I remember my brother told me this one story of how his bike got stolen by a black friend of his and I never thought too much into it. I just thought "oh well, it happens. It's human nature, humans do stupid shit, sometimes" until I went on this board and read numerous stories of people getting robbed by niggers all day long. And to this day, I've never seen my brother with any blacks around let alone one. It's been 10 years since. So my question is, do niggers universally have this intrinsic nature to rob? Is it in their genes?
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NIggers are a sub species & a parasite on humanity..
the end!
They lack empathy to understand how they hurt you, when they rob you, when they kill you. You must understand that!
yes and no. i think the biggest issue is that they do not have father figures. You'll find a correlation between fatherless children and increased crime rates, compared to children who grow up in a two-parent household that have much lower crime rates.
If that boy had a father and he came home with a new bike, his dad would say "where did you get the bike?" The kid would have to admit he stole it and if the father was a good father, he'd punish the child and make him return the bike.
But black children are especially susceptible to crime because of the lifestyle choices of their idols, like rap artists and gangbangers and drug dealers.
broken houses create broken children who create broken citizens, theyre physically strong but mentally broken, if they had a household with 2 parents they wouldn't this shit
Niggers are cursed. It's a biblical thing. It's all tied to genes, not environment.
>do niggers universally have this intrinsic nature to rob?
Yes, regardless of color.
Key word, 'nigger'.
The only way is 1 black family in a white neighborhood, you can't have them assemble in groups.
Nigglets can't recognize themselves in a mirror until 6 years of age or later.
This + violent tendencies + no soul + multiculturalism = disaster.
you do know that black people are more likely to live in poverty? you know that right?
you do know there is a link between poverty and crime.. you do know that right?
African American Poverty Rate: 22.0% (9.2 million people)
Percentage of African Americans who fell below the poverty line in 2016
but you may not care. its easier for you to call them "niggers" and post shitty memes. because you don't want to realize that white supremacy capitalism needs to end. it exploit blacks by throwing them in jail, look up mass incarasration.
try and blame rap music all you want. but the reality is black people are oppressed and harassed everyday and live in hell
maybe its a survival mechanism
I mean think about of where their original continet.. its absolute shit over there
Niggers lack empathy and any cognitive thought process to plan ahead few hours. They are also by nature unnecessarily violent, which is why they lead the homicide ratio in most countries at least percentually.
It is hard to consider them even being of the same species.
Given the opportunity, anyone will rob. When niggers are bombarded with bicycle theft stereotypes, they will become obsessed with stealing bikes and will perform the action at the next opportunity.
Niggers as a whole used to be pretty good. As cliched as it is it's not their fault. They went from rarely having kids outside of marriage and seeking independance through capitalism to single moms and drunks. Blame the liberals.
you do know most factories moved out of detroit? there are very few jobs in detroit.. wtf do you expect poor people to do when the best jobs you can get is workin a minimum wage jobs. you wonder why young black males decide to sell drugs because they are poor.
but nah, lets just post dumbass memes and charts taken out of context.
33% of black children (3.6 million). In the 10 most populated states, rates of child poverty among black children range from 29% in California and Florida to 47% in Ohio.
Fuck off to lefty pol commie faggot we rule here no time for pathetic weaklings and their fe fe tears for realities they have no conception of
there are more whites in poverty than niggers and yet, whites still commit a fraction of crime niggers do.
your argument is now void, blind nigger lover.
The fact they don’t have fathers isn’t just a freak accident.
Their broken homes are caused by their nature, namely their extremely high time preference and their inability to delay gratification and their impulsiveness.
Even in majority nigger digitise like the Caribbean and Africa, niggers still mostly create broken homes, because nigger males and females are both such impulsive animals that tgey’ll Sleep around constantly and refuse to settle down and so have no idea who is who’s father and not form pair bonded parents living together raising kids together.
It is a result of their inherent nature that they create these shitty homes and raise these violent criminals.
It’s only through strict white social pressure and norms, e.g. 1940s America and it’s strong Christian influence throughout life, that niggers in America ever formed wedded , stable families.
Left to their natural inclinations via welfare and the break down of religious life (Christianity being a white introduction to the negro) they revert back to their natures.
All niggers dont come from deindustrialized cities you fucking idiot and yet they still commit a majority of crimes.
>you do know most factories moved out of detroit?
In the UK the industries we had closed down. Steel, coal, ship building, etc. The towns that became poor didn't turn in to ghetto shit holes full of violent crime.
Everywhere that niggers go, curses follow. Everything breaks down, gets worse.
You cucks disgust me with your apologetics. Choke on your blue pill.
Fucking niggers. They even lack respect for any helper, like they are entitled for everything, even when all their problems are self caused.
I would have killed that child.
What website is this in the picture?
Lol this cuck thinks niggers are humans. The majority of negro dads are unhinged feral savages just like their criminal niglet spawn and even try to help the niglets be better at crime dumbass. It is typical for niggers to fight their fathers in Africa as well.
This kind of cuck thinking is because Americans keep believing their hybrids represent african behavior and they dont, the african blacks do, what we see in Africa is how blacks really behave, and Africa is full of feral niggers with no daddies and even daddies so shut the fuck up with this HURR THEY NEED DADDY'S LOVE bullshit please.
Yet the poorest white place in murrica has less crime than the richest black place.
Fuck off, memeflagger.
look up red lining. white racist put up barriers to keep black from gaining loans and buying houses
this goes back to the 1930s
One of the most heinous of these policies was introduced by the creation of the Federal Housing Administration in 1934, and lasted until 1968. Otherwise celebrated for making homeownership accessible to white people by guaranteeing their loans, the FHA explicitly refused to back loans to black people or even other people who lived near black people. As TNC puts it, "Redlining destroyed the possibility of investment wherever black people lived."
blacks people have been oppressed since day one
at least get educated. right now you look like a dumbass racist
No idea but the links are for a tumblr page. Probably someone on Sup Forums cataloging facts before they get (((taken down))).
Nog detected.
WRONG! Most people see other people's stuff and leave it alone.
There are more poor whites in the United States than there are poor blacks and they commit over half of the murders and robberies while being grossly over represented in every other crime statistic. If the only factor with crime was poverty then blacks wouldn't even get close to commiting over half the crime in the U.S. Poverty is related to low IQ and blacks having lower IQ's on average isn't our fault, so your argument is invalid.
simplly not true.
do you see white people getting shot in cold blood by the police?
The youngest recorded was 12, the oldest 65. More than 100 were unarmed.
"Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police in the United States than white people. More unarmed black people were killed by police than unarmed white people last year. And that's taking into account the fact that black people are only 14% of the population here.
"It goes back to this question of how do they perceive young black men? There's something in the US called Vision Zero, a commitment by mayors to achieve zero traffic fatalities in a specified timeframe.
black people are literally dying by the police. black men can't even go out to the store without getting harrassed by the police
>Is it in their genes?
Yes. The negro does not have the capacity for any abstract thought, this includes thinking ahead and having empathy for other living things. Not only can the negro not understand how stealing will affect the victim, he cannot foresee any consequences of his actions. The negro will also be unable to take responsibility for his actions, in his tiny mind he honestly believes he "din do nuthin".
>simply not true
Stopped reading here. Stop memeflagging, fix your attitude, and you might have some credibility.
Alternative flags are gay.
>Most people see other people's stuff and leave it alone.
Jeremiah 31:33
But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
This is literally God putting a conscience inside people to know when they've done something wrong, and to consider not doing something against people like stealing their wife or car or whatever.
Since niggers don't seem to have that, what do you think that means if you consider the previous bible verse?
Also brain volume in blacks is a lot smaller than other races. The prefrontal cortex is believed to control impulse behavior, i.e. long term pay off vs. short term satisfaction.
>do niggers universally have this intrinsic nature to rob?
Why do you expect animals to not steal? I wonder how much of a clusterfuck african kangdoms were seeing as how every peasant was basically a kleptomaniac.
>do niggers universally have this intrinsic nature to rob?
>do niggers universally have this intrinsic nature to rob?
Niggers stole my fucking bike when i was in a cafe having meal they just garbed it from me and took off i ran after them but one of the nogs pushed me into the floor and started beating the shit out of me then took off, now whenever i see a nigger it makes me feel sick and fills me with anger
>african kangdom
My first bike was stolen by a white guy named Scott. sold dickie dee ice creams. was friends with my mom too.
You do know that poverty doesn't cause crime right? You do know that lack of moral charcher is what causes crime right? You do know that niggers with no moral character will never make it rich and thus it looks as if the two are correlated right? Niggers oppress white people every single day but you'd rather make excuses for these animals
They had some kangdoms but obviously they amounted to shit.
Here we go folks, buckle up
black culture, traditionally, doesn't have that much respect for property rights for obvious reasons.
Lol, what's your excuse for the nigger in Britain and France? Or Africa for that matter? Why is it that poor Asians don't commit violent crimes? It's as if you actually believe your excuses or something. Maybe you can explain why having less than others means you get to rape and murder people even though (thanks to whites) you lead a far richer life than niggers from africa
Probably a natural proclivity towards impulsivity, a low group average IQ, combined with a toxic culture which breeds a criminal mindset.
Non European cultures are collectivist, and when a demographic is collectivist with a toxic culture it's hard to change.
Violence research James Gilligan speaks about the psychology that breeds violence...
Recommended Reading:
Preventing Violence By James Gilligan
Intellectuals And Race by Thomas Sowell
Collectivism + Impulsivity + a culture that glorifies criminal behaviour = high crime. If families and communities conditioned blacks to have a healthier psychology and to delay gratification, I think things would be better.
He hasn't lived near them long enough
Assuming thats a nigger, why do you expect it to confess? Niggers are dumb animals poverty is the only way they can explain their subhumanity due to their limited brainpower.
No they don't, niggers are savages that ruin everything so people don't want them destroying property. Blacks get turned down for mortgages by lack owned banks more than they turn down whites and Asians because successful blacks know what niggers are like
its been 50 years since 1968, i got robbed by a black "friend" 2 years ago. The problem is nigger, gangster, ghetto culture. Single mothers. Fathers who disappear. The culture that says being successful and learning is "acting white".
Im done with nigger culture, and until we call niggers out on acting like niggers, and stop babying them, they are only going to get more violent and more entitled.
I don't want a genocide, but I can't tell you how happy i'd be if i never had to interact with a nigger every again.
The shit ones far far far far far far outweigh the few good ones, and the good ones will even admit that.
Maybe it's ingrained in the nigger DNA, or maybe its years of brainwashing by cia/culture marxism (You know, Crack Cocaine/Hip-Hop Gangster culture/ victim complex being pushed into media) whatever it is, Niggers are going to have to fix it themselves. Any blame "whitey" shares has been corrected long long ago.
Faggot commie flag.
The most frightening part is that white people have been put through the same conditions in the past decade as blacks were 40 years ago. When the masters are done with the pawns, they will throw us all to the pigs.
There is a push now to destroy the white family structure, they pollute our music and push us into poverty. Wonder when the chips are down if whites will become the next spics and niggers
The way that nigger looks at the other nigger like its his fault gets me every time
It's in their genes that niggers want to just fuck, steal, and eat. That's all they do. If you think of them as a missing link in human evolution it makes sense even if its not true.
>white racist put up barriers to keep black from gaining loans and buying houses
So? Send them back to Africa.
Americoon culture is a modern version of african tribalistic savagery user its just their normal behavior, if you replaced their guns with wood spears you would be able to see it clearly.
Ironic that you would say people are uneducated when everything you've said is retarded, although you have a commie flag so obviously personal responsibility is a foreign concept to you. Just wanted to add that niggers defaulting on their loans and mortgages is what caused the recession in 2008. When you lower the standards for niggers the world suffers
where the fuck did that picture get it's results from? this is what the real electoral map looked like
no idea m8 i haven't organized my Sup Forums folders, its a mess. i really could do with archive links for all the info dumps
Do you see Asians getting shot in cold blood by the police? Or Indians? Or Jews? Funny how the people who gave us Africa commit crimes wherever they go. Blacks are only about 14% of the population yet they commit half of the murders and robberies. Do you know how much more likely police are to get attacked by niggers than the other way around?
They are wild humans they arent supposed to be civilized or ever civilized, this is the fault of west european cucks projecting humanity on beast that they thought were on the same level as their poorest citizens how utterly foolish.
>you do know there is a link between poverty and crime.. you do know that right?
>African American Poverty Rate: 22.0% (9.2 million people)
You know that its because their black and not poor right! You know that right?
You know that the richest black still commit more crime than the poorest whites! You know that right?
>this is the fault of west european cucks
Not the people that shipped them to the west?
Fair point. Nigger hate thread?
In that case, when we gas all the kikes and lynch all the niggers it'll be their fault for bombarding us with Nazi stereotypes.
We became obsessed with being Nazis and performed the action at the next opportunity.
It is still our fault for not killing them once slavery was done.
This is exactly what they would do back in their own fucking shit hole countries, instead they have to poison ours, AND WE FUCKING LET THEM
>I've been on Sup Forums for 10 years.
I'm going outside.
They wouldn't do it as often, but they'd still do it more often than a white person in the same situation, and whites would do it more often than Asians.
I look forward to genetic engineering that will help advance all races. It's a much more realistic and moral solution than a race war in the states. Then only the culture war must be won.
True enough, it's certainly a naivety which I see throughout the western world from cucks; they seem to think that niggers and Muslims are just like us and therefore the only reason you wouldn't want them in your country is because you're full of hate, which is apparently worse than being a serial killer or rapist these days. The erroneous belief in egalitarianism has killed the greatest civilisation known to man
Muslims are just lunatics but niggers are wild animals.
Then why the hell are you posting under the Hammer And Sickle, you fucking Boomer
If you're not taking care of your shit and keeping your eye on it, it's your fault it got stolen. This is nigger logic.
>I dindu nuffin, the car was unlocked
>I dindu nuffin, the bicycle was left unattended
>I dindu nuffin, no one was home
>taking any flag seriously
New thread
you motherfucker are worried about the wrong shit on...I cant wait until NK bombs hit
that story written by a peace corps guy seemed pretty candid.
it's genetic. there are exceptions, but most of them behave similarly wherever they are.
this is the funniest thing