What's up with so many overpowered main characters lately?

What's up with so many overpowered main characters lately?
I guess it's better than beta MC but it makes everything trivial.

There is no sense of danger anymore and it's boring as shit.

Writing balanced character is hard for an average author in the anime industry.

>sense of danger

The fuck are you on nigga?
Go detox.

Wish fulfillment

Self-inserters get high off of being some special existence thats leagues ahead of everyone else and just casually destroys everything.

I agree but Tatsuya was Gary Stu done right though so I can't be too mad.

This is a real post.

There is never a sense of danger. What do you fucks expect? That the MC actually loses? Don't kid yourself, even if the fight is equal you know exactly how it will turn out.

>beta shit MC
>it's wishfulfilment

>god MC
>it's wishfulfilment

Make up your mind.

Because the major consumers are people who can only self insert to the MC. Theyre just experiencing their power fantasy and studios know it.

Its pathetic, really

Fuck off,he was horrible
