Hey Sup Forums can we give a bit of money to this great teacher? His wife recently passed away and now his little boy has leukemia. I think we should do what we can to help our fellow white brothers.
Here is the go fund me /mikey-neidigks-medical-bills
Awww :( I'm a poorfag but I'll bump for visibility
Nathan Murphy
I'll see what I can do. I can give some!
David Hall
Not your personal army asshole.
He need to get off his ass and find a new woman, preferably one with good insurance
Blake Murphy
fucking useless shit skin i wish my tax dollars went to him and not your shitty mooch family
Evan Powell
Bump and tell him to look into saint judes.
Austin Sullivan
That's my city. First I've heard of this. Sounds like a shit situation, but this whole city is a fucking violent shithole, he should take his kids somewhere clean and white.
Henry Adams
Go visit him IRL, give him some cash, and tell him to use St. Judes as a means to get his family far, far away from there.
T. Medical biller
IF you need more protips let me get drunk and I can give advice.
Christopher Williams
Michael Hill
Not a shit skin. Just don't see how this is Sup Forums
James Scott
This whole board is jammed with garbage slide threads and total nonsense, this is the only thread that actually wants to do some good.
Go fuck yourself, nigger lover.
Dominic Torres
fuck off nigger helping fellow whites is very Sup Forums
Angel Fisher
Salvation Army bro. Great work, low overhead and they have one for the best ways to get drug addicts and homeless off the street, they make them work for a roof over their head and food. It helps them find jobs, keep busy until they get I their feet, and helps the community at the second time. Also, they help in just about every other aspect, when my grandma died, she had a will and money but SA came in and helped my mom for free. Great fucking people.
Anthony Sanchez
>helping people is good ahaahahaha
Aiden Taylor
>His wife recently passed away Article says she died 2 years ago. That doesn't seem recent to me, and he already remarried, so I think he's moved on.
>little boy has leukemia And the doctor says he has a good chance of surviving the chemotherapy. Donate to his medical bills if you like. Cancer is expensive to treat. But let's not exaggerate this into the worst tragedy ever.
Henry Thomas
have a bump
Jayden Gonzalez
Just fuck off for now and let a person receive some help. No one likes a smartass.
Logan James
Nigger wat.
I'm talking about him getting free cancer treatments for the kids.
Fucking hell. Families dont pay for treatment, for moving expenses, or for housing expenses.
Dominic Scott
Jaxson Wood
when is this white male privilege going to end in today's society. No one likes a nigger
Jaxon Cruz
bump for support of a brother
Jack Reyes
Shieeeet, I was talking about help with the dead wife.
Ethan Bailey
The man lost his wife and stayed with his kid who now has leukemia. If you need any more of an excuse to help him then you are trying to hard. Good men deserve better than he got, it doesn't matter who they are.
Samuel Reed
Complete and utter poorfag, but bumping nonetheless.