"He is, as I say, the closest thing to a genius I've ever met"

- Roy 'commie scum BTFO' Cohn

There will be mass leftie suicide once they realize they have been fooled into a false sense of cozy while Mueller rolls up the traitors.

Then there will be a total lefticide once they realize Trump we be remembered for the rest of time as the greatest American (let alone President) ever.

These are Blessed times, lads!

Other urls found in this thread:



Roy Cohn wasn't a communist retard.




He was a communist hunter. The best.

>six years later and he's the only one being investigated for crimes
>can't even get DWS arrested
truly a genius

Oh okay. I'm a fucking retard and though you said Roy Cohn got BTFO.

>good things come to those who wait


next will be:
round 2
term 2
bank war 2

>let's wait until they're all in their nineties and it doesn't even matter anymore
>ps. they get to keep all their money





Best version of the art of war


Pic related was the best US president. Anyone that isn't dead or hasn't been the subject of a failed assassination attempt isn't eligible.

yea but getting real sick of waiting

This pic will become an art piece one day

"The Rise of Trump the Mighty, Emperor of all the Americas, Europe and the American Asia"

>no, see, mueller is actually only investigating people we hate
>that's why two high-up trump campaign folks are under house arrest and flynn's gone radio silent with his lawyers being unable to legally work with other trump admin lawyers anymore
>any day now she'll be locked up!

Punished Trump is the realist meme ever.

Roy Cohn aids butt saves the day. And to think you guys complain about fags. Have some decency.

KYS. Also checked

move your meme flag and you might be taken seriously kike

That theory is going to be in the history books.

Theres major memetics in this thread. Kek is with us. I've never been more excited for the future than I am right now.

Tick tock lefty faggots. The leftist lies are all crumbling one by one.

mrclean is disappointed

he was also a kike pedophile who was mossad


Nice try JIDF. Why do you even come here anymore? Do you have fun losing every day? Do you enjoy watching the world wake up to your bullshit?

Name one major win the Trump administration has accrued since inauguration

Your Favorite President


we need to know what losing feels like first to be able to answer that.

he was a gay kike who worked for the mossad pimping kids, you moron.

>JFK files
he has another 7 years of equity with me for that alone

>the mossad
The only person who calls it The Mossad instead of just mossad are jews because that's the actual name. Good one Moishe. You just proved you're a JIDF faggot.

Do you think making smug memes and blind allegiance makes you right wing?
You probably don't even know what you're fighting for

Lol nice try
You should know pretty damn well what losing feels like by now.

He didn't even release all of them. Not that it even matters, it doesn't fix any of the country's major issues.

the only person who shills for a gay mossad kike who pimped children would be some braindead biff faggot who works for cadre

Trump has generated more keks as sacrament than this entire board. maybe even more than all the chans.

Kekui smiles upon him.

Fucking cringe Jesus Christ
Trump produces more autism than he's worth from fags like you


I like a little theater with my treason charges. sue me, faggot.

>He didn't even release all of them.
If we had /JFKG/ instead of retarded boomer larp generals you would know that he did release them all. Only the names of people still living were to be redacted. Of course, the CIA is not complying with that, which should also be big news in the /JFKgeneral/ threads that don't exist because this board is gay af



Major? Not many. But it's been the small things the press hasn't been reporting on that actually matter in the long run. Such as the Trump administration seating more Federal appellate court judges in the first year than any other president in decades. Or restructuring the EPA to actually start cleaning up toxic Superfund sites, which was the whole point of creating the EPA in the first place, rather than spending more money on "climate research." A number of papers and news organizations have lamented the recent cuts in journalists because it means they don't have the man power to actually keep track of all the changes being made in the Executive branch. Liberals had a good thing going. The just let go of the rope.




Stop pretending Trump is a genius, you're only going to be continually let down. Roy Cohn was a gay jew who died of aids, I have no idea why you would ever use a quote from him. Trump is not a 4D chess master or some Machiavellian genius, he's a rich kid that got involved in real estate in jew york. He's gone bankrupt several times, only to be bailed out by the usual suspects (saudis and kikes). He couldn't even turn a profit running a casino. But let's forget about his failures as a businessman for a second, compare him to someone who has 8x his net worth and is actually a genius like Elon Musk.

Just look at this picture user. I want you to really analyze it. We can see the gears turning in Musk's head (who is taller than Trump, even though Trump claims to be 6'2") while Trump goes on with his usual babbling rhetoric. Look at his engaged expression and subtle smile. It's like an adult watching a toddler speak.

We have had several dumb as fuck presidents
Not all rich people are smart, I know this hurts to find out. Trump is much like a nigger in that all his wealth comes from branding. (Michael Jordan, Jay-Z, Kanye, etc.) All these niggers likely have


> eternally butthurt



That's nice but small potatoes compared to the behemoths like monetary policy, unfunded liabilities, foreign intervention, etc.
Shit he couldn't even repeal/replace Obamacare. His tax reform is probably gonna be bastardized to Hell and back. He's falling short on everything consequential.

And what's worse is he's still got a cult of shit-for-brain faggots like making the rest of us look bad.

Was this for or against him?

Last Chance



It's an ass-blasted libtard.

What do you think?

He is a great man.


Dude it's just another neocon kike puppet in the White House. Tell me what you've got to be so smug about.

>15 posts by this ID
>reddit-tier memes
>unironically kekistan posting
you know where you belong, magapede, it's not here.

>humping the tv
I don't know what to think.

What was this from?

>sore loser

kek, Musk really is looking at him like he's retarded

His inauguration?

>>Oy veh! I need to shut these memes down!

thank you

Yep he's watching cub scouts and west pointers march


Looks like he's attacking the TV in anger. I figure, if you're cheering, you wouldn't grab the TV... I guess I could be wrong here.

Regardless, its been a successful meme for a while.

This is hilarious watching the drumpftards delude themselves into believing Mueller is their guy and is going to lock up Hillary.

I remember when the 4 sealed indictments story broke and all you yokels were giddy about how Hillary and Podesta and Obama were about to be arrested.

Then Drumpf’s campaign manager was arrested LMAO!

Tick tock drumpfkins.

its posts like this that freak me out


>Roy Cohn
>father was a supreme court justice in NY
>great-uncle was founder of Lionel Corp.

He's probably the same Cohn as Kohn and Kohen and Cohen and all those Jewish royal families. Just saying.


its from that american horror show, and hes for trump. This entire scene was him celebrating.

That's the point.

Labor day parade? Memorial day? Veterans day? Sorry I can't remember.

it's too late now, shill.

we're back

>kike projection
fuck off, your tricks only work on plebbit.

This is one infuriating juxtaposition. Andrew Jackson killed men with his bare hands. Andrew Jackson fought the banks directly, not through "4D chess." Andrew Jackson was a hero. The modern world is so irredeemably cucked I can't believe it.

>Andrew Jackson killed men with his bare hands.

Pretty sure he used a weapon for near every time he killed someone.

checked for truth. based Andrew

Andrew Jackson killed the Second Bank to pave the way for the Third Bank, the Fed. He also killed natives. Some hero, maybe if you're historically illiterate.

hell, his anti-industry actions like removing tariffs helped decimate southern plantations which led to them defending slavery even more vigorously and fomenting anti-nationalist sentiments. Andrew Jackson is a likely agent, and Trump paying respect to him is very fitting, seeing as both are billed as being the opposite of what they are.

destroying the credibility of the Jew media complex and fighting a culture war is literally the most important thing any president has done in recent memory. stay mad, kike

The guy went against (((The Bank))) and won.

Balls of steel.

im happy when the frog god is happy and Trump winning makes the green one pleased

Going on this tangent, if we look at Jackson as being a cause for the civil war... then could it be that jews are pulling the same trick 150 years later with Trump? Possibly, but trying to get Americans to get off the couch, let alone fight each other, is sort of an impossibility. So they'd have to fake it. But seeing as they can't even fake "nazi marches" without looking ridiculous (see: soyboys holding tiki torches), then I dunno how many Americans would buy a phony war. Just saying, I'm seeing parallels.

hows this?

yeah, he killed the man that tried to assasinate him (2x pistol failure) .... with his walking cane.

He's a fucking legend

Jackson squashed what would have been the civil war 20 years before it happened.