Drumpf cannot recover from this

Drumpf cannot recover from this

This shit has become petty.
USA third world country by 2020.

>not Xmas




How do you boycott something you aren't invited to?

>CNN wasn't invited to White House Christmas party

what is the big deal? commies don't celebrate Christmas anyway

big news if true

Since when is CNN not giving the news anything different than what they do already?

>jewish controlled luegenpresse
>boycotting christmas

Not surprising.

Big if true

Why do people hate CNN? Sensational yes, but it's at least the middle network. Why does Trump never attack MSNBC or whomever?

Are you saying its Trump's fault?

>Literally threatening Trump with a good time.

fucking savage

I take this to mean that they weren't invited.

I think anyone within a half mile radius of Trump instantly gains +20 bantz


Oh no that sucks..



>its real

You hurt our feelings you big meanie

Middle network?
By what insane standards do you rate CNN?? they have token Republicans, but zero fair reporting. Fucking, zero.

>but it's at least the middle network

Can you say that with a straight face? If so, Hollywood could use you.

>CNN to boycott CHRISTMAS


Holy shit that makes me love that woman. That was a solid burn.

CNN's gonna not show up to a party where no one really invited them or cared if they showed up anyways.

Not since the 90s jack
They're Buzzfeed-tier at this point

I heard Keith Olbermann won't be attending either, can anyone confirm?

wtf I love the subversive lying media now.

I hate CNN because they were caught on camera admitting to making up the Russian hacking controversy. Also pic related.

>when the kid no one likes says he's boycotting chad's party

what will we ever do

This is exactly what I thought


people are just going to watch it on a different channel

Oh well, there's always Hanuka.

Were they even invited?

He's attending the unemployment line

lmao they got banned

NBC is more an ideological adversary, where as CNN is just bat shit propaganda. Also, NBC owns a bunch of media companies that Trump might want to access at some time when he really needs to communicate a message to the whole country. Then there is the GE connection, and defense contractors, all tied in a web with NBC. CNN is just property of a telecom company, at the end of the day.

how will we ever recover?

Because CNN claims to be fair and centrist, but they openly colluded with the Clinton campaign and constantly report on everything Trump does, while twisting his words and actions in the process.

They even jumped on the dossier bandwagon when there was absolutely no proof that it was true.

Maybe they can cover Kwanza instead

Because msnbc is honest in their bias. CNN pretends to be centrist but is globalist and a supporter of identity politics. They are msnbc light but get all offended when you point it out.

Shit, Big Don probably isn't going either.

Devastating. It's over.


Write a poem about it faggot

Who the fuck said they were invited?

look at the calendar, we truely live in the time of the rekt

Its over. Trump is finished. He'll never win now.

I love her!

Wait who told cnn they were even invited?

You be gone. You stay gone. Fuck everyone employed there.

>mfw CNN wasn't invited
>they're now trying to play it cool like they didn't want to go anyway

Counterfeit Pepe. Tried to crash the Pepe market.

She's learning from the best :'D

wish it was our president. lefty tears, great bantz and big happenings. What a amazing timeline


y u mad tho

they are far more fair than MSNBC, NBC, ABC, etc.

Oh no
We might have to cancel Christmas!


CNN is btfo'ing themselves.
That's all that's happened

>constantly report on everything Trump does

because he's the PRESIDENT OF THE USA???

>weren't even invited

CNN blames itself for Trump. While Fox News and the rest were ignoring his campaign, CNN would show his rallies because they were entertaining and drew ratings. There is an interview with CNN's CEO where he pretty lamented creating Trumps campaign for him.

So they've switched gears and have become militantly anti-trump.

Gonna need a skin graft for that burn.

How about this?

>Why does Trump never attack MSNBC or whomever
He does. Whenever he uses the term "fake news" it's in reference to every Liberal station. CNN is just the most egregious offender and they also invented the term. So that's funny too.

They’re the mouthpiece of the Talmudic world order. They only got btfo so hard lately because people have finally broken the decades old brainwashing. They were ‘supposed’ to be better than others. They fell from a higher place and stand to get more fucked up than others who tell you they’re crackpots from day one. But don’t call it bias. I’ve witnessed blatant, black lies emanating from these serpents’ mouths. Remember their fake Muslim support rally?

>Implying it won't backfire and they wont be like

No goy, we didn't mean it, please engage in commoycialism as usual, we need dose hollyday shekels!


>Drumpf cannot recover from this
Whatever will he do?!

>ignoring what came right after that

Kill yourself.


if they weren't invited they would make a bigger shit storm out of it, claiming they are being censored and all that crap...


>it's real

just look at her. why would you even think she can't make the best pie in the world?

You heard it here folks:

CNN is boycotting Christmas


Every source you listed there is trash tier liberal, pedogressive, democraptic harassment. I've met skinheads who were less bias then all those media sites and CNN combined. Honestly if their all trash and bias why are you trying to put CNN above the rest? Unless you're a shill. You a shill? Bitch?

Pic related you stupid goy

Life is good boys.

The absolute state of CNN after that searing


>CNN pretends to be centrist but is globalist and a supporter of identity politics.
Identity politics is great, how about we try that out for ourselves.


Is he okay?










