Pelosi responded by saying, Trump “now knows that his verbal abuse will no longer be tolerated...

>Pelosi responded by saying, Trump “now knows that his verbal abuse will no longer be tolerated. His empty chair photo opp showed he’s more interested in stunts than addressing the needs of the American people."

Ha! Get fucked Trump.

Republicans are scrambling to recover from this.

Other urls found in this thread:



Who the fuck is Drumpf? Our retarded president is named Trump.


>verbal abuse

They'll vote for war, and yet will throw a fit because Trump was mean to them...

skeletor and jewmer BTFO

>trump leaves the empty chairs to display how the democrats are off screaming like children and refusing to participate and communicate like adults
>so they go off screaming like children and refuse to participate and communicate like adults
Really showed him.

>Republicans are scrambling to recover from this.
Republicans are laughing their asses off at how childish the Democrats are acting

And I'm laughing my ass off at the Republicans' complete failure to pass their tax bill. How's that 0 legislative victories going, losers?
Democrats turning on each other. Happening

Still your president you filthy taconigger

>vote for wars that burn children alive
>words are too much

The plan is to kill your idols, then pass legislation to make America great again. Pussy.

Drumpf: "lol going to pointless meeting!"
Dems: "Okay, if it's pointless, we won't waste our time."
Drumpf: "S-stop being p-p-petty!"

>public opinion is in favor of the democrats since 2006
>be speaker of the house/minority leader
>manages to fuck up Obama's entire legacy by letting democrats lose the house in the election immediately following his election and ever election after that

Pelosi really should step down.

this user is right though

Words her her feelings. So powerful. So brave. Pelosi for President 2020, hurrrrrr.

Nothing worse then Democrats or the far left. Good find bro.

It cracks me up that the leftists don't see how those two idiots are destroying their party.

>Current Administration has been in place for less than a year
>Haven't accomplished healthcare due to RINOs, Tax bill still in the works
>Accomplished a bunch of other things, including getting conservative Justices installed, wall samples built
Keep crying for 7 more years

>t-those damn Republicans are keeping the Republicans from doing things!
Every time. What a bunch of pussies the alt-right is.

regardless of posturing from Trump, an elected official or any official of the government should make earnest attempts at bridging divides and working toward something. The dems can cry all they want about him being a big ole meanie head all they want, but at the end of the day he was there sitting in his seat, ready for discourse, and they weren't.

we’re taking care of it, don’t you worry

Trump isn't a republican

So it's a win win situation..

>We'll oppose Trump by not being there to oppose him!

So instead of proving him wrong they proved him right? Well okay then.

>heh we'll show these lefties by not showing up to events and wasting their time
>what? they're not showing up to our events? FUCKING LEFTIES!

What events?

>no response
Well okay then.

>expects a response in three minutes
Oh fuck off, I have a life unlike you Trumptards.

Yet you still didn't answer his question

Because I have a fucking life.

Or maybe you cant answer it?

Republicunts are not giving a single fuck after this. Trump will say what ever the fuck he wants and so will everyone else because we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH you godless cuck. You don't like something someone says then gtfo or here or don't listen


These idiots are why i will never cast another vote for any Democrat anywhere ever. I will never donate another penny. And if you look at the DNCs last year it looks like I am Not alone in withholding my cash. The democrats have been figured out

More like I have a life.

You sure seem to be spending a lot of that life dodging a question

AKA look at all us democrats sitting across the aisle

At least I'm not wasting my life supporting an idiot like Donald Trump.

The Jews are going to punish him by going away...
This man is truly the god emperor
Watch him troll all the Jews in the us back to Israel by hurting their feelers.

Is that your answer?

Well, if shit doesn't go the way democrats wanted or have a say in what happens, it will be their own fault.

Is that YOUR answer?

what fucking events you little faggot?
did you slip? about the paid protests?
fess up now, this thread will be dead in no time.

So I guess you've given up?


There were a bunch of alt-right protests where alt-rightists chanted "blood and soil" and Sup Forums tried to pretend those weren't Sup Forums.

Look at this genius. Now you can see the names of the people who dont care enough about the country to show up to important meetings about nuclear threats.

and you have proof otherwise?