- Khazar milkies
- Jewishness is transmitted maternally and your children will be kikes.
- Khazar milkies
- Jewishness is transmitted maternally and your children will be kikes.
would rather stick my cock in a nigger then a jew!
Like any woman would sleep with you.
Found the jewess
You wish you could tit fuck my Khazar Milkers, but I don't date Canadians.
Those Khazar milkers.....
I will dress up as an ss officer and give you the BBB (BIG BINGOLIAN BENIS)
Good for you, I don't date kikes.
If you're a Finn who has some land outside a city and a good working sauna, I am down for it. You nordic men have the biggest cocks and i will put up with Nazi larping for a good dicking.
I doubt there's many gay jews in Toronto anyway.
My first gf was a Jewess (before I was redpilled no bully)
The Khazar Milker meme is quite real. Titty fucking her massive cans was an indescribable joy.
Her mother was also worried about how much I was eating and made me food, classic Jews.
>bleach a jew
>your kids are now guaranteed protection and an easy life in the new Israeli-American colossus, on the winning team
>even if western civilization falls you're now on the winning team anyway and your descendants get by in the NWO by manipulating and cheating and lying and stealing and pushing every known societal vice on the new mongrel societies of the world.
>AND you get Khazar milkies
I don't see a downside.
Sorry OP silicone isn't transmitted genetically
Poor genetics.
> pros
You will see how jew works. They never feel ashamed to do anything before the very goyim eyes.
> cons
You will be with a fucking jew.
>Jewishness is transmitted maternally and your children will be kikes.
Stay away from Canada, Jew. We don't want you fucking up our maple syrup industry with your greedy Jew ways. Trying to sell it back to us at a 4000% mark up and shit.
What if we... bred Jews out existence? Forced their women to stop the jewish practises. Would it be like anudda shoah? There are not many ashkenazis in the world. Also it gives you good boy points when arguing for ethnonationalism, ''but my wife is jewish!''
Is marrying Khazar Milkers the final redpill?
I once hooked up with a 25% jewess. A cup :(
I'll give you points for creativity. It would be sweet to outbreed the Jew. But man, think of how it would suck to have Jewish children.
they are actually already doing this to themselves, at least in the US. just look up jewish intermarriage stats.
This. It's happening already. The problem is that they'll be even better at shapeshifting. We'll always have, "my fellow white people" to know the truth.
>poor genetics
>still enslave mankind
makes me think
no, mogolian rape baby please repress your rape instinct
I took a Jewish history class in college and the professor was oy veying about that very problem.
I know a girl whose mother dropped Judaism and converted to Christianity to marry her father. It's very common
Christcucks glady hand over everything to them because their the chosen ones. Remember, goy?
Depends on your worldview. If it stops at immediate family then anyone you come to love tends to work out, except for niggers. Anything beyond that and you have to be careful with who you associate with.
Also Khazar milkers won't reconcile the fact that Jew women age super fast and you've got to beg for sex for hours.
Roll for how many hours of begging to bed this chick.
>no gay jews
You're referring to a city populated entirely by gay jews
kikes are the superior manipulators
would want my child to have that advantage
Jews get sick and have deformed faces at an alarming rate, bad genetics.
This is why I fucking hate Hitler. He failed to completely genocide the jews!
>Implying that there was concentration and death camps.
>Round up a bunch of free pussies.
>Doesn't fuck their race out of existence.
Try to make it subtle schlomo
It would end up with her family getting pissy since I'd refuse to let any kids of mine get cut
most of the coal burners out there are jews bruh...just staphhh fuck em n chuck em dude
>Jewishness is transmitted maternally and your children will be kikes.
Thats THEIR rule and we dont have to follow it - WE follow the Paternal line . JEWS BTFO
i am not denying it
but albert einstain (an example) is jew and his brain was physiologically different
if thats a trade off i would gladly choose it
even better, nothing that genetic enginering cant fix easily
Let the nignogs have em
Forgetting entirely the most obvious con, she'll have another man impregnate her whilst you pay for its upkeep. Cuckoldry is a millennium old tradition of the Jewish Matriarchal structure.
>Jewishness is transmitted maternally
that's just talmudic nonsense, that's not how genetics works. they'll be mixed.
while this is a true statement, no matter how secular the kike mom is she is still completely infected with the semitic mind virus and even if your kids are 1/4 or 1/8 jewish they will still spontaneously latch on to their heeb identity and eschew anything you ever taught them once they get to around 15 or 16.
if we could somehow completely isolate khazar milkers from their retarded bubbies and their seders it might be possible but a child with even the faintest of jew ancestry will turn into a tubrokike in the modern amerimongrel milieu
you would rather stick your cock in any girl then fap
Khazar milkers has got to be one of the best memes to ever appear on Sup Forums
but they really do have big bazongas user...gods best work satans best tool
The fucked up thing is I think I actually know who this girl is
Shit !!! I thought her arm was a giant dick
its a trap
Best part is she isnt a jew, just a stripper kek
if she has porn... sauce?
you arent the only one
Queen of the Khazar Milkers coming through!
>Jewishness is transmitted maternally
i dont think thats how jenetics work
anyone ever just floored at how good google is getting at this shit?
That wouldn't work, no amount of assimilating and intermarrying actually makes Jews assimilate. Hell, Ashkenazi Jews are barely Semitic. The only solutions are containment, deportation, or extermination
But yes, Khazar milkers are the final redpill. If your kids are Jews then at the very least you'll be allowed on their side when white societies collapse
i know
Especially since the white man prefers breasts when most of the world prefers ass. It's the perfect weapon
Nice Trips!
Lmfao. I know that bitch, op.
Jews were made for breeding,
Dem sweater puppies.
Do we know eachother?
You just have to get one that will denounce jewry and tell her parents to go fuck themselves. Good luck tho, they ALL love mommy and daddy's money more than people.
Nuclear fire is the only solution
because the pic matches the same or alike pics, which match those search terms. wow. such skynet
White man's greatest weakness
They're the most shallow, materialistic, and spoiled women on Earth. Every bad quality white women have Jewish women have way worse. And their religion is passed through the mother, so the father could get cucked and not be able to do anything about it because the kid is Jewish regardless
>a computer has determined the common English vernacular used to describe a specific type of image and extrapolates it to other, similar images, not even of the same subject or wearing the same clothing
you're right user that's some fuckin CS101 shit right there
kids these days I fuckin swear
This is pretty much why Western society took a bad turn. Jews own the media. They used that media to make shiksas want to be like Jewish women. Jewish women are total harpies unless beaten regularly. They are so insufferable because their control over linneage gives them too much power.
here you go. This is what you guys wanted
God dammit I love them so much though. That Ashkenazi IQ and them Khazar milkers
>kike being so desperate for big bingolian benis she is ready to foreplay the concentration camp
Why jewish girls are such a sluts?
Is it the uncut dicks?
fucking kikes
They're the most degenerate whores, worse than whites even
you have to start teaching children how to think beyond an animal level at a young age or else they just turn into mindless goyim as adults. this is why a proper Jewish women would be a benefit because she'd understand that a genuine education is the best gift a child can have.
If you think about it, the rule that only jewish mothers make jewish children is a brilliant defense to their purity. Because any man who beds a jew would instantly be scrutinized by their peers. Assumptions would be made that the man is converting. Social pressures would deter anyone from it.
Having your kid suck on Khazar milkers when breastfeeding...would you feed your kid with kike milk ?
Be wary. "Khazar Milkers" is the newest JIDF psyop to spice Sup Forums to Judaism and tolerating Jews, though the use of busty models. It failed the last time they spammed Israeli models because it didn't have a funny meme attached to it. JIDF learned from their mistake. Now it does, so it is catching on quickly.
>It failed the last time they spammed Israeli models because it didn't have a funny meme attached to it. JIDF learned from their mistake.
Israeli models who are >90% Russian
All they have caused is that once the race war happens, people are raping those khazar milkers. Of course the babies are aborted, because even little bit jewish gene makes them go bad.
But they could still cuck their Jew husband with a goy and it wouldn't matter because the kid would be a Jew
meh the middle east sucks
Depends, M----. It's been years.
Most of Jews are Slavic Jews.
I believe this. How to get the khazar out of milkers?
My gf is half Jewish on her dad's side and half White on her mom's.
They would be less likely to do that, since men of other faiths would be less likely to pursue a jewish woman. Because "I don't want no jew spawns."
But genetically they're mostly "Jewish." A lot of a recent immigrants from Russia had maybe one Jewish grandparent, and even they were probably Mischlinge
>large breasts
>wide hips
Thats where inbreeding gets you, all that other shit is lies
>dating hebrew milkies
You were very fond of the photos. I mean like embarrassingly so.
Very comfortable with who you are and I always respected that.
Not if the Jew husband has to pay for them, and he'll probably never know
Miscegenating with Jews is obviously good for us, as there are MANY times more of us than them. Our race won't be the one which gets diluted, it will be theirs. Cuck the Jew at all costs.
Camarada, how accurate is this?
There is a Jewess at work who has the milkers and birthing hips, but she is crazy as a bag of fucking cats.
My head says "no" but my dick says "muh".
Gays can also participate and be useful by targeting jews to prevent them reproducing
If the half-goy child is raised by two jewish parents, then it doesn't matter. I'm talking about religious purity. Not racial purity.
>Khazar milkers
>Filthy inbred turk roach milkers
No thanks.