is Tanya Degurechaff. But in reality, she is one of Japan's most elite salarymen, reborn as a little girl after angering a mysterious being X who calls himself "God." And this little girl, who prioritize over anything else efficiency and her own carrier, will become the most dangerous being amongst the sorcerers of the imperial army...

I'm fucking crying over the fact that it took me 5 years to realise, that this is basically what the majority of anime is

How do you justify this degenerate hobby Sup Forums?

By accepting that I'm a degenerate and realising that degenerate media can be fun

By not reading and watching shit. You should try it sometime.

>it took me 5 years to realise

You must have some kind of mental malfunction.

What's this about needing to justify everything. How insecure are you?
Why did it take you five years to realize that you are only watching the same shit in a medium that is diverse? Oh wait, you just recently started "watching" anime.

>muh degeneracy
I'm going to enjoy this show just to spite you OP

>this is basically what the majority of anime is
Yes, that's why you ignore the crap and keep an eye out for the good.

Stay in Sup Forums, please.

>user discovers isekai and wish fulfillment fiction for the first time
Are you 13 years old?

>Are you 13 years old?
Are you coming on to me?

You have to go back.

It's delusion, user. You know, the thing that can happen when you're too invested in something, to even be able to see that it's complete shit

>only watching the same shit in a medium that is diverse
Literally have watched at least a couple of shows from each major genre. Don't even try to deny to me, that even some of the most "serious" anime add some unnecessarily UGUU~ characters

Enjoy dude, no hate here

>buzzword used throughout Sup Forums's boards
>stay in Sup Forums
you really think I prefer nazi circlejerks and liberal hate over animated grown women in little girl bodies?

No, I'm just more or less a normie

>le smiling man

>buzzword used to describe an entire hobby
>not Sup Forums

*grown men in little girl bodies

I mean, I'm sure there are anime with those too. But my point wasn't really that I enjoy either of those things

I was enjoying it until the religious shit started happening

The gods make a "blessed artifact" out of an experimental magical orb that forces to MC to spew out prayers and praise them against his will every time he activates it so he seems like a religious psychopath to the people around him

Pretty much ruined it for me.

Who should Sup Forums justify liking anime to?

I've never seen anything like that and I've been watching anime for a while

That sounds fun as fuck. Hope it's good

This is strikingly similar to the plot of most JRPGS.

Themselves. Obviously I'm not telling people to kill themselves for enjoying something I generally don't, and obviously they're allowed to enjoy what they want.
Doesn't it trigger some sort of blue guilt feeling in some of you though? Out of all the unproductive and "pointless" things you can do in the world, you pick the one that will have most normal people peg you for a deranged person, if you ever show the slightest interest in public.
Even the fucking japs are looking down on anime

I think you're taking cartoons way too seriously.

I think you're underestimating how many Aspies frequent this website. I'm not talking about John A. Smith who watches one episode of anime every week or so, I'm talking about the people who go on forums like Sup Forums to talk about "ur waifu a shit" and "Kurokorkukrokurru-chan best girl" type of shit, almost daily

Well good luck, I couldn't care less about them.

>it took me 5 years to realise

You were a special kid, all things considered.

>How do you justify this degenerate hobby Sup Forums?

Its fun, I've embraced the degeneracy of this medium and all the shunning from the society a long time ago.

I didn't choose anime, anime chose me.
But seriously, why should anyone care what other people think of their hobby? It's your private time. We'll all be dead in 100 years no matter how 'productive we were.

I like it
As far as I'm concerned that's really all the justification I need

People shouldn't have to justify things to themselves, that indicates they have a mental complex and are probably forcing themselves to "like" something so that they'll be accepted by their peers/family.

People who can unabashedly admit they like most kinds of anime are very secure in their interests and shouldn't need to justify their hobbies.

But that is a strong justification in and of itself.

Its the lack of self-justification that makes people uncomfortable with themselves. You see those kinds of fags always talking about anime as "guilty pleasure", " something to laugh at with friends" etc, as they need a support of others to empower their weak beliefs.

I generally zoomed past most things with cutesy girls on the cover photo, it wasn't before I discovered LiveChart I realised the actual quantity of that kind of shit

Basically what you said
>We'll all be dead
You could be at least just as happy as you are now if you switched out anime, for something more socially acceptable.You might even end up telling about your experiences to people you're just getting to know, without lighting a fire under their heels.
Do you really want to spend your limited time, shut off from everything else, watching animations that either pander to the lowest common denominator, or are made solely for the purpose of showcasing how over the top ridiculous japanese directors can be?

You do you, user

I can't deny the possibility of a mental complex. I just don't understand how you can accept standing out *that much*. Adults who dedicate (for lack of a better word) most of their time on anime, are basically seen the same way as furries and bronies, to most normal people.
You are seen as comparatively greater degenerates than some drug fiends to a lot of people - not that that isn't screwed up in itself, but that's beside the point

Normal and well-adjusted western adults aren't even aware that the anime otaku, furry, and brony communities even exist. Subcultures are subcultures for a reason: they're disconnected from mainstream culture but large enough to sustain themselves and establish an identity. The word otaku stems from the Japanese having a better understanding of subcultures and giving a proper term to the people who make it part of their identity.

>You are seen as comparatively greater degenerates than some drug fiends to a lot of people - not that that isn't screwed up in itself, but that's beside the point
This isn't quite true, but the ballpark of that statement and what it implies are an interesting and relevant discussion in and of themselves. Normalcy is defined by concensus, and concensus is both heavily swayed by emotional response and very results-oriented. It can never give you a path to success, though it can stop you from complete failure. If you want to be a mediocre human being, go normal.
That being said, the majority of this board are beneath mediocre, as was I a few years ago. Not gonna get delusional here.

I'm not speaking in the sense that "normal and well-adjusted western adults" walk around calling others animefags or the equivalent of that. It's more of a, normal people who are aware of what anime is, will absolutely look down on you, thing - the most common generalisations being that you're basically a pedophile who has a thing for cutesy animated characters, and that you don't have the word "hygiene" available in your vocabulary.
The people who don't know about it, but later find out will either find you're deranged or just an absolute deadbeat - the majority of them at least.

My drug fiend statement is very vague. As you said though, normalcy is defined by consensus. The consensus on select drugs in the western world, is without a doubt surmountable to that of anime.

>It can never give you a path to success, though it can stop you from complete failure. If you want to be a mediocre human being, go normal.
You seem to get where I'm going with this, though.

Well it was my dad who told me about anime

I'm just going to assume that your father isn't a complete deadbeat who'd rather sit and watch anime than help support his family - if so, he's the John A. Smith type of person I'm not referring too.
Anime is all fine and well when you're a child or in your very early teens, you have other kids to tell about that one sick ass planet destroying alien or god that Goku had to defeat in the latest episode of Dragon Ball Z. Puberty obviously matures kids, and most of them are so caught up in being liked that they start shunning anything remotely childish.
Keeping your interest in anime as you become an adult comes down to you sitting on your own, spilling time in a dark room watching anime and having no one to really discuss your common interest in anime with - other than online forums. You could form your own little social circle if you're lucky enough to find like-minded people, but again
>Sup Forums

With that said, if you have a common hobby/interest with some of your family members, that you enjoy - and if it doesn't take up a nice wad of your spare time - by all means; keep it up. Not many things beat having a great relationship with your family

Kys degenerate cucks. Sup Forums is a Sup Forums website, it always was.

Fuck off newfags, go be filth somewhere else.

Please keep posting this. It'll make it easier to ban you.

>L-leave my alt-right website, y-you cucks!

I happen to have friends to discuss anime with, though i would be into it without them.
It's a hobby like any other. If we ignore the social stigma that comes with 'oh hey this is new and strange i don't like it', you can compare it to being into music.
Shonens, harems etc are like listening to linkin park or [insert metal ballad trash here], you usually grow out of those.
And like every hobby, the line between being really into it and being a 'degenerate' is very simple: are you a functional human being outside of it?
The way you described it, you could replace anime with anything and it'd be unhealthy. You could replace it with crunching cutting edge computer and math theory looking to advance AI and it'd be just as unhealthy. Any of those things can make you happy, the difference between the ones that are and aren't stigmatised is how useful they seem to be to other people.
It all reduces to the species wanting to survive. And if you're doing your job as a functional human being, putting out more than or equal to what you pull in, who the fuck cares about the rest? Do what makes you happy.

Yeah, that anime sounds like shit. The VA for the main girl really annoys me, too. I just read manga nowadays. There's maybe 2 or 3 worthwhile series each year, but there's always plenty of solid manga to read.

back where you belong.

Their parents

What the fuck is this? You should kill yourself, OP.

>You could replace it with crunching cutting edge computer and math theory looking to advance AI and it'd be just as unhealthy.
That's productive though.
Nitpicking aside, you make a valid enough point, but what is anime useful for, other than mindless entertainment? You could easily get the same kind of entertainment out of something more useful, and without the condescending looks too.

I honestly just skimmed through the winter season line-up and that caught my eye, jesus christ.


A reasonable discussion with the odd Sup Forums comment here and there?

It creates value, in which enough nips are willing to part their resources to in exchange for this being made.
I'm just riding along feeling good that things i happened to enjoy does well and keep being made there.
Felt bad for those who find the things that does well there are things that happened to be unenjoyable for them that they have to make a thread on Sup Forums about it.

>It creates value, in which enough nips are willing to part their resources to in exchange for this being made.
Valid point, but that only really profits the nips who create it, rather than spend time watching it

Not entirely following what that last sentence is supposed to say, but I generally made the thread because I rather enjoyed anime for a while then slowly realised that there's nothing in it for me - not to mention that it's over the top ridiculous 9 out of 10 times, as I stated previously - and was wondering how other people justify it or what they get out of it, if anything

Anime as mindless entertainment is mindless entertainment like any other. If you're into it, it's useful as a way to bring yourself happiness, foster a sense of community or togetherness with other people who are into it, generally act as grease for the gears in the way you function. If you're watching anime solely as entertainment alone, i find it similar to drinking (or any other activity with little to no value by itself) alone. It's most likely escapism and not healthy.
There's a small subsection i feel inclined to mention because i'm a part of it, which is people who are looking to create works of their own. If you do, it's very much in your interest to watch, read, play everything you can get your hands on. But in that case you won't be watching the seasonal schlock and will be digging for the good stuff.
In the case of someone who's into it as an artform (as sparsely populated with quality stuff as it may be), there's a gray arsa. I'd say it brings fulfilment, but you could make an argument that getting fulfilment out of something unproductive is wrong. I feel that something like that is irreducibly subjective and up to the person though.
As for why anime over something else, you can't really choose what you're into without significant time and effort. It's an easy cost/benefit analysis at that point.

>If you're watching anime solely as entertainment alone
I should clarify, by yourself and if you don't make an effort to seek out others who are into it.

>How do you justify this degenerate hobby Sup Forums?
I don't.
Recently I stopped watching anime altogether.

Youjo Senki is a lot better once you realize it's a satire of Japanese corporate life

Yeah, this. It seems I have to force myself to finish an anime these days.

Most people here have autism so probably never thought of that.

Well no but we did and still do watch alot anime when ever i go to my parents

That's a pretty well-rounded argument, user

I'm just barely hanging on with Dragon Ball Super, I'm honestly even starting to despise the sound of the jap language, because of all the anime I used to watch.

>On the front line of the war, there's a little girl
>she commands the army with lisping voice.
>in reality, she is one of Japan's most elite salarymen
>reborn as a little girl
>after angering a mysterious being X who calls himself "God."
>this little girl, [...] will become the most dangerous being amongst the sorcerers of the imperial army
Are you two even in the slightest aware, of how absolutely ridiculous all of that sounds?

you watch chinese cartoons for fun, not for being mature.

One day you realize how shitty they are and that you're 27 and wasted decade of your life on nothing.

I'm getting kind of tired of having to reintroduce my arguments, user

well nowadays I watch like 2 shows per season, the popular one and the mecha one, and mechas are very normal to watch.
when people asks "why do you watch anime?" I simply tell them that chinese cartoons are fun, and the conversation about that it's over.

>Are you two even in the slightest aware, of how absolutely ridiculous all of that sounds?
Yeah, standard satire procedure. Make it ridiculous.

What, do you think Gulliver's Travels is hard science fiction?

>How do you justify this degenerate hobby Sup Forums?
are you /jp/ and being ironic or Sup Forums raiding us?

>and was wondering how other people justify it or what they get out of it, if anything
Entertainment, why do shitty music are made and published? because there are people who find it entertaining.
Why did shakespeare write plays? The same reason.
Humans need more than food, clothes, and houses to live prosperously.
Some people enjoys shitty music destroying their ear drums, some people enjoys watching actors and be made 'really maeks u think', and some people just find it enjoyable to see cute drawn girls do cute things.

What they'll get from this enjoyment is one more reason to keep on living and be productive for another day and not kill themselves, especially if they have hardly any reason other than this case.

>Not entirely following what that last sentence is supposed to say
Some people (OP may or may not be included) are severely butthurt because the things they enjoyed doesn't do as well than the things they don't happen to enjoy.
Imagine a Sup Forumsermin for example getting buttblasted because there are less mature anime for mature people such as themselves in recent years instead of more isekais or cgdct.

Maybe you shouldn't make watching cartoons as a fucking identity.
People have other interests and jobs, anime is just one of them.

>t. someone wasting their life posting on an imageboard about a hobby they hate
really roasts your walnuts, don't you think?

Most of us masturbate to 2D elementary and middle schoolers getting raped and gangbanged. What you mentioned doesn't even register as degenerate.

To my other self.