Best mom or worst mom?
Flip Flappers
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Mimi is so hot.
Pretty bad but not the worst
>they took her Cocona away again
Why is cocona so useless
also post yfw fistbump
ywn have a mother that skullfucks your gf in front of you.
Really feeling that face game.
God dammit Papika I said I hate carrots! Why are you so wetarded?
Hi-tech equipment still looks fairytail-ish. God bless tanu
This looks lewd,
The drama resolution in the last 7 or so minutes was half-assed and retarded, which I am saying as a plotfag. The only hope is that it's ironic somehow (like many passing elements of the show were) and something interesting will be built upon it in the last episode.
Fucking hell this is a SFW board user.
Oh shit it's the human form bunny.
>The drama resolution in the last 7 or so minutes was half-assed and retarded
I don't see it.
What should have been different in your opinion
>Mimi Salt hand holding
>Cocona Papika fist bump
Our boy is back.
so useless
I can't wait for Salt to do some shit.
Even Mimi knows Yayaka is a literal cuck
Papicoco will be separated forever confirmed.
Uex and Yayaka, that's too much coolness on screen, who they yelling at?
>mfw Yayaka henshin
>flip flapping
That is so hyped.
>next episode tittle is Pure Audio
Are they going to do similar to that Eva episode 25 - 26? I hope it wont be shit and unclear
Rip Papika.
>there are people who didn't believe in Ofelia
Feels good to be a CR fag.
>this fucking bubble
It's great
That's the image in the hallway isn't it?
The execution was retarded. While the resolution itself was very basic and boring, since characters took their time speaking obvious things but skipped the most crucial points of internal conflict entirely for both Cocona and Papika. Papika's conflict is still unclear. Cocona was even shown the way by the "good" Mimi instead of rebelling herself, which kills half the point.
Or maybe I want too much from a taiwanese cartoon about magical girls.
Oh fuck, does the painting come back?
Once it starts downloading, you can play it.
all around me are familiar faces
>Cocona was even shown the way by the "good" Mimi instead of rebelling herself, which kills half the point.
Tell me more about how the girl with massive self-worth issues who can't even decide what high-school she wants to go on was going rebell against her mother that she wanted to meet for ages.
We've lost too many good hoverboards to this show.
Papika needs to channel her energy through someone else's weapon to have any good impact.
Yayaka could have kicked it to give it momentum, or they could have done like they did in 3, and have Cocona make a big gun out of her blade thing.
mfw, people think he was the father
We're making a thank you image! The card will be a collection of images into one big image sent to them via Twitter using imgur. The due date for submissions is 12/30/16 at 9:00 am pst. Send all images to [email protected]
600 by 600 pixels
>Why not here? it's an imageboard after all. we'd just have to reply your post.
Its hard trying to shitpost 24/7 to have to go around collecting images
>Why not real postcards? I want to send one. But there needs to be a campaign for it to mean something.
I'm not sure how this would be accomplished so I'm limiting it to digital.
>Who are we sending it to?
@binobinobi the directors twitter
You think that's spooky?
What bot did you pick?
Is Papika a lesbian paedophile?
Maybe get a better client than utorrent.
Holy shit what if the next episode is like, Pure Illusion becomes intertwined with the real world permanently, and everyone on earth just gets to go on endless fun adventures forever?
Finally watched it
>in the end it's Good!Mimi that convinced Cocona to make a choice
Really? that was fucking dumb
The rabbit is the father you fucking retard.
Papika and Cocona are literally retarded.
>mimi had to tell them what she wanted in order for them to snap out of it
fucking stupid
Somebody should make the FlipFlap edit of this pic for ever 13 episodes. How come nobody has done it for all these weeks?
>Salt will never be your hot dad
>people still think Salt isn't the father
Poor Mimi
Yeah, not even top 3 this season reee
This took longer than I planned.
Because that meme is pure cancer
There's another episode next week
Dear god
How many threads before people have calmed down this time i wonder?
Well at least we got that out of the way.
Can someone upload a frame-by-frame of the preview? I can glimpse lots of interesting stuff, it looks like the fight has only begun.
They left this shit for the final episode
I don't even know what to say anymore
Probably 2-3 days.
The girl with issues from the start of episode 1 should have changed and grew into a self-assured character who knows what she wants by the end of the dramatic climax. That's what normal people call 'character development'.
The show instead magic'ed her change of heart into happening in a way that comes off as robbing her the agency of reaching the resolution on her own.
Why do children usually rebel in their teen ages? They see their parents do something retarded (even though it's children who are actually dumb in most cases). In this case it could be Mimi killing (or just severely hurting) Yayaka, or something else.
Even if it was good Mimi that accepted Cocona and gave her the strength to go on, this part deserved more care and more buildup. Instead of evil Mimi saying for the 4th time that she'll make decisions for Cocona now.
So this was right? their impedance reached zero and they transformed without a shard of mimi
>The show instead magic'ed her change of heart into happening in a way that comes off as robbing her the agency of reaching the resolution on her own.
Are we watching the same show?
The finger touching closed the switch between the two inputs exactly as predicted.
>120 VAC
Confirmed for sisterly love, ouch.
We didn't get it out of the way at all! Does she love cocona in a sexual way or in a platonic way?
>literally twilight level writing
Really feeling that animator change
Papika holding baby Cocona.
Which Uexkull drawanon was contracted for this?
Wait, isn't papika technically a pedo?
This was the last time they spoke ___ever____
in the only way a girl can love her younger sister, the most pure of ways
It's over yuri is finished
This is stepping into some /d/ territory.
>66 frames
I am scared.
>yayaka henshin
>bu-chan henshin
>cocona and papika henshin level 2
>mimi getting BTFO before even the final episode
>that preview
What the actual fuck?
>The girl with issues from the start of episode 1 should have changed and grew into a self-assured character who knows what she wants by the end of the dramatic climax
There was no impetus for Cocona to "grow" until this episode. In fact before whenever she made "progress" she would get knocked down again most visible with EP 10 when she felt betrayed by literally everyone and in comes Mimi to save her