How did YOU survive the 2008 hyper-recession?

How did YOU survive the 2008 hyper-recession?

Oldfags get the FUCK in here

move in with parents and ride it out

>marketable skills
>been poor before

Bought a lot of stocks really cheap and then became a millionaire, which I promptly spent on booze and women while I was getting divorced

i was in college. my parents cut back a bit. i barely noticed.

Feasted on the blood and tears of millenials ... as my children are destined to do 10 years from now.

I was a teenager.

Took out a massive loan and went to college. Parents lost their jobs though.

government gave us all $1k to spend and we did so no recession here.

Dental floss. What brand you like Sup Forums, I like this brand. post floss



I didn't. I graduated right into that crap. College ended up being worthless. My parents ended up transient, moving across the country a hand full of times chasing employment. I often has no home to retreat to when times got tough. Went homeless, and it took years to get on my feet enough to still stand if the rug is pulled under me. That said I'm certainly not living the american dream. I have the internet so I guess it's not all bad.

Did you get a widescreen t.v. too?

>Laid off from blue collar job
>Spent my daughter's college fund to get a degree for myself.
>Barely hung onto my house
>Now in shitty IT job working more hours for less pay

Fuck Clintons, Fuck Bushs, Fuck Barry. This is our one chance to take back this country. It's all or nothing motherfuckers.

I was a freshman in high school so too retarded to understand why dad was constantly pissed off. My sister had just graduated college with a degree in journalism so of course she found no work. Ended up getting married instead since she never had a chance to be a strong independent womyn so HA take that feminism.
I’m scared of things like that happening again though. I have a family now I can’t even imagine how stressful losing your job would be. I would almost certainly kill someone to be able to put food on the table for them

This, i wish every time they cut taxes they just used QE to make Jewish bankers even more rich because I’m a stupid goy pig and I live to serve my Jewish masters. What do you think, fellow goys?

I'm in tech, I did fine

Just kept working. it didn't affect me all that much.

I lucked out I got hired into the electric utility industry at the beginning of 2008 before the bottom fell out, which was beginning to ride the wave of a regulatory boom. (FERC ruling allowed utilities gauranteed rate of return in rate structure on infrastructure upgrades- my company literally spent billions of dollars knowing the government would enforce them making a return on their investment.)

Short the market and make lots of money. Then buy the dip and make lots of money.

>got a house during bubble
>decent job
>saved $

Learn to invest user stop being poor.
Here is your free tip
If you buy something with heating oil exposure now and sell it in January during a storm you will make money.

I squatted in my own home when the ARM on the mortgage hit.... when I was forced to sell the home for 85k (bought it at 225k) I got a magical 3000k to move the fuck out while another owner got a low interest rate and a monthly mortgage of $400.... why no plutocrats died during this shows the sheep people mentality of the USA.

In 2007 my wife and I went to work at a military base doing construction for the Chimp's next-door neighbor... It didn't peter out until 2012. WE MADE BANK:))

You obviously didn’t have a sallie mae or countrywide loan! Eat a dick. You survived nothing.

this thread with the same image gets posted on a regular schedule; it's almost clockwork

who is OP data mining for?

You obviously know nothing about the loans being sold during this period. This thread is shit.... most of you were and are still in your par nets basements which have loans pre countrywide.

Lol, a friend of mine bought $250k of Ford at $1 a share. I told him he was a retard because I thought they would go bankrupt like GM.
Jokes on me I suppose.

Because they wanted it to actually work

I was still living at home. It wasnt that bad, I was bouncing between jobs at the time. If anything Obamacare mandate fucked me and others over worse than the recession. Cant work more than 30 hours because cheap fucks dont want to shell out money for healthcare.

I didn't even notice it until politicians started using it as the scapegoat for everything.

I got drunk every morning and night working 9-9 at a superstore lurking Sup Forums with the remainder of my time. Cheap cider and fruit was all i could afford after rent and bills.

was shitposting on nipr from fallujah lmao

>Navyfag in 2008
>Dump all my G money from my TSP into L2040 fund when stock market bottomed out around 8000
>Get out a few years later, get a decent paying job almost immediately because I wasn't a retard
The 2008 recession only helped me. I'd actually be worse off without it.

I was 26, my parents were loaded, and I was funemployed. God I miss those days

Was a teenager so didn't even notice.
Parents took advantage and bought 200k house from someone who defaulted. House is now worth 600k+
Waiting for the next one to buy a house myself.

You mcfucked up

Should've went long UPRO

I spent it all on booze

I got a myself a laptop. Good times

Went to college from 2008 to 2012
Unemployed 2012 to 2014
Joined the military
I'll have my student loans paid of January 1.

I can't wait for the next collapse so I can buy a bunch of stocks and real estate for dirt cheap.

I thought about it, but I had enough.

.t Australian

What recession?

Refinanced to 3.125

There are only 3 options that make sense
1. Work for a government or union job
2. Go the NEET route
3. Become extremely ruthless in business

Those are the only 3 ways to escape

$100 an hour rebuilding from Katrina.

Contractor in Florida. Went from making more money than I ever had in my life to not being able to find a job doing ANYTHING. Lost our home, dogs and nearly sanity over a period of four years. Retrained myself with a refrigeration degree and have built myself back to having more security both financially and professionally than I may have had the crash not ocurred, but the sadness of what I lost hangs over my life. No matter how well I do by any other metric, I don’t anticipate ever feeling the sort of joy I did back then ever again. Only my will to power and my duty to my family keep me from becoming a mass shooter.

Was making 28 per hour, full bennies, company truck etc. doesn’t sound great in today’s economy but I bought my house for 155k in 2007 and worked like a nigger to keep my company making money. Same house sold for 520k last summer and now I own my own biz. Debt free at 32, feels good

Took a lower paying job that had potential and stability and sold weed on the side.

Yep. Went from 6.5 to 3 myself.

Didn't even notice it, desu. Just kept working. I think I was laid off for like 5 weeks total that year.

>be me
>19 y/o
>have a job
>friend/roommate can't find a job
>he's literally eating shredded lettuce
>get him a job at office depot
>he snubs his nose at it

Was unemployed for 1.5 years. Burned away savings. Thanks to Obama the economy returned back on track

>2008 get comfy $9/hr job as a graphics design intern & data entry for small 7 man software development team for part time work during high school
>graduate in 2010 and get comfier factory job paying $17/hr full time

only lazy people felt the recession

>Move in with parents
>sell 30k car buy 8k car
>nuke expenses
>go from 135k job to 120k

I actually came out with an extra 300k saved up in 2011

The only people who really got hurt were people who couldn't afford their homes or made bad investments. Only the bottom tiny percentage lost their jobs. The 2008 "crisis" was way overblown.

Holy fuck mate if you haven't realised trump is worse than all of them by now then you are seriously a fucking idiot. If the recession returns under him your country is absolutely fucked. It's been several years or so, you're probably due for one under his term too.

I lived in New Mexico. Couldn’t tell the difference because their economy is so shit.

Found the teenager

It was GLORIOUS TIMES! I had retired from the military in 2007. Just a High School Diploma but marketable skills and a pension to boot. No wife, no kids. Got hired on a Field Support. Traveled all over the west on the company dime making gobs of overtime. Nothing to spend it on so I bought a nice car to tool around in when I was at home. Met a nice girl 8 years younger who was finishing up her Masters. Quit that job and got a cool job as a manager. Bought a house right when the market was at it's lowest. Now that home is 3 times what I bought it for. Got married and now were DINK's with everything we ever wanted. Recession was the best thing ever.

Good on you mate fuck I'm jelly.

What the fuck kind of wage is that. I thought I was suffering on $38 an hour during the bad times.

35 now, I worked as Tech Support but worked my ass off, did really good work, dedicated and all that shite. 16 people were fired from all different departments but not me. Also, I was making like $13/hr 40hrs / week

Live in the outer Houston area, job not dependant on housing or oil. Savings.

your aussie bucks have half the buying power of our greenbacks, and I was a kid at the time

by not being relevant enough in the stage of international trade to be affected by it.
strange, being nobody somehow paid off in the end.

Pretty much just said, “I can’t pay you back, goodbye”. Started all over again but this time without (((credit)))

I had to look.

Rich parents

Just do it now, never too late to optimize everything. Plus now there's blockchains and shieeet we didn't have before


Was 22. Got laid off. Moved in with my dad and his wife. Reenrolled in university and finished finance degree and MBA. Worked shitty warehouse job to pay the bills through school. Finished school in 2012. Took shitty entry level mortgage job at $32k a year. Changed jobs a few times since then to accounting/finance firms. Been with my current comapny for 3 years. Just got a promotion to $90/k a year.
Also was flat ass broke and homeless in 2006, nearly joined military so I would have something to do.

worked my ass off. I had over $20k in CC debt the interest rate went from 7.9% and manageable to `16.9% and so i have been spinning my wheels in mud ever since but I kept my good name and did not default. call me a good goy but I heard it was hard to get new credit lines at that time and if you could they'd be small and still at high rates. I needed the lines for my business.

I was a freshman in my first year at Uni when it started.
My dad got laid off from his managerial job, but he found a job overseas that paid three times as much.

I still haven't found a job. I've stayed in Uni for the past nine years. I'm about halfway through my Ph.D. now. Thankfully no debt because my father was able to pay for all of my tuition, but I really want a job already.

They didnt give it to everyone.

I didnt get a cent.

diggity damn D:

I lived in my car for about 8 months. Drank mcdonalds ketchup soup which is as gross as it sounds, lots of cramps from all the salt. Ramen every day. Worked part time jobs. Eventually landed a job in a factory. Came home, live on mothers property. About to finish college. Semi decent part time job unloading trucks at walmart. I have health insurance. I freeze my ass off in the camper. Its old. I scrap metal on the side.

I knew it... but i still looked..

Waited for the Toronto real estate bubble to collapse but it went the other way so I'm still renting...

I was 24. I just did the same thing I was doing when I was 20... playing World of Warcraft 24/7 and being a NEET.

I am 34 now and actually have a pretty successful career once I grew bored of being broke and gaming all day. I wasn't sure I would ever be able to turn my life around.

Unsure if I would say I regretted wasting my entire 20's away. I wouldn't recommend it but at the same time I kind of enjoyed my gluttony.

Ford refused bailouts because they were financially stable. They had to cut some dead weight brands but they were safe. Your friend made a good decision but there was better returns to be had.

>landlords 4-plexes got foreclosed
>lived out of car
>police arrested me for sleeping in car
>jailed 4 months
>police sold car while i was in jail
>$700 in bank acct
>bought harp on ebay
>taught myself to play harp
>go to truckdriving school

now i make $50,000+ per annum. fuck the police.

First year of the military stationed overseas. It didn't effect me at all.

I was only 13 and neither of my parents lost their job so we did pretty okay


I survived because was deployed, shooting at hajjis in the Hindukush

go to college, even if you do not have a hs diploma, get in the aerospace field, and that could be many ways, qc/qa guy, non destructive testing, cnc machining, programming, controller robots. these things will help you from getting fired and being useful. the neets are fucked. they will starve to death or sell their bodies. also other bullshit fields that shouldn't exist are on the endangered species list.

By working overseas as a government GS employee in a combat zone.

Kept working however possible, wasn't a dream job but it was enough to get me by.

Were you in a city that had laws against sleeping in your car? I swore that you can do it at Walmart without problems. When I used to have my road job I slept off the side of country roads all the time and only got disturbed 4 times by cops just seeing if I was sober.

I started college. Since the crash demolished all the family home equity and most savings, I went into lots of debt.

I didn't ask for these feels.

it was a parking lot to a furniture that had been out of business for 10 years. i was detained for 4 1/2 hours until they could call the bank at 9 a.m. to ask them if they wanted to press charges. i guess me being homeless yet working wasn't far enough down for them so they had cause me to lose my income, means of travelling to make income and to steal everything i owned on top of that. fuck the police.

It was not even bad, stocks took a slight hit and then decreased right back up

My dad lost his house like this. Loans get sold around so much, you'd have to do murder at a new firm every week.

I was in high school went to college

pretty easy desu

my parents are well off, not rich, and were smart enough to put it in gold and got out of gold at the right time. I remember going to Lake Tahoe around late 2008 early 2009. It felt so weird being there as it was empty you think the world was falling out.

Cops just did their jobs. You were trespassing, punishment doesn't' fit the crime though.

Recession didnt make it here

It saw all the fucking spiders and abos and avoided you.

Is that because Based Tones stopped the boats and put the recession on Birdshit Island?

I was in a band with my friends doing shows at the time, it was just something I heard about on the news.