Imagine that, racists

Imagine that, racists.

You can’t argue this.

He's right. Racism is more than skin deep.

This wanker has never met a black person


There are noticeable facial/skull differences in races too. Albino cases make this very apparent
Also no White person has sickle cell anemia

Wait a second, then by him hating me isn't he the one being a bigoted racist?

Why would I listen to anyone who doesn't even know what culture means?


Going by his tweets, Col seems to be the kind of person who WOULD shout obscenities at passersby he thought were displaying wrongthink

countdown until someone finds a post of him admitting to being jewish

> there is one culture, human culture
Demonstrably false. Western people don't stone people in the street for having sex before marriage. Western people don't force 13-year-olds to be circumcised without euthenasia to prove they're men. Western people expect daily bathing and plumbing, not shitting in the street.

There are deep elements of culture, entire stages of life, that wildly differ among cultures and even religious people within wider culture.

This man is a moron. An utter buffoon.

>there's only one culture and infinitely diverse
Impressive doublespeak there

Imagine being so dense, so utterly devoid of any form of critical thinking and self awareness that you'd think human beings aren't different and aren't exactly the same.
Imagine the world they live in. Think about how much they must hate themselves.


>Imagine being so dense, so utterly devoid of any form of critical thinking and self awareness that you'd think dogs are different simply because of their breed. Imagine the world they live in. Think about how much they must hate golden retrievers.


I wonder what people like this think of events like the Rwandan Genocide and Nanking Massacre. I've never asked, but I'd like to know where historical events like this fit into their narratives, given that Whites were not directly involved.

I don't judge people by the color of their skin, but rather the ownership of their bike

?paul? bfto

>there is only one culture, human culture

imagine being this delusional. holy fuck

We're all openly racist here retard, what we take issue with is his infantile worldview and intentional strawman argument.

>dude race is only skin deep!!!

This is your mind on public education.

Why do we have hate crimes based on race? Why do blacks get sickle cell but others don't?

where are the facts.

Gimme the facts OP.

Col, you can fuck off now.
>Stop sticking your kids in front of the box
>Fuck your wife
>Or just come out you closet faggot

5 minutes reading this faggots tweets was absolutely mind numbing. 46 y/o closet fag acting like a stuck up little bitch screaming muh racisim.
26 y/o daughter's favourite memory is sat on his lap playing Tomb Raider. Sad (as fuck)

Man I love facts.

I would bend this pussy over and fuck him in front of his mother

>when you watch rick and morty

I hate niggers, gypsies, Jews and Arabs, but I don't hate them for the colour of their skin. So am I a good guy or what?

Imagin being a grown man and too stupid to realise that people are different depending on DNA and behaviour traits, on average, depending on where they live and lived for thousands of years.

Well he is right. You'd have to be pretty dense to think it was just skin color and not a larger biological developmental pattern based on hundreds of thousands of years of unique development patterns.


Racists don't really care about skin color, last time I checked. It's just that people with the same skin color tend to be more similar to each other. It's a rather simple coincidence.

It really makes me upset when liberal normies try to summarize races by solely mentioning skin color (e.g. "you hate him because he's black" as in "his color only"). You only need a few moments with a person of other race to notice big physical differences, not to mention their behavior and mentality. Every race and ethnicity has unique traits.

Having that said, fuck niggers, Jews and Chinese.

So in his world is cultural appropriation a thing? Because he seems like the kind of person who would believe that it is, but his words suggest otherwise. A leftist thinking in circles; what a surprise.

It's like that meme face image:
> tfw judging someone by their character comes to the same result as judging them by their skin

Why is lack of critical thinking the go to insult for liberals? I'm liberal myself but every time I bring something up that's outside the usual groupthink of liberal hugboxes they shit themselves and accuse me of lack of critical thinking.

Call me retarded/shill but I'm just commenting on the sad state of affairs for people who are progressive leaning.

Just deport him the fuck to out to Africa.

This to, culture is the subset of different human experinces you cant have human culture it literally doesnt make sense.

same reason they claim right-wingers have a lack of self-awareness; they're projecting

>the unconscious transfer of one's own desires or emotions to another person.

Imagine thinking that everybody is the same, especially when they have differences so obvious you can notice just by looking at them.

Skin color is a difference

>implying humans are the only beings in existence that have only one species

Why is race realism so controversial?

Stop viewing those people as liberal. By definition they are as far from liberal as one can get. Also, it might be time for you to rethink your political affiliation. The left has no place for traditional liberalism anymore.

Imagine actually believing that British culture is the same as Somalian culture

Good piece. Stoled.

it's OK to be white.

Pretty depressing how dumb these people are. But they don't know how dumb they are. They think they're smart, and that we're the dumb ones. It's really sad.

how do i shout abuse while having my doors and windows locked? does he mean having bars on them? cause i only see that in black neighborhoods.

wow what a madman

>simply because if the colour of their skin
He's right, we're all exactly the same

>imagine that its not just skill color, but that skin color is the easiest way to identify them.
People are so dumb. I'm just fed up with dumb ass faggets.

whats this clip from? Sauce?

If race was literally just "skin color" nobody would have ever made a big deal about it. Most racial differences that occur are due to different mental abilities and thought processes, and most of this is genetic. If race was only skin color, then skin color would be treated, roughly speaking, like hair or eye color by everyone. This isn't the case because skin is a symbol for something else, a visual manifestation of a mental state.

"One diverse culture"

Imagine being so dense, so utterly devoid of any form of critical thinking, that you truly believe that people hate niggers and muzzies just for the color of their skin and not for their attitudes and behavior.

So do you believe in evolution

>Was going to college to become an anthropologist.
>Read this guys tweets
>Decide to switch majors.
Thank God there is only human culture. I dodged a bullet there.

They outright ignore it or use mental gymnastics to blame whites. They have such a nigger tier way of looking at things (if it isn't X it must be Z because I'm incapable of understanding Y exists in between) everything is black or white. If everything is black or white and you get severe cognitive dissonance the mental gymnastics knows no bounds.
You know when Hitler talks about how Jews argue? They do the exact same thing because they're the only people they listen to. They sound like retards when you let them meme off irl though because they aren't anywhere near as savvy at it as as a slimy Jew is.

It makes a twisted sort of sense, if (((he))) means Goy Culture

Imagine being so dense, so utterly devoid of any form of critical thinking and self awareness that you think white is the same as black. Imagine living in a world where you delude yourself into believing that an African village is just as good as Western nation. Think how much they must hate themselves to downgrade and race mix.

Sorry user, shamelessly stolen from another user.