Literally shui-kumiko friendship brofist tier. What went so wrong?
Flip Flappers
Other urls found in this thread:
first for suffering
>Literally shui-kumiko friendship brofist tier
delete this thread
>the final episode will be Pure Love!!
>no, it will be Pure lesbians!
>not even a kiss at the end
What a week for /u/
Sup Forums is just being contrarian, nothing went wrong
I don't feel that writer change anymore. I got used to it being shit.
Its Pure Audio. You don't even watch this.
The other thread was only on page 3 when you made this. Fuck off.
Airing day threads are whats truly wrong, excuse me while i go pass out.
>muh friendship
Really disliking that writer change.
10th for Yayaka BTFO.
Is Mimi dead for good?
No, its making threads everyday when there is nothing to discuss.
It should have been Yayaka she brofisted with, and then went on to rescue and kissu Papika.
Not yet.
Episode 12 was great.
Flip Flappers is still fucking great
Holy shit I just realized-- they have their natural hair colors. What's up with that?
dai-dai-daisuki episode 12 desu
>final ep isn't titled Pure Illusion
fucking dropped
Maybe? It seems to be paired with hand docking.
Episode 12 was shit.
So much wasted potential, hopefully the final episode can salvage it.
>return to Pops' metropolis
>fight the monster they defeated with Pops' mechas
>no mechas in sight now
>no Pops either
The ball was dropped hard.
>What went so wrong?
Really feeling that writer change.
Unironically, though. The writing has been steadily getting worse and worse as time went on and there was more plot to get through. Pace that is too fast, ideas that are thrown out for the wow factor with not even an attempt at giving them any actual meat. The animation hasn't been getting any better either - how did you enjoy those literal stills after Salt and Sayuri crashed in the snow?
All in all, the show is definitely inferior now than it was before. It's a shame, because it could have easily been the AOTS.
I agree. I too prefer circlejerks and cancerous memes throughout the week.
Oh I get it now, are the people shitposting that the show has somehow gotten bad just a bunch of angry yurifags?
They haven't even fought Mimi
>reading comprehension
fucking hell
>no Pops either
Biggest disappointment desu
Where the fuck is Pops?
Fuck off delusional.
underrated post
Well animation certainly dropped the ball
>no Pops either
Most disappointing part of the episode
Yeah, that's definitely it. I'd eat shit if it would make a yurifag cry.
Imagine being Yayaka.
Really feeling that delusion.
She could still be dead.
Literally nothing because the /u/ shit was straight up btfo several episodes ago when Slutpika was rejected.
right here
You have 10 seconds to explain the purpose of this character.
Both are awful for the show, actually. FliFla is too good for this world. You are cancer and no one likes you and your circlejerk by the way.
>It's an "Let's post inbetweens to show something is QUALITY" episode
Really feeling the writer change
Her friend is safe so it's okay.
it's wedding gowns right?
>FliFla was too good for this world
don't watch
Want to drink her pure saliva.
She's in like half the frames in the preview and still in an obviously antagonistic role.
Red herring whose entire purpose is to titillate us during the previous and keep us guessing.
And/or a scrapped plotline.
>smears for fast stylized motion are bad
Fucking yurifags.
>best girl gets a heartbreaking ending
Really feeling it.
she's going to be half of the next direct drive
Who voices Pops and Hidaka?
Bu-chan deserves a friend.
>lesbian pedophilia
>somehow not wrong
This entire goddamned board needs to be redpilled.
I've never seen a thread move so fast since Kill la Kill
Where is she grabbing her consolation loli?
But I don't know Japanese.
>this happened in the real world and not pure illusion
Really pushing my suspension of disbelief
Best part, too bad the rest was rushed to hell and back.
And so have I.
I enjoyed this episode.
Nice AOTS you got there. It's getting worse with each episode.
Let's make a list of things that probably won't be explained at this point
>Another bust
>tfw even precure had kisses and cheek kisses
Pure Illusion is literally opening portals all over the real world.
We are merging worlds user and Hidaka planned for this.
>airing day
>they both wave at her to come over
>"fuck it, friends are better than nothing" YYK says as she trots over
>"Hey you did good, Papika... Cocona. You're gonna be alr...."
>Cocona kisses Yayaka mid sentence
The flip flaps, where do you grab your consolation loli user?
On her Nyu.
Pops: Kirito
Hidaka: Kazuma
The end is next week.
Papika de-aging
I had such high hopes for this series, but it just gets worse and worse with every new episode.
The dead girl in episode 1.
It's far better than everything else this year
Not even the fastest show this season.
I think they will have explained everything, but completely forget the bust.
Mimi's retardation.
>thanks for saving me, auntie!
>I love you like a sister, Cocona!
Goddamn, fuck you.
Yayaka is getting the twins and she's going to like it.
The only friendship is Yayaka.
How does this make you feel?
Cocona getting kidnapped in episode 1.
I feel stupid. What are you talking about?
It's just another bust, it doesn't matter.
i liked it
Read the whole pot, nitwit.