I love dio he's perfect also jojo a shit

i love dio he's perfect also jojo a shit

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You idiot there's already another one.

readl thread

Good thread, but you forgot the pastebin pastebin.com/CJPJP2Hi

>implying diego did anything wrong


Expect this to happen all this month, you'll need a plan :^)

Can someone pls post the pastebin?

this wouldn't have happened had (you) posted diego, the only person in SBR who for sure did nothing wrong

Expect this to happen all this month, you'll need a plan :^)

god i want his gigantic vampire cock in my tight boyhole

>wanting an unholy creature of the night who took after his alcoholic father
lmao, Diego is 10 times the man that Dio is

what was the most "what" moment you've experienced in Jojo

top 3 have to be buccelatti licking giorno's face, diego going dino, and joubin summoning a quadruped with fried chicken

its actually Jonathan's dick, Dio probably had a micropenis considering how he acts.

>preferring a pathetic emo manlet with mommy issues and le sad backstory
>didn't even transcend humanity

he also didn't lose miserably to an autist

Oh snap

i wish DIO could cum inside me.

He lost to a Sup Forums autist and a girl which is even worse

Why is Narancia so amazing.

>shittier The World/Scary Monsters
>dicklet fuckboi who had to take Johnathan just to be fucking relevant
>needed a fucking mask to transcend and a fucking arrow to get a stand instead of stealing some german chicks stand via jesus/awakening your own stand by legit willpower

god i love dio brando

We can all agree Kira>Dio right?

I believe that my little Narancy is the best wife ever.

Dio is the worst overall villain because he excels at nothing
Diavolo is more cruel
Valentine has better motives
Kars TRULY transcended and became immortal
Pucci actually won
Kira has far more interesting personality

>shit-tier The World that can only stop time for 5 seconds
>mortal ningen who needs a horse and weapons
>wannabe pedo rapist
>who lost to a fucking Pendleton girl



Loving that guy is gay.
Loving my cute adorable little Narancy is perfectly straight.

Valentine literally only cares about himself though, everything he said about America was a lie and he only wanted it so he could be on top. His purported motives were well defined though, and the scene with him and Johnny at the end where he tries to bargain with actually made me wish he was telling the truth.

>this is what a weeaboo thinks

nigga he was cracking fucking jokes while handstanding on a horse. Diego is best DIO.

I'm not a weeaboo.
I just love Narancia and jojo.
I only watch or read a few other series.

This is false though he was a true patriot otherwise he wouldn't have passed on his goal to Diego

>can't even go out in the sun
>loved a faggot
>"immortal" who can't even fight with a missing leg, gets brain damage, and dies to FUCKING JOTARO
>wannabe gay rapist
>old ass fucker

still, if it has a penis and you have a penis it's as gay as drowning in BBC. Do not try to defend you, because you can't.

>tfw you realize DIO probably fucked Erina's corpse


forgot pic, dammiy

He is cute so therefore it is complete straight.

>tfw you realize Hot Pants is the SBR equivalent to Pucci
lore's so deep, you'd have to be a holy diver to reach the bottom

I would literally give birth to Ungalo if it meant i got to fuck DIO

nope. no tits and vagina on your lover = gay

make you're own thread

DIo's sons were a mistake.

My love is completely straight.

Jonathan didn't deserve anything that happened to him, he was a pure soul

Kira is grossly overrated. I guess he's a better character but he's a terrible villain, probably the worst (even Diavolo was better).

if you're a girl, that is.

No I am a man and am completely straight.

How mad would you be if Araki brings Dio back for Part 10?

Neck yourself, no matter how serious you are. believe me, you can be united with your gay lover

>Dio will never hold you next to his man bosom

Tiddy monster ova DIO was better

>Neck yourself
I am completely straight fucker just because Narancia has a dick does not mean I'm gay.

You were a mistake incest piss man

neck yourself aka kys
you live out the definition of the word homsexual and still think you're straight. wow, that takes some delusion, but keep your austim somewhere else.

>tfw Naranciafag is the straightest guy in this thread

I'm not a faggot fucker also fuck you Narancia is perfect.
This guy gets it.
Thank you.

>your first kiss wasn't Dio

i bit your bait, but i'm going to sleep now. keep my advice in mind (the ''whole use kurt cobain's microphone and paint the wall behind you'' thing)

Fuck you fucker me and Narancia are perfect.

That means your bi

Does anyone have any good Narancia wallpapers?

>he excels at nothing
He has the best relationship with the respective hero (Jonathan), he has the biggest presence and impact in the series, he's the most ambitious villain and PB Dio has the most presence out of any villain considering the story is just as much about him as it is about Jonathan.
He's got the strongest visual presence of any villain and he's the most personal enemy of the Joestars.
He's the most extensively written about villain (thus undergoing the most character development), half the saga is about him and everything that surrounds him.
And I'd argue that he's the most fun villain to watch, even if that's a personal thing.

I'm not bi.
I'm straight because I like women and Narancia.

>He's got the strongest visual presence of any villain

Pucci tho

Jolyne is cute!


Wow user, you're a huge faggot

Narancia is cute!


I got you

Why have the past few threads suddenly been flooded by hatefags? Are we being raided?

Fuck you.

Foofoo is cute!

Boobs Narancia is cute!

I mean visual presence. It's not the same as story presence.
Nothing comes close to the sheer impact that DIO has in the visuals of DIO's World, and most of this has to do with the way Araki frames his scenes and distributes his moments across panels.
Because of the later final battles being more focused on the individual battle itself or the heroes's struggle, there's not that much of a focus. But DIO's World is all about DIO taking center-stage to fuck things up, and the focus is on him and him alone.

not him but DIO is just a walking banana who shows off his dick. Pucci is the embodiment of the evil of man under the guise of god.

They are both my favorites so I agree and disagree.
DIO's not just a walking banana, he can be other fruits as well

Does this fruit hold alot of juice?

arigato gyro..

He has juicy tits, I'll give you that much

The fuck is with the first one


Magic Boy B.T, one of Araki's mangas before he started JoJo, starring a character who's exactly like Dio.
He's essentially a proto-Dio with some of Joseph mixed in.

I already have that but thanks.

Undertook quite the art shift between the two manga

why did they have fuck up DIO's hair when it was fine when he was Shadow DIO

god i love him

i love him too ;)



i wish i was vanilla ice

i wish i was Jotaro

It's odd how his art downgraded at the start of jojo. His oldest works like BT and Baoh had fairly standard designs for the time then comes Gorgeous Irene and part 1 with their rectangle faces.



Merry Christmas /jojo/

post more dio

It's already been posted in the main thread.

I like Diego.