>Smart and well educated
>Libertarian but not a greedy ancap idiot
>Against both right and left wing retards, nazis and SJWs
Well Sup Forums? Seems pretty based to me
>Smart and well educated
>Libertarian but not a greedy ancap idiot
>Against both right and left wing retards, nazis and SJWs
Well Sup Forums? Seems pretty based to me
Other urls found in this thread:
Banana fucking drop out.
He was popular when edgelord atheism was picking up steam, but like any fad it eventually falls out of favor.
>He was popular when edgelord atheism was picking up steam, but like any fad it eventually falls out of favor.
I think the only thing you said about bananaman that was accurate was that he's an atheist
He has a relatively loyal fanbase, still gets like 100k a vid, so good for him I guess.
He's a total cunt though and a major degenerate. He can be funny on occasion though but his vids have been really shit for a while now.
>Smart and well educated
He dropped out of high school
He was relatively ok for me when he was an edgleodf, but his fans grew up, TJ hasn't
>but his fans grew up, TJ hasn't
He's also become DUDEWEED so that's not going to help much.
Who still watches this guy?
>man with long hair
He bashes Trump every chance he gets, is pro choice, and pro Bernie Sanders. He is absolutely a left winger whether or not he or you acknowledge it.
He still reminds of that guy who was an edgy, pot smoking, high school atheist. Probably worked at Taco Bell and hung around with kids a year younger than him with one or two other losers.
Someone recommend a couple of his best videos.
the one where he puts a banana up his arse
look up tj kirk blueberry pie.
i have never seen this man (?) be funny
I saw his political compass and hes a far left extreme minarchist so no he's not /ourguy/
Nope. He is a e-whore. He will push anything you pay him enough for. He broke quickly after the ad-pocalypse
That is the drunken peasents pod cast brah
Will occasionally watch one of his vids if I find the topic interesting.
Agree with him on some topics and disagree with others.
I wouldn't say he's /ourguy but he did take our side during the gamergate fiasco.
a micro-penis masochist who loves drenching himself in boiling oil.
>Checkmate idiot Christians there is no god
no thanks
What is this peasant tier bullshit?
>shoved a banana up his bum
>Atheist "ourguy"
Atheists are not our guys
>long hair
>hipster beard
i know
they are /myguys/
the future belongs to islam or atheists/materialits
not to christianity
have a [-]
yells to get his point across, puts stuff in and shows off asshole, micropenis. why is he not /ourguy/ again?
didnt he also scam a load of people out of money for a video platform he never created?
hi tj, why are you in australia?
TJ was a libertarian, but has been a socialist for years now he just is not a SJW pussy. You should not consider him in any way a Trump supporter.
Long hair is the epitome of masculity and freedom from wagecuckoldry
Tj has re-branded himself as a "centrist alt-righter" to make money...
Fuck off TJ, we ain't giving you any money!
this, I watched him when i was 17-18 but stopped around 20.
Fuck he's been around awhile.
No.Hell no
Sage anti 2nd amendment retard who uses
Atheism to try to be a 'cool EdgeLord'.
Nothing wrong with atheism just him;he sucks
& Makes Atheists look like the kid who throws a tantrum in the store when mommy won't let him have candy.
I think he's smart, but (1) that doesn't mean his ideas are good, as smart people are just as capable of using their intelligence duplicitously or deluding themselves, (2) that does not mean he's moral or intellectually honest.
>well educated
He doesn't have any degrees, I recall.
>libertarian but not greedy
This guy has written several hack books, made a video hosting platform that never took off, and adopted a very narrow platform to keep viewership and ad revenue. He's greedy as hell.
>against both r-
It's almost as if he's pandering to a very specific audience and will never deviate from that because it makes him money.
Go ahead and keep watching banana boy
>Probably worked at Taco Bell and hung around with kids a year younger than him with one or two other losers.
>tfw I'm a college NEET but have loads of year younger friends
The problem with TJ is that his views are all over the place, and that prevenst him from gaining support any either direction.
For example, he may post a video that's anti-feminist, pissing off one group of people, then in the same week, make a video that's pro-transgender, pissing off the other group of people.
Doesn't matter in college but in high school they usually use their age as a status symbol.
That dude's a fucking self-admitting socialist. The fuck you mean "libertarian"?
"People with difference senses of fashion are degenerate." Wow, very original and nuanced.
He's a bisexual masochist with a micropenis who's in an 'open relationship'.
kill yourself
found the fascist
>Amazing Bananaman
>against Nazis
Fat middling IQ dog brained sexual pervert who denies the existence of race differences. A fedora tipping genetic abomination.
You forgot
What a fucking disgrace
somebody post the pics
Look at his appearance. You trust that?