Why has Sup Forums never attempted to create a commune/colony of its own?
Mirrored in the image of something like Orania.
Why has Sup Forums never attempted to create a commune/colony of its own?
Mirrored in the image of something like Orania.
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some Sup Forumslacks are in fact making such plans
Atleast 3 initiatives that I know. Just lurk more
I have... supervised several attempts. Turns out neets in their late teens and early 20s with zero capital and low know-how are not that great at reinventing and building self-sustaining societies
it's almost always: expensive high-tech plans, low skills, zero funding.
We are we not invading tiny pacific islands?
also, the overwhelming majority are fucking retards
it's mind-boggling
ok, do you have a boat?
nevermind, you probably dont want to invade islands with me
Why do that when we can just convert the whole country to be racist?
I have boat(s).
>argentina at it again
This I'd like to see.
I expect in 5-10 years we will have started to produce politicians and millionaires. Better to wait until such successful and mature Sup Forumsacks figure things out instead of trying to wrangle a mob of autistic shitposters.
Because we’d immediately kill each other?
umatched stealth capabilities though
hm, sucessful people tend to be successful throughout their lives. they generally don't magically acquire grit, high conscientiousness, and intelligence. if they're losers now, they'll most likely be losers later. this is especially true for older posters
I'm telling you Smith Island (Maryland) is available, and the one aspect of this which sperglords might like is "NO POLICE ON SMITH ISLAND"
Sure the land is sinking, but that will be reflected in the cost of the house you want.
Because its illegal in this country
you can try it, but the govt will just bus in welfare recipients into section 8 housing
Well, ONE idea was Kekistan. A great great idea. But then some divide and conquer shills created artificial infighting and the retarded fraction of Sup Forums completely fell for it and swallowed as real, hook, line and sinker.
So, the divide and conquer agents won :
Sup Forums has - by itself - destroyed its very own dream - a GREAT dream - throu initiation of some 3d party trickery.
Very sad. Many such cases.
Sup Forums still has to learn, alot! But it will. I'm very confident.
I agree there is this tendency. However, Gen Z is about to enter the workforce and who knows what they might be able to do.
OP I know what your up to fag.
does it happen to mormons and such too?
can you avoid the niggers on religious grounds?
Uh... what's this from? It looks familiar...
Asking for a friend.
I just remembered the Free State Project. It's an Ancap colony whose aim is to take over a town in NH and declare independence.
Rich people and politicians stay that way becaise they arnt fucking retarted with their money/influence so no even if one did pop up outa here they tell u to go fuck yourself and rightly so
I never gave it much thought, but that must be the loophole (orthodox) Mormons and Amish unwittingly use
>civil war ensues
>it collapses
And there she blows
Kekistan was fucking cringey when it first started and only became worse its the most forced meme that ive ever seen simply because no one here thought it was a cool thing
>Why has Sup Forums never attempted to create a commune/colony of its own?
Leaving our lands is the utmost cuckery, take it back soygoy.
Lemme in!
>not taking over the PNW via non-consensual regime change.
We declared war on some shitty island in the pacific a while back