What guns/weapons will Sup Forums be using for killing shitskins during the upcoming racewar?
Pic related, it’s my shotgun that I recently bought
What guns/weapons will Sup Forums be using for killing shitskins during the upcoming racewar?
Pic related, it’s my shotgun that I recently bought
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Wait a second
Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Buy a water gun
>Put a lighter at the end of the barrel
>Use oil or gas instead of water
>Tfw Homemade flamethrower
>Jun 14, 2014
>About 22,500,000 results (1.36 seconds)
>Best guess for this image: shotgun with ugly feet
>Find other sizes of this image:
>All sizes - Medium
>hand is FUBAR
>toxic black smoke is released as plastic burns
>lungs are FUBAR
or better yet
>pressurised container of oil ignites and detonates
>life is now FUBAR
This is a data mining thread
Pol is a board of peace.
Nice toes
>Having to nigger-rig a flamethrower
>Not buying a glorious flamethrower on black Friday
How's it feel not having true freedom?
Throw it at the enemy
>>Hand is FUBAR
Throw it at the enemy
>>toxic black smoke is released as plastic burn
Gas the enemy
>Lungs are FUBAR
Cough at the enemy
>>pressurised container of oil ignites and detonates
Use it next to the enemy
Then the pressurised gas eats thru the plastic
>using a gun
>not using those toenails to eviscerate Shitaveous like a goddamn raptor
You know the reason why a flamethrower incapacitates instantly is because it shoots a thick heavy stream of hot burning fuel at high pressure right?
12 gauge pump action for ease of use, ease of care, and over all reliability
.30-06 bolt action rifle for many of the same reasons but when i need to be at range
some sort of medium caliber hand gun, preferably a revolver (for much the same reasons)
We're gonna have to go full innawoods on these darkies
i build them in my basement
no serial number
>those toes tho...
What the literal hell?
>Risking infection.
At least use some brass knuckles with sharp ends, better than toenails and you don't risk some nig blood entering your fingers or toes.
Booo what a bore, then I will use the ol' fashioned Molotov, the flamethrower of the poorer man.
Use that shotgun to blast those feet into oblivion
vroom vroom
Assault burger
Spare a few rounds for white communists. They are much more dangerous enemies than the hapless negroes.
>risk of nigger aids
Cocainbro has a good point
Central Americans and Blacks.
Le 56 people are alright as long as they're not liberal.
Are you a troll?
OP post a picture of your leg and hands
Highest stun setting
>killing shitskins during the upcoming racewar?
I think you're confused user, you meant to say jews right? RIGHT?!
Dragons Breath.
When you want your niggers crispy fried.
been working on a plasma rail gun laser thing., yeah I will use that. i can burn through a door in less than 10 seconds.
ooh a mining laser.
I like a laser that can be throttled for low-focus, high heat, long range, scatter or explosive.
On the interwebs, nobody knows you are a dog.
I win the thread
My 45 longside with laser sighting and Uzi 9mm
Have a few options, but one of my favorites is the SKS-45.
Pic related
Cia, shill post? FBI shill post?
nice feet faggot
Bamboo spike, maybe?
My WASR 10.
You set the stupidity bar pretty high with this thread.
I have a couple of these, good choice
AI baby
Unleash the demon
We'll fight using AI
Shotguns are popular b/c they are effective. Try placing your shots with that rifle as a gang of niggers bum rushes through your door.