Flip Flappers

Get into Pure Illusion, Cocona

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Weak episode this week, and the animation quality is slipping.

Are we going full Gunbuster black and white for 13?

At least we all agree that Flip Flappers is not AOTS anymore. Because damn, these last few episodes.

fourth for writer change

Best episode since episode 9 full of cool shit happening. Nothing wrong with the animation besides the bit that literally wasn't animated that seemed unfinished.

>Pure Audio

11 was great, 10 was a fine flashback episode. But this one really fucked up.

Is Flip Flappers about to save anime forever?

>Animation wasn't fantastic
>Gunbuster was black and white because of budget and time constraints
Well, at least that definitively proves that people that are complaining about the animation don't actually know shit about animation.

Quite easily AOTS probably AOTY.

>Pure audio

I... I wrote a song for Cocona

No but /u/ is about to be rekt again. Poor guys I wish they actually could win for once.

I think the cuts are the more glaring issues than the animation. They're so confusing.

Yayaka henshin is still the best thing I've seen in this show. It just happened to be in the worst episode.

It already did with this episode.

>Animation wasn't fantastic
Oh yeah, gotta love that PowerPoint presentation that was Nyunyu's encounter with Salt and Sayuri.

Really feeling that animation.


Already won multiple times, and you don't wish for anything because you hate it.

This episode was a mess
Rushed as hell, seemed like they had plenty ideas and decided to put all of them in one episode.

>we need to bring back the old PIs!
>do it, let Yayaka transform too
>also mindbreak Papika
>let Bu transform too
>they should defeat Mimi in this episode
>are you sure, boss?
>yea let Cocona and Papika have like 20 seconds of calling each others names and transforming because everyone loves transformations
>brilliant. What are we going to do in the final episode?
>I don't know yet

The only thing I can positively say about this show is the animation. It's been too notch since the beginning.

Yeah, that was pretty insulting to the show.

Agreed, too bad it didn't amount to much because Papika and Cocona upgraded again.

What is it with yurihaters purposely coming to threads that are yuri-friendly? I mean, what's up with that? Are these gay men in real life or landwhales?

Nah. The worst episodes were still a 7 or 7.5 for me, and are outnumbered by 9s and 10s.

At the very least I know I will be rewatching this in the future more than the other 30-40 shows I watched this year.

I think I read this post already. What is this felling?

>me after watching Flip Flappers

We really don't need more pretending to be retarded.

I... I wrote a song for Nyunyu.

Nyu nyu nyu nyunyunyu nyu, nyunyunyu nyu, hey Jude
Nyu nyu nyu nyunyunyu nyu, nyunyunyu nyu, hey Jude
Nyu nyu nyu nyunyunyu nyu, nyunyunyu nyu, hey Jude
Nyu nyu nyu nyunyunyu nyu, nyunyunyu nyu, hey Jude

I hope she'll like it.

Pretty much my reaction as well. Plus, as noted, the cuts were weird and jaggy. No idea how they're going to fille 23 minutes next week with denouement.

>having standards this low

>There was a 12 second cut that didn't get finished
>That means the fight animation was bad

Listen to this guy

I'll still gladly rewatch this show if the finale is worth it. Otherwise, the destination is not worth the journey if knowing that everything amounted to nothing.

>Flip Flappers saved Christmas and will save New Year's Eve
They actually did it, the madman.

>having tons of cool shot happen is bad
Ok if you hate cool things.

Fucking this. Fuck the circlejerk, FliFla isn't even top 3 this season.

>final episode preview is just the storyboards
Oh fuck

For the record, we don't need samefagging either.

Do you think it's time for them to reaaally feel that career change?

They're just messing with us.

Have faith, next weeks episode will be the greatest ending to an anime ever and will redeem everything wrong with the show and this episode.

Was this outfit really necessary?

This was great.

You think it's over? Salt is going to go into the machine to save Mimi and it's going to be a clusterfuck.

>having standards this shit

>Good Mimi shows up out of nowhere and solves everything while evil Mimi is ranting

Are you ready for the the recap in 2017, followed by the ending movie?

Really feeling that desperation.

Accept it, Flip Flappers sucks now.

There wasn't anything wrong with this episode to be honest.

The director asks you for the last episode twist that will place this anime forever in the anime hall of fame

What's your master plan?

The can is spinach.

I want to fuck drooling retard Papika's unresisting body.

The final episode is live action

Even with the age gap, Cocona and Papika still kiss romantically.

Yayaka kisu Cocona

I don't even want it but I bet that would do it.

She did it already last episode when bad Mimi was on salt and she cried a tear. I assume it takes effort for evil Mimi to keep the good one surpressed.

That's what I thought at first, but now on second thought given the state of their fucked up schedule and tired animators, hilariously, they might have actually run out of time and decided to pass off their storyboards as a surprise 2deep4u experimental preview. It's very possible.


The final episode is just a black screen with the sound on top of it. Pure Audio.

The only way for the final episode to redeem this show, is if they go full artfag and make a 22 montage of kino animation. Even more than Texhnolyze episode 1. Anything less than that is a failure.

Or maybe Inferno Cop style.

Have Nyu Nyu matter.

Been there, done that.

N-no stop that

It was a poorly paced episode that did very little to develop the story in a meaningful way and had one of the cheesiest final 30 seconds in any show I have ever seen. But sure it was okay I guess.

We're almost there, just one more episode.

Another milestone, we broke 40 Cocona's per episode, didn't really think we'd manage break recrods 2 episodes back to back.

>C: 285+1(inaudible)+4(previews) = 290
>P: 148+1(preview) = 149

Will we break 300 Coconuts? Find out next week!

Are you feeling that writer change?


>22 montage
*22 minutes montage

Link dead Cocona from episode 1 to the ending.

Swing and a miss, champ.

Stop embarrassing yourself.


Cocona kisses Yayaka on the lips.

Didn't they finish scripts and storyboards early? What the fuck happened?

I sure am.

They went for the Eva aesthetics

The animator slept on the sheets now they have to draw the final episode again.

They didn't have any producers telling them to cut the shit and get to the plot already. And obviously, the director wasn't good enough to manage that on his own.

It was great, fast paced, had tons of action and fun ideas happen. Yayakas transformation was emotionally impactful and so was good Mimis reappearance to reassure Cocona especially and Papika. Took major steps forward in resolving the two major issues of Cocona's indecisiveness and directionlessness and her relationship with Papika. I couldn't have asked for more.


Right I forgot to ask, would anyone actually want me to scan the page once it's complete or will that just be a waste of time?

They should've at least held hands instead of fucking finger-tapping and fist-bumping. And as some people have already said, the cuts were horrendous at points. Like when Salt suddenly tosses the motorcycle into the sky after skidding on a white background for a few seconds. Jesus.

Also, the whole "I've loved you ever since you were born" bit reeked of Twilight's imprinting shit. Can't give FliFla a pass just because it was so amazing for its first 9 episodes.

STILL no Papika explanations. They can't just gloss over it with a Yayahenshin and some new outfits.

Papika and Yayaka were the same person all along and Cocona has to choose between them.

This show ended at episode 7, right before the Mimi flashback. Perfect ending.

There really wasn't. People are just meme-ing at this point.
>End the show on the final fight
>People complain there was no epilogue
>Use a whole episode for final fight + epilogue
>People complain the episode will be full of filler

He has a twitter? We need to ask him, why. Just why.

Do it.

EVA is garbage though.

>didn't have any producers
>literally 10 different companies on production committee and a separate production company managing the show

Why do you just make things up when you've no idea what you are talking about?

I got the impression that the storyboards for 11 and 12 were over-sized, hence why in the tv broadcast they ended up being cut too quickly and with an awkward distribution of animator effort.

It's a common mistake for new directors to misjudge how much screentime any particular cut might take, and end up these sorts of issues. Too many big ideas to fit into 24 minutes and no clear idea of what can afford to be cut down to fit it all.

Papika had a flashback of being in a tree prison at the start of the ep, that will be explained in the end.

Yayaka was the highlight of the episode. Issue I have mainly is I think they blew their load too early. Should have ended this episode of a cliff hanger and had it resolve next episode.

The only option I see available to them now is making shit go down in the final episode before resolving it. Otherwise there is no tension and the atmosphere of the show is ruined.

I say do it. Maybe then we will be able to tell how hard were we supposed to feel that writer change.

It's not even about the ideas. Everyone's complaining about the poor execution which is what matters in the end.

Do you not understand English grammar? "Telling them to cut the shit" is qualifying "producers" in that sentence.

Obviously it is a waste of time. Your existence is a waste of oxygen.


The ending to this episode was just Papika's dream and she's still mindbroken. Mimi goes full edgelord, and the series ends with a cliffhanger hinting at Yayaka / Nyunyu adventures in Pure Illusion next season.

I think where there were awkward cuts was unfinished animation.

>Yuyu and Toto showed back up just to be cheerleaders for Yayaka henshin

They were on the clover field PI, where Mimi first found her "evil" self.
The evil Mimi even told Papika "Why did you come to this place?!" after they arrived there because she knew both Mimis have power here.
If they were elsewhere this wouldn't have happened.
Please pay attention to the show before shitposting.

>not at episode 9, right before the drama set in
Not a perfect ending, but I wouldn't want to miss out on COCONAAA


>like when Salt suddenly tosses the motorcycle into the sky after skidding on a white background

That is why you do not ride a bike on snow. Not only was he riding on snow he was leaning into the turn and he had a pillion. If anything they should have come off sooner.