Lol Jordan Peterson completely cucked

lol Jordan Peterson completely cucked

>da joos XD

why shouldn't majority populations be more successful in their own country?

People who take Jordan Peterson seriously are sad he has never been accepted in any intellectual groups and if you were to bring him up in an argument you would be laughed at.

No, I like them in their own countries where they cant subvert ours.

That being said there is no guarantee the Jews would leave us alone if we deported them all to Israel

>You like your minorities unsuccessful, there's nothing wrong with jews!
>But I don't hate Japs
He's a Canadian boomer, what do you expect?

HAHA the Aut-Kike is crumbling before our very eyes

I hates me some jews but they can be poor or successful in Israel, not here.

>successful minorities are tribal and nepotistic
What did he mean by this?

>normie psychologist
>spouting normie opinions

Wtf sort of excuse for an argument is this pile of shit?

They would still want their gibs.

is this a lefty pol psy op?

I do not believe for one second Sup Forums thought he was a nazi given his entire body of work

I hate when he says this, or says Nazis were unequivocally bad. Nobody is perfect, this is why I don't think of JP as any kind of great thought leader. At the end of the day he is a kumbaya boomer leaf. Saying Nazis were bad, as though it's accepted fact, is why I unsubscribed to Sargon too. Nazis were better than weak ass centrist and commutards. But muh popularity

Are you implying whites aren't successful in white countries?

My friends all said peterson was a nazi.

Why did they lie to me? :(

>accepted in any intellectual groups
user you get thrown out of these groups for so much as suggesting that racial differences exist, why exactly do we care what they say? whatever they're interested in it has nothing to do with truth.

I don't like Peterson at all, but using academia as some metric of value is absurd.

haha if you ignore his chastising tone, he is still dead right.

Sup Forums does like their minorities unsuccessful.

who would deny that?

>defending a tribe of child-rapists and cannibals


it's just because he is a hitler fanboy--they mistook his empathy and fascination for acceptance.

i love JP, I wish more scientists had a romantic worldview.

yes, been threads all fucking day.
Peterson is about opposing the extreme leftists status quo, not pushing anyone into the right. he has been very good at attacking post structuralism/Marxism, that is his utility.

Jordan Peterson: binned for life. Fuck this cuck

muh $68k a month can go fuck himself.

>Shits on MGTOW
>Defends ((()))
makes sense

he actually sympathizes with MGTOW but knows that it is very wrong for society.

Peterson is actually so autistic that he thinks it's impossible for two separate groups to have conflicting interest.
a fucking naive sheltered boomer leaf

JP is a raging faggot and a con man. He literally got cucked by his high school gf

Pol simply wonders why there is such a massive overrepresentation of jews in media, finance and international economics. If those numbers are not alarming to you, then youre just a good little goy.


>Sup Forums
>liking minorities
you seem confused

>that is his utility.
His utility is sucking as many jewish cocks as possible. He's a poser. The male version of a Lauren southern. Literally panhandles on Patreon and sells a self help program to beaten down white men

Yea, well that's fine. Doesn't apply. Counter-semite, sweetie. :^)

>my minorites

Why shouldn't people with the more merit be more successful in any country?

he's potentially a bit schizoid (sees himself as a father archetype, no doubt is aware that by stepping into the public spotlight, he is literally stepping into myth (our myths of today are told on screens))

do people take him too seriously? sure.

is he anything more than an intense nerd? not much

is he doing good for the world? most definitely. his lectures are equal parts entertaining and informative. he is a fantastic teacher at his essence--the perfect mix of gravity, humility, passion, and levity.

Jordan Peterson asks vulnerable people for money and uses religion as a crutch for his flawed ideas. Hmmm sure starting to sound like a con man

>you can't read

Sup Forums likes their minorities to be unsuccessful.

this is patently true.

I thought this guy was supposed to be smart?

> it just proves that you like your minorities unsuccessful
Well... yes, obviously I like my minorities unsuccessful?
If minorities obtain power and influence in excess of the native population you get the situation we have in Malaysia, where the Chinese relentlessly try to take political power and relegate Malays to second-class citizens.
A good minority is one that's doing better than he would in his homeland, but not as good as the locals.

you can tell so much from the language people use. peterson is a fucking jonestown tier nutjob.

wow bud JP has you by the balls. He's a modern day snake oil salesman who learned how to use YouTube. Society is so screwed a professor speaking a bit f sense mixed in with his nonsense has you hot and bothered. Do you know a lot of legitimate professors panhandling on patreon? Only scammers. His recent defense of jews is all the proof needed to demonstrate he does not give a shit about his supposed causes beyond making a buck and stroking his deranged ego.

>this is patently true

Sup Forums doesn't give two shits about minorities unless they're encroaching on our territory, which they have been for a long time now.

he is the only person of his stature speaking out against this shit, I could fucking care less about his accurment of neet shekels. as long as he speaks out against an ideology that will have me going to mandatory, state sponsored, unconscious bias trainging because im a fucking white male, hes fine by me. universities and the media are shifting hard left. he is speaking up against this, which is good you fucking turbonigger

you have an incredible form of audio-autism if you hear lauren southern and JP and think they at all are comparable.


he has such a lucid analysis of Jung, Nietzche, inner-monsters, post-modernism, and a really interesting reading of the relationship between biology and mythology.

he helps find spirituality in a scientific context in a way that goes beyond HURR DURR JUST CUS I FEEL GOD

he has some of the most interesting pro-divinity sentiments I have ever heard.

he has done so much more for the "west" than any individual on Sup Forums

you're a retard.

>we don't give two shits
>wait, yeah, we give two shits

Good point. Jp's tweets about this stuff just don't make sense or add up. They seem to be lacking common logic.

In one breath JBP is criticising anyone as a loser with zero achievements if they take pride in the accomplishments of their race and in the next breath Justin Trudeau is apologising on behalf of Canada to all trannies and faggots because of a 'collective guilt and shame' at their treatment. Fuck Canada.

Did any of you ever really think he was an anti Semite? Does this surprise you?

You're so near sighted

Jordan Peterson and the rest of the "opposition" are still backed by Jewish interests. All they want to do is revert back to the very system that developed into our current cluster fuck. They're going to get us no where.

Literally all forms of media are besides individual YouTubers and the alt right are backed by Jewish financial interests

He's a weak pussy. He claimed to have what it took to be a hero but he's a coward and a charlatan. You elevated him in your mind to a level higher than what he is. He has no virtue. He's a little goy liberal arts professor that decided to get rich conning angsty young men. Pathetic

What is this fag talking about. I like successful black people, but the issue is that they still >muh dick.


Fucking read you down syndrome

The level of development and moral high ground of a country is measured on how good do the local jews do in it.
Just cuck my shit up!

No and no. But what does that matter? He's still saying stupid things. He can't support his position rationally. He doesn't same capable of it. Why do you like a guy like this?

>he has such a lucid analysis of Jung, Nietzche, inner-monsters, post-modernism, and a really interesting reading of the relationship between biology and mythology.
Is this a pasta? If not this has to be the most delusional analysis I have ever read. JP is a snake oil salesman. Watch his bible series on YouTube if you need to see him in action. Get some real heros not this cuck and his Disney movie pseudoscientific BS

nono guys, being what is a huge accomplishment. Give yourself a pat on the dick

What's up OP, you're AFRAID of Peterson?

"intellectual" groups

top fucking kek. as if the truth is what some dyke professor at Berkeley says it is.

Seek help user.

It seems like you have some real issues.

Jordan Peterson is a smart guy, he's a race realist. He doesn't hate any races, he just points out differences.

a great example of cultural homogenity is detroit, a democratic utopia.

Good old Jewish tricks

So it's okay if they majority fails? Sounds like a lefty to me.

hey look it's Pepe and a bunch of jewish backed ecelebs


>he's a race realist

The only minority that should be purged are jews.

>when you can't defend the conman you pay each month

knock off this lame-ass purity spiraling and help Peterson take on this journo who is libeling him

kek JP is the fraud of the moment. i’m not sure how such a KEK, a canadian cuck at that, commands such a large shill army on Sup Forums, but regardless he’s a fraud and a scam. fuck this kike loving, feminist loving preacher faggot and his shit advice

Of course not. It's just odd for someone so against Marxism and supposedly so woke to what communism did, to so blatantly shill against those who point out the Jews were at fault. Guess he is covering his ass, but he could at least not shit directly on a huge part of his fanbase. This cohort let it go that he didn't explicitly name the Jew , but now he wants to go and be an asshole about it when we KNOW he's wrong. And he is supposed to be so dedicated to truth, my ass. He must be married to a kikess or something

Is this the ultimate proof that smart people become dumb when emotional? I actualy had to check he said that.

The counter argument is so obvious why aren't i rattling on about how i hate successful asian people? Because there arent creating anti white media, because they arent the politicians bringing in loads of immigrants

hahaha my post was fair, you mongoloid. I was not too sweet on him at all.
>snake oil salesman
i'd say a highly intelligent autist with delusions of grandiosity (this is a criticism, you retard, not an endorsement, i can see his ego, too, which you would know if you understood my original post)

>bit of sense with nonsense
name his nonsense, faggot. name it. just because you don't have a background in psychoanalysis and philosophy, which is almost required to understand his vocabulary, doesn't mean its nonsense. i mostly watch his lectures on mythology, archetypes, and story structures. i stay out of his self-help shit because i'm not a faggot

>legit professors on patreon?
he has gone far beyond being an average professor. he is highly active in the public forum now, why should he not be consensually compensated for his efforts, you phony capitalist?

what's with your defense of "legit proffessors" now? do you not realize how absolutely fucking retarded and narrow-minded most college professors are? it's very good to have at least one being so vocal against the concensus of liberal professors. know when to pick out a friend amidst a sea of enemies.
i've had so many teachers who are absolute retards, and so have you, at all levels of education. he is a good teacher. there is a reason he has caught on---no snake oil salesmen are that good unless there is really something to that snake oil

>defense of Jews
his comment is not defense of jews.
1) it's mostly for optics, if he gets labelled as a true white supremacist, he loses all of his efficacy. he's distancing. that is for the greater good.
2)he openly empathizes with the german disdain for jews when he discusses the timeline of events leading up to WW2

you are such a retard. no cause will ever be successful that runs on an anti-jewish platform, outside of this anonymous board. you are an echo-chamber faggot who gets their opinions from internet comment sections. you are not fit to breed.

>You're just jealous of the Jews
Good goy!

Peterson is a meme in the first place. Who the fuck takes psychology seriously?

The juden are so easy to spot

>when you don't have an argument and instead project yourself hatred in the form of personal insults towards others

looking at history that is rarely the case.

Read some Sowell.

>fraud and a scam
These are literally the only """criticisms""" of Peterson I ever see, and I'm starting to think that everyone who posts them is just a shill

Daily reminder that Peterson fanboys are kekistani loving redditors who loved based blacks and trannies.

The fuck did you expect? After years of talking about atrocities commited by Nazi (your personal beliefs about the validity of said events notwithstanding), you expect him to go full 1488? legitimate question, I'm guenuinly curious.

Because Peterson is a Boomer. He can see and diagnose only the symptoms of dying Western society. Like a doctor identifying the symptoms of cancer without ever treating the underlying infection. That societies and nation's have an intrinsic racial aspect is totally beyond him. Imagine not finding Sup Forums until you were ingrained in your ways for 60 years.

Even while acknowledging all the problems of Western society, his kind will be the first to put a foot forward to defend the cause. There is a reason kikes call is goyim. Imagine operating basically in the open to destroy a society and the educated members of that society being so stupid they can be manipulated to defend them.

nothing a filthy jew does can be naive.

his own God BTFO him

>help my conman defend himself

because they’re true ya nimrod

He is an existential threat to the left.

t. conman scam artist

Fuck off kike
He must make his database of Marxist professors

>Look, Ma, I posted it again.
You want to know what the worst part about shilling here is? The worst part is if you are on the decide and conquer team, you have to post all this racist and anti-Semitic stuff and argue in it's favor. And slowly, bit by bit, it seeps in, and you start to believe it. That's the horror for a paid liberal shill on Sup Forums. You stare into the abyss, it stares back, and nothing you've done makes any difference whatsoever. Welcome to Sup Forums. You're here forever.

if that were true, why aren't Asians hated as much?

because they built the those systems in the US?

Something like 70% of doctors were jews in the ottoman empire.

90% of engineer graduates in Malaysia were Chinese.

Not leftypol. It's paid. Jidf or Actblue are running back to back threads.

Its a worthwhile conversation to what degree Jewish over-representation in certain fields is due to their higher general IQ and proclivity for certain talents vs counter meritocratic manipulation due to the global Zionist agenda.

It's also important to note not all Jews are aware of the greater Zionist agenda, much less are in support of it. Likewise, not all in the greater Zionist agenda are Jews.

you are no different that the commies with their faggoty purges and infighting

OP is literally a commie though.

maybe if you dumb niggers bothered to get worthwhile educations in your home country the chinks would've be asspumping you.

>It's not the Jews: The Picture

Peterson is a fucking LEAF faggot boomer. He was never on the level.

Being anti-Jew doesn't make you red pilled, recognizing ethnic cleansing and anti-white Jewish racists is, you're all fucking retarded Nazis.

Shouldn't you be posting cuck porn on r/donald right now faggot?