Last thread got Requiem'd
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Happy Holidays
Last thread got Requiem'd
Maybe I can love Narancia here.
Which villain is the most physically attractive?
Why do people complain about King Crimson when Rolling Stone is the most baffling thing about Part 5?
David Bowie Kira
>Jojo has the best OP of the season
>Jojo has the best fight scenes
>Jojo has the best characters
>Jojo had the best animation this season
>Jojo had the best villain
>Jojo had the best story
Why do some of you guys insist that Jojo is the "best" at anything? It's not and it's mediocre in all aspects, at the very best. Looking forward to the fights in Part 5 though, those are actually good
Which villain is the most physically attractive?
real thread
real thread
Thats it I think Im done with jojo for tonight
bites the dust kira
>implying Diego did anything wrong
ost when?
Can someone pls post the pastebin if there is one? I'm new to the series and just finished the part 4 anime.
Where do I read part 5?
What do you consider the best of the year? First I'm hearing about this award shit by the way.
this wouldn't have happened had (you) posted diego, the only person in SBR who for sure did nothing wrong
Post Diego and this shitposter might stop
So, did that user trying to make a kart racer just kind of fade away? I haven't been on /jojo/ in a while.
i think user
best stand
i think user
>i think user
i think user
I don't believe Jojo is the best at everything but it's damn good in a lot of things so I think it should've been nominated for more than just best villain.
I mean they nominated fucking Biba as best villain, I don't see how JJBA is below such standard in other aspects like opening, protagonist and fights.
Look at the IP's. I doubt it's one guy
Are you prepared to say goodbye to the Duwang Gang for good this time, Sup Forums?
I'm not.
the only place to go now
user, you know you can fucking report the damn shitposters instead of giving them (you)s, right?
I don't get it
>The 'All redditors are cancer and only exist to kill Sup Forums meme'
Alrighty mate
Link or you get the fucking Donut MK.II
t. Redditor
holy shit, i fell for the meme, i really thought part 5 was good, more, i thought it was the best but then i read it, holy fuck, total disaster, most brain dead part of all, how can you like it?
>t. Redditor
>posts reddit meme
it's alright, you memeing fuck.
this is our meme, you are the one whos not from here
>just finished Part 6
How do I force myself past the depression and start SBR?
>it was alright
>plot literally for 5y olds
it only shows how old jojos fanbase is
>our meme
fuck off cunt, killing off the majority of the main cast is an absolute kino ending choice
lucy dies and diego wins the race
Wait a while and process what happened. The world is spared from Pucci's bullshit and the Joestars can finally rest.
you coulnd meme harder even if you wanted to, fuck off reditor
>Grateful Dead
>Green Day/Cioccolata in general
>2 KC donuts
>Passione sells drugs to children because fuck
>For kids
Why would you do this to someone?
I'm up to date so I don't care but its really a dick move, plus it makes you look like a massive pleb who considers plot points to be the most important features of a story instead of how it gets to those points
basically you're a basic bitch
>ill just add some disease stands
>that will make it for adults
>Polnareff gets the supernatural powers of the arrow because he accidentally dropped it and pricked his finger picking it up
Nominate a voice actor who should voice Diavolo.
new VA translation chapters up on bato. i actually forgot Ciccolata did that
About the closest I could find for Kira's themes
Not the full songs obviously, but it's better than nothing.
You're the worst kind of person, fuck
The guy who does it in the games
matt mercer
no seriously how was he alive, he was a fucking head attached to a spine, how was he breathing and talking like that
Those are just the previews put into one video.
He just voiced Kira in the anime
>better than nothing
no it's not
Back to the drawing board then.
Remind me, how long did it take for the first OST to be available on iTunes or other digital stores?
Seems like some nips on twitter are also confused about why the new OST isn't on iTunes
dumb puccifrogposter
Why don't those gooks let us get the OST digitally
Same reason why they make the Blu-rays expensive as fuck
I was really rooting for Okuyasu to stay dead.
wtf? So Diavolo can just store KC in some random persons eyeball?
wasnt that some extraterrestrial being being merged into that guy because of SCR? noone knows because the scans are that shit
>using the word "kino"
That was Chariot Requiem. Those scans just make shit up.
>tfw you want to be a better writer than araki but you can't even thin of a reason for the characters to end up interacting
I don't understand this hate for Okuyasu some people have. Sure, he isn't really smart, maybe even somewhat stupid, but he's a great friend and super loyal to the people that he cares for.
And he's fun as well.
he's best brojo tbqh
I was joking, I was just trying to be edgy.
Okuyasu fills his role as the loveable goofy sidekick perfectly.
>Clearly best girl in the series
>So little art
Drawfags fix this pls
Same fucking problem here. I can't even come up with a simple story. In fact, I only have one good character in mind and I have no idea what it should all be about. Fuck me.
Damn right.
Thank god! He definitely does. He's cute.
Wakamoto or riot
I don't want to go a year without jojo. Please help me...
Did everyone already forget about Chase and Noisy town? Man, those were unmemorable.
the manga, you dunce
You should ask yourself what the characters do in their daily life, what they like, what they dislike and what are their personal dreams. Do it like your characters were your friends and you two were just hanging out.
I hate manga though. I read parts 4-7 and felt totally meh about them. I just want the anime to keep going forever
I dont even understand what Im reading anymore
>I hate manga though
what a shame
What did he even do?
Am I retarded or are these really bad scans?
noone does user. There's a reason there's never seen discussion about the final arc (except GER) despite being one of the longest final arcs.
those are bad scans.
He punched the source of light behind him, killing SCR, or something like that, Ignition One really fucked up with these.
beats me
he punched the sun?
Thats pretty smart...
Thank God my time on /jojo/ ends tomorrow for several months. You people are awful and I wish death and misfortune upon you all.