It's comfy here at the house tonight, anons.
Not Q, but willing to take a few
Other urls found in this thread:
Status of 'the storm'?
Give us better proof than that, that doesn't prove that you're a white house user
Does it smell like an evergreen in there or are the trees fake?
why are there such a large number (4000+) of sealed indictments, and in D.C. particularly?
Syria updates?
When will the hammer drop on Uranium One?
Is Flynn going to rat?
Slowly rolling in.
Pic related.
I'm not sure.
Over or under: 22 days until the swamp is DRAINED and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT
what REALLY happened in Vegas on 10/1 ?
When will the Right stop sucking Israel's cock and actually answer the JQ?
"Slowly rolling in."
Cool, know when it will reach Cat 5?
Are the podesta pedos & hillary going down?
Nobody could tell you this but a select few. My guess, four to six more weeks.
Already has, but not on who you think.
Unfortunately, over.
Saudi assassination attempt gone wrong and covered up by the FBI
Is Mueller really on our side?
Or is he genuinely attempting to bring people down close to Trump? (as the media would have everyone believe)
If on our side, will HRC ever see justice?
Can you post pic of something that wouldn't be publicly visible on a tour?
Thanks, I figured real trees might be a fire hazard.
Is Q legit? It seems many of the things they said haven't happened or may be misdirection. Do you know who Q is, or have an idea of who they might be?
Is Mueller on Trump's side?
Over or under: 38 days over my initial guess (within next 2 months)?
You better start learning cyber security user, the deep state will find you from your phone's camera and model and eventually find out you're the one posting here. Edit your photos ratios.
Mueller "flipped," pardoned in exchange for overseeing swamp drain. Yea or nay. GO.
what's happening with the Awan/DWS spyring?
Does the CIA have access to the inner workings of North Korea?
Is the "Cabal" real?
This is the first time I've seen that boot swapped. So whats the consensus? Hiding an ankle monitor? Do we know for sure if either of these photos is a mirror image and not original?
Jourdan? ? ?
Tell me more about this please. What do you mean they can find him by photo ratios? Each make/model of phone camera has consistent repeatable distortion that they can identify?
post bathroom pics
Mueller is not on anyone's "side." He is just cracking down. Only those who have broken the law need be afraid. He will make a name for himself.
Q is a legit insider. So is the chef.
Already did.
>Hiding an ankle monitor
That's the theory... Notice how Hillary has one too..
What is the word with the Awan/DWS affair? What about Clinton Foundation?
Also what others asked about McCain's boot, is he hiding something?Meuller in on draining the swamp?
a lapel is only worn on the left side and blazer buttons are only on the right side. These are identifiable in each picture. Neither pic is flipped.
Me too!!! Where should we meet?
Is the Federal Reserve/Banking Institution going to be involved in the storm?
>possible legit
What is the possibility that Trump will ultimately destroy the left, along with their lies and destructiveness?
What about a woman's blazer? Some of them have buttons on the left to match the buttons on a blouse. Is JM a crossdresser?
can you just please tell DJT we do this every day because we love the man and believe he has the ability to turn this thing around. All I could ever hope for is a return to righteousness this man can bring back
where did you search that?
Is Trump safe from Mueller?
How close to the swamp are you? Are you in deep? Or are you staff?
If you're around the President ever, can you tell us something about him that might not be plastered everywhere? Maybe something funny or interesting he's said.
Does GEOTUS have any plans for antitrust action? Preferably against Amazon and Google?
How long is this swamp draining going to take? What is the plan for bringing charges (or handling other ways) hundreds (thousands?) of these people relatively simultaneously?
Will do.
At the fire place in five.
how can reg anons help President Trump irl more?
if possible give ThePresident a thumbs up from the crew.
thanks4postn. stay comfy w the big dog MAGA
>Q is legit
Until he breaks the law.
and OP just got CIA'd
So much this. Seconded user. Give the President our love.
Apolack whiskey tango my fucking sides
Are aliens assisting the administration?
kek, i'm gonna say SS.
pshh... those decorations are so last year.
Can you ask the President to include the word "axe" in a near future tweet? We need to know he hears us. Also send our best regards.
How much of CBTS is true and how much of it is just grandmas larping?
All women's attire has their buttons on the left, and all men's is on the right. It is an industry standard so if a soyboy is wearing his mom's blouse you will know.
I would assume that if Songbird of Hanoi was smart enough to think of wearing a women's blazer for the pic, he would have been smart enough to not have to flip it afterward. But he isn't a smart man. Brain tumors disgustingly protruding and all that.
Outside by pillar. Wearing red coat, long brown hair. I’d say you’d recognize me but I’m wearing shoes...
If they know all the people working for the white house, they can simply look up where they're living, scan for their mac address and identify the devices they use from the devices connected to their wi-fi, they can also use imsi catchers to capture internet posts on here, and since Sup Forums is not an encrypted site by default, it would be extremely easy and low cost, and even with https turned on, they can still intercept local traffic communications, letting them know you're visiting the site, but not what you're posting.
second this. have him or or don jr give us an "axe"
Do CIA niggers actually glow in the dark?
Thirded, anons. I just want this great country restored again and Trump is really our last chance before the demographics hurricane wipes out our beach house.
Thank you so much. Whether you are larp or not, just the slightest of possibility that this may be true is enough for me to have hope for the future of my kids.
Y'all niggaz posting in a Kang thread
>another LARP thread full of idiots asking questions
Tineye Reverse Image Search
Is trump planning to attack Iran?
I'll do my best, but it's not that easy. If you see it in the next week. You'll know. Otherwise, sorry.
>So is the chef
Who? Did I miss something?
Tell President Trump that we`ve got his back.
Please electrify the swamp on the chair.
Make frying great again.
Same .. someone QRD please
Not only are two anons within the whitehouse; two are actively taking pictures and posting. The population of lurkers to posters in the world is redic. Is the whole world user?
How you feeling about all this north korea nonsense?
No worries, I get that all of this is complicated. I appreciate the effort. Thanks for taking the time to do this, if you aren't a LARP. God bless you and stay safe
>At the fire place in five.
Where you at, user?
Are you over or under 21 years of age
Indeed quite a timeline we're in.
I live in DC. Any chance you can get me into that WH event tonight?
does nobody think anything of you walking around what I presume is a closed door private event taking photos?
I’m just here for the finger foods and cocktails brah.
I like this Q
Yup, he probably has most loyal base of support I've seen for a President in my lifetime. Obama had the left, and they pull together irrespective, but without starting a war, I've never seen a "Republican" President have such an unwavering level of support. He could literally push an old lady into oncoming traffic and not lose a single vote; and I love it.
you fool
she's here:
Is DPRK finally going to get wrecked, or are they a CIA front?
Which of the 28 fireplaces is that one?
what is white house user bangs the red coat user
Well over.
What most anons don't understand is that one can't have information covering all sectors. There are DOJ anons, Press anons, FBI anons, SC anons, etc. I don't claim to know more than I state.
Go see the girl outside oldfag cmon
Nope. Wonder why?
Any word on the sub? Did people escape to the Antarctic?
>well over 21
Is the God Emperor himself here shitposting with us?
Saved your image. Thanks