Not the only time I ever seen Björn trying to screw America over...

Not the only time I ever seen Björn trying to screw America over. Just look at Ben and Jerry's; Björn's transqueer animosity has stroke his long cock to allow semen rain down on this company as well (gay ass).

>BTW Bjorn is from Sweden

>the "refugees" include a man in a cowboy hat

Does there exist /ouricecream/ ?

Ask any vermonter. Any TRUE vermonter, where the crazy people are. They will tell you waterburry.

Ask any Ice cream enthusiast, any REAL Ice cream enthusiast, where does Ben & jerrys ice cream come from....

nigger dicks?

>tfw you genuinely can't tell which ones are the refugees and which ones are the Americans

Congratulations, you've convinced me to NEVER buy Ben & Jerry's ever again.

Not sure what your point is.

...assuming you even have one.

>buying that overpriced shit in the first place

Too poor to buy ice cream with your EBT, nigger?

>sees a mongrel
>sees a Brazilian
>both are true tier orcs from Lord of the Rings

>not making your own homemade ice cream
What are you some kind of cosmopolitan rootless kike?

Dairy Queen maybe, but there are other options (Edy's is another good one)

Are the refugees white people in this picture?

Publix and Blue Bell, minus that listeria hysteria

True though. Blue Bell is the shit

Those aren't refugees faggot.

I saw two faggots dressed like this yesterday. They need to go back.

Yes south african boers since Canada wont accept them


Blue bell

>Tell Congress we want MORE refugees

Christ what the fuck



Look like refugees in identitarian disguises to me, user. The shoes look expensive as fuck m8

>The majority of the refugees are drawn as white
Literally anyone who is semi informed about the refugee issue knows that it's all brown people

Blue Bell > Publix > Edy's > Ben and Jerry's

Ben and Jerry are both Jewish, what do you expect? Fuck their chunky soyim cream

I know a few soyfags who would fuck them
>goes to his house
>brings his soice cream
>told him both have aids
>also told him about how they also do their shekel farming (from vows) in the same cruel quality fashion as other major retails
>smacks ice cream out of hand
>gives me $5 and a free DQ coupon so he can get a free Blizzard

Worth the reaction

Meme then
>B&J dont care about refugee minorities

This is typical Kike farmer in his shilling plantation with his POC slaves.

The man in the cowboy hat is clearly white, you faggot

>he doesn’t know you can buy ice cream with EBT

What in the fuck are all these refugees from? How are there millions of them? What are they fleeing?

All the refugees in Italy are black niggers

They're fleeing a perfectly normal life in a 3rd world shithole because there's still a tiny bit of the middle class left to squeeze gibs out of. It's shown time and time again, the lesser races don't think far enough ahead to consider that the going to stay good if they don't steal everything that's not bolted down in the first 3 weeks and fuck up production for the rest of ever.

Blue Bell is /ouricecream/

Mostly Nigerians and Bangladeshis.

Spread the word across Sup Forums cause Blue Bell is /ouricecream/

>where are they from?
>how are there millions of them?
Niggers breed like rabbits.
>what are they fleeing
Niggers and the societies they've built.

Founders: Ben (((Cohen))); Jerry (((Greenfield)))
CEO: Jostein (((Solheim)))

Better idea: we blackmail them for (if any) leaked sources from their factories involving animal cruelty

Also to do a bit more "inside research" on rather Ben and Jerry have some fucked up shit going around in their companies