Let's hear your predictions for the year 2030
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State-Sanctioned Homosexuality
I predict I will still be a virgin
Can't predict shit. After the swamp is drained there's so many possibilities for what Trump meant when he said "We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow."
Depends on what that shit entails.
Crypto-fascist USA anschlusses Canada
agenda 2030
I'm surprised HIV/AIDS hasn't been cured yet.
You need to take down the ZOG to cure AIDS and Cancer.
The Second AIDs epidemic will be hitting in full force by then, as will the effects of drug resistant STDs, and although the extensive coverage and Federally provided funding in the world won't be able to do much about it. Just as the last one cleared out large amounts of Homosexuals, this new wave will do likewise, but will be even deadlier thanks to no anti-virals being available and Homosexuality being more accepted (More easily spread since so many no longer try to hide it). While the "LGBT" will be taking the brunt of this, it will also be scouring the Black community pretty well (They are the race already with the highest rates). The Roastie Question will also get resolved by this, and rampaging AIDs and other STDs will help deter those who would become sluts from doing so, effectively shutting down that season in addition to killing off a lot of the Cock Carousel riders.
Collapse of Industrial Civilization.
india will be a superpower
My penis will be significantly shorter
the world has collapsed. niggers roam in rape-murder groups. you are holed up in one of the last white strongholds left. you see fires in the distance. torronto is burning. "well, you think, at least we didn't offend anyone"
I don't really see anything wrong with sleeping around a lot. Play it safe though that's for sure.
See pic
One of the underrated effects of Global Warming is its effect on sex ratios: the increased hit is causing more girls to be born than boys. In some places in the Arctic, they're already seeing massively diverged rates, such as 2:1 ratios, while in more moderate climes such as Scotland and Japan they've already found they're having fewer boys than could be expected to. Studies of U.S. demographics have also find this same trend here, with the consistent rise in female to male births having been occurring since the Second World War. By 2030, I think it will finally be on the public radar as people begin to wonder why so many girls are being born and the cry of "Where have all the good men gone?" becomes one of "Where ARE Men?". If the Arctic is the best estimate of this trend, we could settle into around 2:1 here, which obviously would effect relationships in general; with so many excess women, Polygamy might actually become a thing.
Adding to this is that Sexbots should finally be reaching the market in improved, cost affordable format. Talking models that are able to simulate body heat are supposed to be coming out next year, so I'd imagine by 2030 further research and development would've yielded new, more advanced features and a decade of production will have brought the costs of them down by a lot. Sufficient mimicry of Human-like speech, perhaps some limited mobility and refined life like skin/heat will probably be the most likely features.
Archive please
>theguardian com/world/2007/sep/12/gender.sciencenews
The world will be much hotter, the ice caps will have completely melted and many coastal areas will be flooded due to rising sea levels. That is a given.
Neo-feudalism is adopted in the wasteland that is earth after a global nuclear exchange
Ancapistan becomes real
>the world has collapsed. niggers roam in rape-murder groups. you are holed up in one of the last white strongholds left. you see fires in the distance. torronto is burning. "well, you think, at least we didn't offend anyone"
this , except :
cut that : "you think, at least we didn't offend anyone"
and replace it with :
Niggers and spics genociding whites
That's hot.
deportation legal procedures started today will still be ongoing
The Islamic Caliphate of France is at war with the Islamic Republic of Germania
Ethical controversy over treatments that can actually correct 'brain abnormalities' thus making people who are gay, straight. There will be abortion clinic style bombings and attacks by gays against other gays who are making their own moral decision.
>After the swamp is drained
you guys still think thats a real thing thats going to happen? HA
They made a movie about the future user, it's pretty good.
that's the year WW3 will end
>post-industrial economy
>robots are widespread.
>USA no longer exists as we know it
>white separatism a reality
>many people live in VR and receive basic income and checking out of society is considered an acceptable life choice
>quantum computing and automation has made 50% of current jobs obsolete
>starvation and disease still has not been resolved and severe famine blights africa
>there is actually less global farmland in 2030
>Russians are developing eastern siberia with china and american refugees
>ET life is a n accepted fact of life
>earth life originated in outer space
>men on mars
>there are "dead zones" where no people can live in china/russia/usa
Internationally, I expect quite a few things to happen.
Mexican War -
Cartel violence has been on the upswing for the last for years, and is currently reaching levels unseen since the bad old days of a decade ago. Adding to this is endemic corruption and that the Mexican populace appear set to elect the Chavez-like AMLO at a time when the U.S. appears unwilling to play ball on many issues. My full expectation is that Mexico between now and 2030 is that it will suffer an economic collapse as well as effective loss of central authority, ultimately forcing a U.S. intervention. On the long run, I expect this to result in the annexation of the to-be-former nation.
Sweden becomes a third world country just like Niggers destroyed once white Detroit.
Hopefully everyone is dead and the Earth has a few thousand years of peace before the next sentient species evolves from our ashes to study us.
you really think highly advanced robots are less then 13 years away? it will be decades
I'm honestly wondering if there is going to be a 2030, for whatever reason, I think we have hit our peak and things are going to go to real shit real fast, everything is going to collapse in front of our eyes, not sure when, but probably soon
China, The New Superpower -
By 2030, the advance of automation will have resulted in the decline of Chinese trade with the West as well as forced it to increase its efforts to build a domestic internal economy; whether they achieve this will be their ultimate test of the first half of the 21st Century. Should they do so, then China will arise as the second superpower of this century to the United States. The loss of the relative social mobility of the last few years will result in the increased militancy of the rural and urban poor, most likely resulting in a partial return to some degree of Communist rhetoric and action. Internationally, China's increased economic and military might will allow it to become the dominant patron of the Central Asian states, as well as bring Mongolia, North Korea, and Burma firmly into the fold. Expect them to de-facto turn large swathes of Africa into colonies, where the Chinese extract the resources via puppet regimes and corporations, in order to power increasingly automated factories in their coastal provinces.
Between Chinese aversion to Globalism and an increasingly nationalistic United States, as well as automation reducing global trade, expect a mass return to the stance of Westphalia Sovereignty.
>China has water
Pick one.
The Decline of "Old" Europe -
As of 2017, roughly 40% of French births are either due to one or both parents of said children being an African or Arab, as evidenced by the testing of newborns for Sickle Cell anemia. For Germany, 36% of children are due to immigrants of some form (Most likely Arabs. Turks, etc), and the rate in the UK is around a third. By 2030, we should expect these rates to have increased to around 50%, while the overall populations in all of those mentioned as well as places like Spain go into freefall; the UK is an exception because of its current, and expected to be sustained, influx of third worlders.
Naturally, the deaths of the skilled workers and fundamental tax base along with the influx of low skill, welfare dependent immigrants will result in the steep economic decline of these nations. In Post-Apartheid South Africa, for example, the loss of so many workers has nearly collapsed their utilities network as well as saw poverty rates massively skyrocket; we can expect to see this to occur likewise in Europe. We already know for sure Sweden is expected to utterly collapse in HDI indexes, which gives us an idea of what to come.
However, while "Old" Europe collapses, a new sun rises to the East....
>The Decline of "Old" Europe
that already happened. by 1970 non-russian Europe was a fraction of its former strength and glory. by then all their major colonies were gone
President Pence of the U.S. signed a proclamation for the Day of the Rope on November 1st...
OP will still be a faggot.
99% ant people living in tiny austere cubicles. Not because there aren't resources for better but because the 1% can force them to do it.
They'll call it the Vancouver Special.
in the year 2030 the great liberal civil war winds down that started right after trump reelection in 2020.
so infuriated they start blaming each demanding the other apologize.
after five years f a non apologetic stance from both sides, actual fighting breaks out.
by the the me 2030 rolls around 95% from both sides are dead.
this leads to a literal 100% drop in the amount of children crying to their parents that their buttholes feel weird and stretched out.
I'll have my waifu-bot by then, so fuck however the rest of the world turns out.
no need to make predictions, they already told us what the world will be like if nothing changes
USA will be indistinguishable from Africa. Niggers will begin targeting whites similar to the persecution of Arab Christians. Whites will be even more hated and antagonized for being racist than we are today.
Hopefully a white separatist movement forms out of this
Poland, the new European great power -
First and foremost, the Polish population is only set to decline by five million, or a rate of 13.5%. This is compared to Germany, who is set to decline by 16 million at a rate of 20%, while Spain is set to decline by 9 million at a rate of 24%. Now thanks to their family funding program, Poland's birthrate is also increasing. Economically, Poland has yet to have a recession since 1989 and in 2015 reached a GDP per capita equal to 65% of that of Western Europe, a rate it has never seen before. In fact, it's entirely possible Poland could reach 80% by the end of this decade while public consumption is even exceeding that of Western Europe too. Public and Private debt is bellow the European average, while it's inequality level is equal to the European average. Poland is also highly educated, with its High School students beating their Western European and Northern American counterparts, while their rate of college attendance is also above Europe's average. Not even the Ukraine Crisis and tensions with Russia have dampened investments, as the country's many benefits have allowed it to retain a very attractive target for investment. All of this together has made Poland one of the EU's six top growing nations, with current projections placing it at as the top grower by 2050 and in the top 20 global nations by the 2020s. Regionally, Poland has become the linchpin in containing Russia and is currently strengthening ties both within the Visegrad group through sole command of the V4 Battlegroup, in addition to new ties with Lithuania and Ukraine. These ties are also translating economically, with the formation of the Three Seas Initiative, which Poland is set to dominate and is in essence the completion of their old Intermarium plans from nearly a century ago.