Now that Yenpress has licensed Utsuro no Hako, that means it will eventually get an anime

Now that Yenpress has licensed Utsuro no Hako, that means it will eventually get an anime.

Which studio should be in charge?
Who should direct?
Who should the VAs be?

>Shilling shitty YenPress
>Wanting this to get animated when it'll be shit since it can't be animated well in a visual medium


>it can't be animated well in a visual medium
When will this meme end?

Not even.

If you like have any respect and like the LN at all, you wouldn't want an anime. All an anime will do is attract a shitty group of fans and make it unbearable to even follow threads on Sup Forums. Not to mention the waifu wars even though we all know who the best girls are.

The translation will be garbage and it'll be dropped at 3 volumes.

Also Japan doesn't care about it.

It deserves an anime.

Best girl is Kokone

>Now that Yenpress has licensed Utsuro no Hako
link please


KyoAni and Shaft joint project!

Much like this thread of "literally what?"

this LN was bullshit after the first book

I hate the 'edgy puzzles' genre of anime, too

>that means it will eventually get an anime
No it won't

>an English publisher licensing a story that the Japanese publisher has long since declared as completed means an anime is coming
What kind of small-ass bubble are you living in?

Animesnob told me that this book is proper shit.

>that means it will eventually get an anime
Not everything YP touches gets an anime. At least I hope to god not.

Yen Press is 51% owned by Kadokawa, as of earlier this year.
It's being speculated that a lot of Yen Press's recent grabs indicate at least indirectly a planned anime. Whether it's true or not remains to be seen though. Could just be Kadokawa wanting to see what can sell in American markets.

>yenpress having anything to do with an anime

No, its the other way around numnuts. jewpress picks up LNs that have had anime adaptations to cash in on the hype bucks and then let the translations fall off to about 2 books a year (at best) then wonder why its not popular anymore when no one buys it, meanwhile they DMCA every literal google search for the source material until they feel contented with ruining everyones fucking day.

Enjoy ur new toilet papers.

Takemono from Kyoani


Oishi from Shaft

Oishi yes

Takemono no

This is shit. The only good was volume 1.
It's all about characters that have some sort of mental illness that they willingly to become gay, or even cutting off their own dick just for the sake of the person they love.
You better watch Mirai Nikki.

>it'll be shit since it can't be animated well in a visual medium

Why can;t it?