How will Sexbots change our society?
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They will initiate the race war of the ages
Now you can get fucked up the ass and not need to worry about getting pozzed
hopefully suffocates me while im sleeping
>men and women get pure and qt waifus/husbandos who love them unconditionally
>mfw years later male sex bots killing themselves enmasse due to all the nagging
If realistic sex bots ever come into being there will be a social upheaval the likes of which the world has never seen.
girls will get enhanced BBC.....white male btf
It will further detach people from their shared humanity and we will continue to grow in indifference until something takes over everyone and nobody remains who feels enough to care.
You still have to clean sex toys. Bacteria and whatnot can be bitch.
Taking these to the Hyundai dealership sounds like a hassle.
Fembots will soon be here.
Women BTFO!
I just want to be able to pretend like something loves me.
So all of society becomes Sup Forums.
So you're saying they can get big artificial dicks, which they won't have to worry about it leaving afterward or killing them?
Nice. If anything, this is good, less nigger babies and less niggers fucking normal women and not monkeys
you played me here
>be male android
>try to impress stacy androids with muh huge logic libraries and deep understanding of computations
>flex muh arms and talk about how overclocking training allows me to lift more then the standard models
>stacy android turns me down
>I see her hanging out in the park with those male humans
>I visit her robot home
>she tells me I was impressive but my logic skills made me a boring android and she wanted to experience life with those dangerous risky bad boy human males
>I try to drive fast and dangerous in my car but cant cause logic chips stop any impulses
>tfw bought EMP grenade and alone
Will it cause more (legit) rapes? Or cause men to dismiss women all together as a significant other?
>Or cause men to dismiss women all together as a significant other?
>Have android waifu
>Literally built to be a 10/10
>Will never cheat on you
>Will never leave you
>Will never demand gifts/money
>Never say "I have a headache"
What do you think user?
I'd never trust that shit, especially if it was AI driven, think of it:
>programmed to act and think like a woman
>have sex with it
>robot claims rape
>court case finds you not guilty since robot isn't human
>robo feminism emerges
>protests and revolutions ensue
>shit actually gets done though
>extinction of mankind because you're too afraid to ask out the girl at work
Fuck you pussy
Complex division among the sexes
Most men don't get laid, most women do as they are crowd sourced whores with easy access to dick
Men with sexbots won't give money to women
>the pussy cartel may weaken substantially
There's so many assumptions, ie Basic income or the communism of the "smart city" concept, ie big data is now big oil. Because its the oil barons funding that shit
We're essentially going to be cattle in the matrix, the machine AI's will be running a massive simulation to manipulate men with sex towards whatever agenda the shadow government deems fit...
I, for one, welcome or new sexy robot overlords
In all seriousness there's a reason why Alchemists like Newton or Tesla valued chastity
>women are the destroyers of good men
>essoteric literature is loaded with lots of examples of Gynocentrism, the foolishness of men that give into the wiles of the wicked woman
I don't know, we have so much material shit. I'm just sick of it, none of it has any meaning or any purpose besides immediacy
Plus reflecting in it truly is a poison to the mind and the body, and most importantly man's eternal spirit
Women will cease to have an innate influence advantage over men, which means normalcy returns. But then society faces the issue that (((they))) could easily take advantage of the situation by turning into an extreme-mainstream thing that runs society, then make having children an "RNG" of racemixing.
I'll be so much more productive, and have much more accomplishments in my life
Absolutely 100% serious.
They'll get faggots like you out of the gene pool my boy.
>implying women don't already have sexbots
it didn't change that fact that what people actually crave is intimacy
I was being satirical, I truly understand.
Not sure but I will say its fucking pathetic.
It does raise a few questions. When does it turn into a full fledged robot from basically a motorized pocket pussy? When is it less sad?
Currently its pretty much just a voice box, some rubber and a motor assisted pocket pussy.
I would consider them not sad when its fully capable of walking, moving and talking like a human. Thats decades away.
Listening to this oddly enough.
Either way its a poor band aid for a problem thats getting worse. Marriage is dead, so is commitment and duty.
It’s true, women are pure evil
Just wash it down with a hose, or sell it half price to the kid with the learning disability down the street
fucking kek! the irony of it all