Don't try to unwrap and peek at your presents!
Don't forget, stream later.
Don't try to unwrap and peek at your presents!
Don't forget, stream later.
Other urls found in this thread:
A new day, a new year.
What are you doing for Cryskamas?
How come the last thread got archived at 150 some replys? Does the mods want to fight us?
Thinking about how pure white and soft her skin is
>meta shit in less than 5 posts
I just think we should stop having borderline hentai as the cover for these threads on a blue board. You like being deleted every few hours?
Cryska, pls, you're only confident there because you got brain issues.
From what I can tell, everyone must have been too busy to reply. It was when Amerilards were at work anyways, so is understandable.
No, it legit bumped off this time, I think.
>you will never ride in an F-22 sleigh
>Don't forget, stream later.
Yeah, like they'll reveal anything of importance before Comiket 91.
>it's another drunkstream
Nah it may be good. It IS the Christmas stream after all.
Is Yuuya a good ol boy? Does he like say, driving pickups through the mud? Or is he more the refined, Colonel Sanders sort of gentleman?
Who /NVA/ here?
Was the Master right all along?
It'll just be them getting drunk on spiked eggnog.
>you will never save this
>tfw you do
A gift for you too.
Merry friggin' Christmas you mad man.
Sidenote I found sleepy gyaru Skywia.
The gift that keeps giving. But who can take the gifts, or obtain things from the gifted?
Why is silver hair so cute?
Never forget to bully her.
>That blush
>that nervous smile
Inia > Cryska
Best girl posting..
>be at Polestar after another day if development
>Yui only came because Stella said to
>Yuuya has everyone dancing with his mad fiddle skills
>seeing how liked Yuuya is besides her only drives Yui into more depression
Fund it. Yui should suffer!
I want Cryska for Cryskamas.
Pump and dump all vat imoutos
Why do you assholes never stop? Can't you see everyone hates you and wants you gone?
Posting best girls.
>Can't you see everyone hates you and wants you gone?
They are just being a tsundere.
Would they have good singing voices?
Cryska is noted for having a singing voice.
Cryska is noted to sing.
Stella probably likes to hum
Beatrix probably does too
>that Cryska
Hot damn. I absolute will never stop liking that look. For some reason, wearing a little coat over a bustier/corset/dress is just an amazing look.
Why are they so perfect and how can other girls even compete?
pro tip: they can't
>Yui tries running various scenarios in her head about how she can make Yuuya into a real Japanese
>sees him fiddling like a madman on top of a table while the whole place is jumping up and down
>Yui's hopes crash farther and farther into the ground with each minute
>Stella shows up in hotpants and a low cut shirt
By not giving other girls to Axmann.
But giving Lise to Axmann was what made here interesting otherwise you would just have another Katia
>Yui tries to teach Yuuya to cook
>he makes crab cakes, frogmore stew, and mac and cheese
>yamato nadeshiko jaw drops
>But giving Lise to Axmann was what made here interesting otherwise you would just have another Katia
>A Katia with no interest in politics and who sacrifices herself for others instead of getting others killed
Already an infinite improvement.
I hope it haunts her.
I hope it's possible to torture her psychologically by reminding her of that
Bah, you can do all sorts of things with the sociable, genki, multilingual, family oriented, tease happy, theater loving actress Lise of yore. Also
you don't know what you are talking about.
>Katia dead before meeting Kurt
>already an improvement
Oh were you saying enabling Axmann is what makes Iris interesting? Never mind then.
you just proved what i said here
>But giving Lise to Axmann was what made here interesting otherwise you would just have another Katia
That sounds like what it says here. Please enlighten me to my mistake if otherwise.
I have no doubt Yuuya's father enjoyed mother's homemade mac and cheese.
Yui ends up taking timid portions of his cooking when no one is looking
>Stella shows up in hotpants and a low cut shirt
I want to take ____ on a date, only to flirt with all the other girls just to piss her off.
Those pouts are too delicious.
>Yuuya feeds Yui shrimp and grits for breakfast
>she nearly explodes from the Tabasco he used