What's up with so many overpowered main characters lately?
I guess it's better than beta MC but it makes everything trivial.
There is no sense of danger anymore and it's boring as shit.
What's up with so many overpowered main characters lately?
I guess it's better than beta MC but it makes everything trivial.
There is no sense of danger anymore and it's boring as shit.
Writing balanced character is hard for an average author in the anime industry.
>sense of danger
The fuck are you on nigga?
Go detox.
Wish fulfillment
Self-inserters get high off of being some special existence thats leagues ahead of everyone else and just casually destroys everything.
I agree but Tatsuya was Gary Stu done right though so I can't be too mad.
This is a real post.
There is never a sense of danger. What do you fucks expect? That the MC actually loses? Don't kid yourself, even if the fight is equal you know exactly how it will turn out.
>beta shit MC
>it's wishfulfilment
>god MC
>it's wishfulfilment
Make up your mind.
Because the major consumers are people who can only self insert to the MC. Theyre just experiencing their power fantasy and studios know it.
Its pathetic, really
Fuck off,he was horrible
Are you implying they both can't? Its not like there's only one type.
One has girls literally fall into your lap doing absolutely nothing but being nice while also typically being average in looks.
The other makes the user some god that no one else even has a chance against. While also usually having a bunch of girls swarm them.
>What do you fucks expect? That the MC actually loses?
No but there is almost no tension that keep me going.
He's shit, people only liked him because "lol based oni-sama haha" memes, as a character he's very boring.
Not as boring as most LN MCs.
I legitimately like him.
What do you like about him?
It's not a bad thing but I can't think of a single author that did OP characters right besizes Kaze no Stigma's Kazuma.
Layfon from Chrome Shelled Regios came close in my opinion but he got even worse and more annoying as the series progressed.
Pic not related, right? That's just an average guy
I've never self inserted in any anime. I don't understand how people can even do that.
Not that guy, and don't crucify me for this, but he sort of reminds me of Shichika from Katanagatari. Neither of them are really people, they're weapons that people use for their own personal gain. The big difference being that Tatsuya knows more than just killing/destroying, he is stout and has his own ambitions. He's actually a good character for world building, which the LN does quite well and is sort of the appeal of the series. I think people view Tatsuya and Shichika too much as normal characters with normal mindsets when they are never presented in that manner.
KnZ's Kazuma was terrible and just goes to show how little experience you have with anime. I think you should be watching more anime, instead of posting here, if that's the best example you can think of.
It doesn't necessarily mean the audience, the author is self-inserting.
Some of his interactions make him feel like a Meiji era character. That's likeable in itself.
And the struggle in him to try not to act human and to explain away his human impulses with "I'm doing it for my sister" is enjoyable as well.
About as deep as a LN character can get really. Young adult fiction isn't meant to be overly complex.
Asterisk War was like the worst of both worlds of this. However I hear there was a show this year that was worse. I can't remember the name since I only watched it for five minutes, but there was a blonde chick with drills named Claire everyone was jacking off to, and the first episode opened with the MC getting swarmed with WOW IT'S THE GUY WHO'S THE BEST comments.
Onii-Sama is the correct God Sue because victory from the jaws of defeat kind like Kirito and Erza are cancer.
No drama is better than fake drama
>Kaze no Stigma
Kaze no Stigma is a pretty shitty LN series and if the author hadn't passed away it would have been canceled anyway.
>with "I'm doing it for my sister"
This is one of the most boring "motivations" ever, literally every other LN MC has that "hurr durr TAISETSU NA HITO WO MAMORITAI" bullshit as his main goal.
>still watching LN garbage in current year
You reap what you sow.
In his case that is not his motivation.
That is the excuse he needs to act human.
In quite a few cases he puts his sister in danger and later tries to explain his actions to himself as - I did it for her.
Even when it makes little sense.
>I only watch mature anime for mature anime watchers such as myself
The niwaka threads are this way
#s=flip flappers
Still screen slideshows and screaming don't count
It's in an even poorer state than you think. Game adaptations are a step up from LN adaptations these days.
FlipFlap is an awful anime, incidentally.
>watches anime aimed at gays and japanese tumblrinas
>"I have taste"
Yeah, To|ken Ranbu best anime of the year, amirite?
Hahaaa, fag. Choke on your boyfriend's dick while you're at it.
Not an argument.
>don't watch shitty childish LN anime!
>goes back to watching generic copy paste moeshit shows
These threads are shit
Why even care what others like
Overpowered MC>Beta Faggot MC
I think this phenomenon is seen more in the LN world. Since people started writing a lot of "wish fulfillment" novels on syosetsuka ni narou, where they dont need to go through all the formal processes of publishing the book. Then a lot of readers actually started reading these novels, which lead to publishers realising the potential of OP MCs. You know, the reason that something starts appearing a lot is because that there's actually a demand for it, so there you go.
No the problem is when they're overpowered AND beta.
Sasuga Ainz-sama.
I like Overlord, because I can see that all the IRL world's plots and conspiracies, could just be the consequence of people running around without a clue what they are doing.
Onii-sama is the best.
Now when will Mayumi just snatch him away.
Mahouka did it right though. Mostly because of the slight personality change where he literally never feed into the harem bullshit not even once and coldly stepped over everyone
I just gave up watching these while it aired, after the
>there's too many newfags
Fuck oniisama, it was so boring seeing him destroy everything that might be an obstacle to him, and then smug about it.
I can't believe there are NON-BELIEVERS to Onii-sama.
Such heresy.
Sells merchandise
Cute. You'd say the exact same thing about a weak MC.
>What's up with so many overpowered main characters lately?
Some shows have them, some shows don't, you're acting as if this is something that's taking over the entire industry - lurk more.
I mean what's up with so many shows called Flip Flappers lately?