Zarc has arrived!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V
I mean, seriously, look at it!
The ZEXAL-based characters are a couple, just like Yuma and Kotori were the first main guy and girl to requite.
The GX-based characters don't have anything going on, like Judai and Asuka, who never passed the platonic base. And Judai even became official couple with someone else.
Yuya has an obvious crush on Yuzu, kinda like Yugi for Anzu. We can expect that they WILL become a couple... Just not onscreen.
And Yugo is doomed to be Aki, since it has never been shown that Rin likes him more than as a friend.
Guess whose back
Back again
Crow is back
We are friends
>Crow will be back
I want Asuka and/or Dennis back!
Actually that's a good point why aren't they back?
Fucking Ono
Clearly, Crow is a Pot of Greed on feet for Ko-Money. Clearly.
Conclusion: He needs to be banned too.
I feel like there are no high stakes anymore. Nobody is going to get carded now. So if they lose then they just simply lose
New female protag when
In an alternative universe the new MC of Yugioh is a girl.
Please come back, Dennis.
>most beautiful Yu-Gi-Oh
Not even close.
Anzu is good looking but she's adverage at best.
Aki is more sexy than beautiful.
The real most beautiful Yu-Gi-Oh happens to be Sherry.
Every thread until Dennis gets uncarded
Mind, I don't even like Dennis.
I was the one who bitched about him for replacing Sora and at Dennisfag and celebrated his GTFO of Shitty.
But even then, I would take him over Crow.
Which one of you is Dennisfag? Or you are both Dennisfags
I miss Dennis. No matter how shitty the show got, Dennis made any scene better.
You mean Sora.
But again, I would take Dennis gladly over Crow.
>Crow is back
>Not Tsukikage
>Turn all of the characters into jobbers
Fucking Arc-V
Your death was forgotten. Fuck Sora, Reira and reiji fopr not caring.
Anyone who cares about Dennis is a Dennisfag.
Damn, why did I write this wrong?
>Fuck Sora, Reira and reiji
sure thing
Yeag, I know.
>A Sorafag among Dennisfags
>Feel like a hipster.
What was the purpose of 6 eps Gladiator beasts?
Pandering to the fanbase.
To prove they ran out of Ninjas to shill
Is there a chance that Crow is only in there because WSJ fucked up?
If Crow comes back, there's no point carding him again right?
Does this mean Zarc will murder Crow (for good) and everyone, and finish the job?
Buy blackwings, beach
>(for good)
What show do you think you're watching?
>on yugioh
>(for good)
Was Ishizu super thirsty for Kaiba or am I just imagining things?
fucking hope so
Sound duel 4 when?
Pixiv power rankings when?
yfw crow is the one to give the friendship speech that saves Yuya
Oh yeah, I actually forgot this is YGO. How stupid of me. I need to stop posting on /arc-v after reading Tokyo Ghoul.
>Favorite characters are Sora, Reiji and Tsukikage
Hey guys, what does Pot of Greed do?
Favorite characters are Sora, Tsukikage and teh Sisters. Thank you very much.
It lets me draw two cards
Nothing because its banned
why was it banned again? cause there isn't any risk involved?
Never, enjoy your Yusaku.
You lose a card and gain 2 which gives you +1 without any drawbacks
More cards = More options = Easier game for you
There was no reason to not have Pot of Greed in your deck.
there is the drawback of having less cards in your deck
>when the Pot of Greed draws Exodia just right
Which is a non-issue because it will take a lot of turns for you to run out of cards.
And its not like there aren't ways to get cards back into the deck again.
He's so qt that I just can't contain myself
Maybe in 2020. For now, we'll stick with Yuri and Serena's kid
To hammer in Yuya being EGAO Messiah until the plot demanded him to do something serious aka have Yuzu in danger after shafting her character out of laziness.
I know right tomato is truly a best
she just wanted to see how well he handled his Obelisk.
Maybe banish people into some void, idk. Anything to get rid of Crow pls
Maybe after YGO 6 is out. Didn't Zexal ones release the last album after YGO Zarc-V started airing?
Yuzu and Masumi arc when
No. Zexal finished releasing all 4 of its OST on time. It only got a 5th one after it ended due to popular demand. Arc-V is not popular so don't expect the same.
Masumi who?
The gem knight user who duel with yuzu
What Gem Knight user? There was no such character.
Dead thread is dead.
Dennis has the excuse of being double carded, and Yuri had Asuka's card, meaning Zarc has it if anyone does at this point. Crow's card was in Sawatari's hands last we saw it.
So long as they put explanation into it, at least it won't bad writing. Just shitty pandering.
I thought he just left Asuka's card on the ground with Yuri having Yushou's card.
>Crow is back
>Crow is back
Literally how
But what about ninjabro?
>All those past generation Pokémon cameos and references
Is Pokémon Sun and Moon the Arc-V (aka anniversary series) of children's pocket monster games?
So with the new series coming out, what kind of archetypes or new cards would you guys like to see? Since we have a vr setting, i kind of get the feeling the main protagonist will use some kind of vr game based deck. Maybe his monsters will have a tron theme or general video game theme going on.
Yeah, except the legacy trainers are mostly just cameos. The most involved anyone gets is Sina and Dexio, who only show up twice (once to give you the Zygarde quest and another to give you Megas), and Anabel, who is a key figure in a postgame quest. Red and Green show up to kick your ass around in the battle tree, but that's postgame content.
SM is how Arc-V should've handled the nostalgia characters: They're there and they do stuff, but none of it is terribly important to the MC's main journey.
no no you dont understand
fuck, now i want to see akiza drawn in Danganronpa style
>will use some kind of vr game based deck
That's like saying Yuma's monsters just had to be robotic or tech themed in some way because of the far future metro setting, when he actually ran a messy bunch of magicians, golems, and warriors with a goblin or kuriboh somewhere in there.
Cool dragon you posted there, user.
To be fair, a lot of the golems and number monsters looked robotic and tech themed.
Somewhat, but ALL his monsters weren't just a generic representation of the setting. I'm not saying Yuma's monsters were exactly paragons of design, but they weren't as uninspired and generic as 'literally the setting but as monsters'.
Yeah thats true, maybe I should have worded it differantly, since there are various games to choose from for designs, and not all of them have to be vr based. But yeah I just think the main character is going to have a deck thats referances various video games. Maybe mmo stuff so his monsters could have various classes, or just be based around various game genres.
Someone post arc v lewds, I need them to figure out how to stop zarc.
Are you ready to begin Captain Lock's trial, user?
>Not now
All these people getting salty over Crow.
he's at least a better duelist than Edo considering he actually won a duel onscreen.
Yes she was, but Kaiba is autistic and only cares about his husbando and cardfu.
Ok, but how are you going to use them to stop Zarc? Make him too horny of a dragon to duel?
Kaze ni nare mai odore~
every thread until YGO 6
About when does the PV come out? Early Jan?
>And Judai even became official couple with someone else.
Is that why Asuka wasn't revealed in the jobber squad scan? Jobbing to Zarc is one thing, but nobody can really handle Zarc's throbbing Supreme King Servant?
Kisara's ritual form is dark instead of light, signaling her fall to Kaiba's madness trying to get him that one win against Yugi. Such corruption of pure cardfu can't be allowed, since it's ritual monster no ritual deck can be good again
Exactly. It's so full of shit that it might actually work, and that's why Yuzu will revive with abnormally large breasts.
>hype up Astral having all the numbers for the final duel
>literally all he does is spam HOPU
At least one of them was technically new, but still. What's the fucking point.
Thats the one thing I didntl ike about Zexal, most of the time it was Hope being summoned, or some upgrade for him, they should have used the other numbers some more.
Yuma's duels against non-No. users were all boring because he didn't get to show them off.