Wow surely this is just a coincidence

Wow surely this is just a coincidence.

Other urls found in this thread:

The next chance we get to vote on a Republic i am voting for it i suggest you do so as well.

>King Trayvon III issues a decree giving all white people's property to blacks and shitskins to "make amends for oppression".

Farnham's Freehold

It's just a coincidence

It’s obvious two things were coordinated today. This and the related articles as well as all the celebratory “no white bois nominated fo gramE” articles.

it's true that women of colour are superior and they are well suited for white cocks

> just a coincidence

>don't talk about race
>lets talk about race




Is she a minion of the seven godesses?

>when it comes to matchmakers you can't do better than those of the Jewish persuasion.


Why are they mentioning she is jewish? Why does it matter from journalist perspective?

Wow. Sup Forums was right again!


It's from the Jewish Chronicle. A kike newspaper here in Britain.

With how many Dukes raped out savages along their worldly conquests, Harry is the only moron to marry one.

Prepare for 1,000 years of reparations. Only around 800 years they'll loose count and start again.

Ah makes sense, thanks

Every fucking time.


>Prince bleaching a mixte
I thought Sup Forums wanted to do this?

Shit I thought I was the only person who'd ever heard of that book.


Mugabe did that, it went as well as you'd think.

Time to force the german royal pretenders off the throne and install true British royalty.

-his mom was a degenerate race mixer
-trace the family back they've got all kinds of non-white in them
-whatever mudbabies they make probably aren't going to get to be kangz

The beauty of royalty, only 1 successor... while the rest fuck off to become irrelevant disgraces.

even better, get a hapsburg on the throne

She wont be a princess, she is not from Royal blood.

She will have a title, but she cannot ever be princess


I love her and i love how this is a good thing for USA and UK

We art only special relationship, you have just married back into the Firm

Welcome back

brexit will fix it

Get rid of the Windsors and take back the Stuarts. I think there was a cadet branch of the Stuarts still alive today. Or you can pick a more minor house which is still connected to the Royal family. Just don't make the mistake of becoming a republic.

Sure, I would’ve felt the same way if he didn’t pick farm equipment.

I believe she will be known as the HRH the Duchess of Sussex, if the Queen gives Harry the title of Duke of Sussex.

she is 36 years old divorcee

Didn't they have to do some shit like fifth cousin twice removed for find royal blood in Kate?

>. Just don't make the mistake of becoming a republic.
Thats never going to happen, i just hope whoever is on the throne is as good as Liz II

>they can't win only we can
They're hypocrites only on the surface.


I dont know... but pretty sure she isn't Royal so isn't a Princess either.

Never interfere with your enemy when he is making a mistake.

Now I remember how when Obama was elected some libtards said that they hope within a generation there will be a black pope and within two generations a black king of Britain.

I know I saw some tabloid doling out what they thought the "royal babies" would look like. Is this the exact rendering they had or has it been shooped because it looks like the fucking 56% meme

I mean everyone passing as western european white here has a link to Charlemagne but it's so diluted at this point it doesn't matter.

Its good, we've pretty much broken all the Rules btw.

No Irish
No Catholics
No Americans
No divorcees
No Mixed race or Black

This is precisely why our Royal family survived while most of the ones across Europe had their heads chopped off.

Isn't Charles supposed to sit on the throne next? And after him Duke William. By the way if I am correct, this means that no appe will be able to sit on the British throne at least until 2070-2090 perhaps.

When do we put a stop to this?

every.. fucking... TIME!


To laugh amongst themselves at the stupid goyim.

Yes, he will be King ........ Charles, Philip, Arthur, George

take your pick, he can.
Then William.

Harry is no longer 'in line' The line is though William.

Great for Harry, he can fuck about more than Williams.

>She looks Italian, probably has like 1-2% actual black blood

Shes a full blooded African goy, see interracial relationships always work out!

i want off this ride. pls.


what i got from this is that the media is more obsessed with race than the evil nationalists

Why do they do this to ethnic Brits? Pushing this stuff.

I know. It's an applied biological warfare.

Because they hate Britain?

That, also to make or push Britain closer to their image, equal to them since they hate it. The same when Muslim makes an article in the Guardian to push over good points of view about Islam, etc.

She won't be a princess though. Princes and princesses are only titles given to offspring born of the direct line. So Charles, William, George, etc. I am fairly certain of this but maybe a bong can confirm or deny.

She looks line a typical American

All the nigger sudanese, nigerians whatever niggler stink they are from all love the white cock in Australia and this makes the ugly male nigglers here mad because they can't compete with all the white bois stealing their niggers. Australia will become American 3.0 mongrelized, melbourne needs to be nuked and contained.

I warned you faggots to cool it with the we wuz kangz shit, you are messing with power beyond your comprehension.

>typical American

really no such thing

>The couple got married and had three children before splitting up four years later.

gee how lovely, i hope my children race mix

>Implying I'd want the good goys we have in our government writing the constitution for a new Australia

Fuck that. When the boomers die off we can think about becoming a republic as we clean up their mess.

To differentiate them from the dirty white goyim
>no no we are JEWS we are not white

How is this even possible? This is too Jewish even by Jew standards.

Do any newfags here still not know the answer to the Jewish question?


I don't even get a rush of validation anymore just despair and murderous rage

>captcha: BANK

every fucking time

desu putting women in burkas is preferable to the current degeneracy

>tfw other boards think we are being ironic and sarcastic when we say "Sup Forums is always right" even though there is mountains of evidence to support we are indeed right

gas is the answer

nonoo is a no no

>When it comes to matchmakers, you can't do better than those of the Jewish persuasion

Destruction meet civilisation, civilisation this is my good go-er friend, destruction. I think you two would really hit it off.

They can't handle facts because scientific and certified facts destroys their fake reality made by kike media.

They don't even realise that Michael Jackson loved Hitler and taught his children to hate the kikes.

does he know how to fly?


"You think what we tell you to think, and you think that's wonderful"
Harry can shtup whoever he wants and the Royals are not an enemy, but honestly, one day the British have got to go all Cromwell on their media.

Not even the British, all of Europe needs to clean their media of the left-wing propaganda and implement more unbiased news outlets.


Why the fuck does anyone care what this English dipshit does again?

What if she's still a virgin and saved herself for her prince?

Why not a republic? I'm done with the garbage infesting our palaces and lands

You guys better take good care of William and his son. They might be involved in an (((accident))). You brits will get a dark queen sooner than you think

They are just milking the chance to look good with SJWs, they can't change the line of succession.

It's almost like news generates thinkpieces because thinkpieces are good for SEO, which content farms rely on

Princess mongrel. Hes just like his mother, a royal with a shitskin fetish.