Anime Of The Year 2016- Make Anime Great Again!

>Be me
>Find out there is a poll based on the most popular anime of 2016
>Vote using Twitter
>Realize there is no Jojo for anime of the year and the poll is sort of shit favoring Yuri!! on Ice
>But.. Yuri!! On Ice is winning judging by Twitter's votes on a lot of categories due to the thirsty "progressive" ladies
>Can Sup Forums turn the tide and finally get anime that deserves the recognition noticed by Senpai's everywhere?

Let us get rid of the casual Yuri!! and make Animu worthy for the mainstream again!! is where to vote at.

Make me proud anons or else i will make you bites the dust.

Other urls found in this thread:

what made you think this was a good post

>Sup Forums
>Implying Jojo is AOTY
>Muh personal army

What good posts have there been besides constant spamming of the same old shows user? I think this is actually a unique topic considering its actually about anime and users get to choose :).

Oh and user you can stop samefagging. Having you post twice doesent make it anymore valid.

> :)
>Samefagging when there's 3 IPs in this thread
I don't even know why I reply.

Gonna kill myself because of this thread, thanks OP

YOI is certainly not anime of the year, sorry ladies.

The only entry that matters

>caring about literally who awards

Fuck yeah mah boi. Regen and Mob Psycho will take it this year. Fuck the rest.

>personal army
>Sup Forums
Lurk more before posting.

>Tripfagging this hard
>caring enough to post on this thread
>inb4 its irony user

lol your a dumbass Ruri tripfag.

>voting for a marketing ploy

It's just polls of shows they want to push and sell more product on

epic comeback

With all the weird moderation lately, are we still allowed to dubspam off topic garbage?

Well its gone to shit. If they allow RWBY and this poll shit. There is no such thing as quality standards anymore. Ill agree that i fucking hate the casuals pushing their bullshit but at some point lines need to be drawn or Sup Forums is going to turn out much worse. What's next is Yanderdev and his faggot ass going to be on Sup Forums as well because its Yandere?

Just dont respond it's b8.


The entire right column excludes at least 50% of all late night anime, like comedy and slice of life. Well done, Crunchyshit.

>Sup Forums

You can stop samefagging now, OP.

I know and the choices are jackshit. Fuck them. Lets just troll Crunchyshit together. I think we should make a poll of our own and say fuck Crunchyroll we can do a better job than these corporate fucks.

You' bait isn't any better.

>Anime of the Year
>Flip Flappers not on the list

And this is how you can tell that an award like this is rigged

>Sup Forums

if i get dubs somebody posts loli

>Sup Forums

>best boy
>josuke isn't on the list
why even bother?
>Sup Forums

I had the best hallucination ever. I saw the pic say Anime is For Nerds in capital letters.

re:zero will win anime of the year

It's Keit-ai. I mean, Kimi no na wa.

Reminder, Sup Forums. With anonymous-san now gone, there is no mod who will fight against advertisement threads anymore.

Your time is over.
This board now belongs to the shillsquad.

Thanks for sharing.

>best comedy
>no Mob
What the fuck?

>Caring about this poll and not the moonland one that gets spammed in the yoi threads.

Great blog
Now fuck off.

>kabaneri something something in every ballot

is this some kind of marketing trick? never seen a discussion about it on Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

It couldn't be worse than this.

>Sup Forums
> :)

Of course you haven't. You only ever come here to promote your casual poll.

>Jebus Matoi
Wew lad.

>the anime awards
is this like the game awards for vidya? if so then who is the geoff keighley of anime?

Where the fuck is 91 Days for AOTY?

>Sup Forums

Man I don't even know.

No one watched it.

>no conosuba outside of one category it'll win easily

Sup Forums is affiliated with Crunchyroll now?

I love how they're exporting Japanese magazine style business practices now too. Not even surprised, anime fans are dumb and desperate enough that if you make them feel involved and important and present the right names they'll play into any marketing ploy.

Considering it's the place where waifus, slice of life and dating sim anime exist yeah kind of. I doubt crunchyroll understand the obvious differences between daytime and late night though

If Crunchyroll users actually vote yeah. If it's just what the corporate entities invested in Crunchyroll are looking to push which is what anime has increasingly become about in general and especially with things like the Newtype and Seiyuu awards than it'll be a split between Kabaneri and Re:Zero because it's clear the former has a fuck ton of corporate push globally.

It's already been obvious for a while that ACJ has been using Sup Forums to advertise. I mean they literally BOUGHT fucking MAL and now bought column space on ANN for worst opinion master of all time Richard Eisenbeis to post his terrible articles in. Wouldn't even surprise me if Nakamura is on the take as he was involved in stealth marketing scams back when he ran 2ch and it was the reason he eventually got locked out of his own site by a rogue mod looking to do the right thing by it's users. Maybe that's what Sup Forums ultimately needs.

>supporting Jews
>voting for shit tier normie anime
I hate chrunchyroll

What is ACJ?

Anime Consortium Japan.
A group made of all those anime production companies that are making all the anime.

These are all the major shareholders of the Anime Consortium.

Bandai Namco Holdings Inc.
Cool Japan Fund Inc.
Asatsu-DK Inc.
Aniplex Inc.
Toei Animation Co., Ltd.
Sunrise Inc.
TMS Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Nihon Ad Systems, Inc. (NAS)
Dentsu Inc.
Kodansha Ltd.
Bushiroad Inc.

There's also a bunch of anime studios involved.

Here's their address.

Are there even any studios not covered by this and which make late night anime?

>best animation
>Garo Divine flame isnt anywhere

Fuck this shit.

>Sup Forums
>Wanting anime to be mainstream in the disgusting american market
>Senpai notice memes
>Supporting Daiz
>Crunchyroll at all

mods close thread please


observe my 5

>yuri on ice or jojo

kill yourself

Nah. Everything is interconnected somehow anyway.

Reminder. Never buy anime to support the industry. Never do that, because it always goes towards the big megacorps. Always. Even the merchandise you buy directly from Japan still goes towards them.

Buy anime and assorted merchandise that YOU want and you like for yourself (and which you hope will perhaps persuade those giant companies to make another sequel for it).
Don't ever fall for the poor-starving-studio-sob story.
There's far too many studios anyway.
Studios do not matter. The corporations do.

That has always been the way the world turns since we were all born.

Jojo isn't nominated for aoty. Did you even look?

The thought that the publishers profit so much while animators are literally dying from their job is so disgusting.

Good double.
Now check mine.

They're not just publishers. Those are the companies that finance and sponsor and license all the anime worldwide.

Yuri on Ice is literally anime of the decade. repulsive /u/shit btfo

>Sup Forums

My niggas.

No one here cares about CR

Yet half of this board doesn't.

>OP still not banned

ah yes the mlp of anime strikes again

>thread still alive

Why the fuck is this thread still alive? Do your job mods. Stop replying, retards.